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But obviously I agree with you that the time needed for running the program is not all decisive.
yeah tell that to google.
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Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:39 pm
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puk wrote:
Most businesses don't need that much efficiency for, say, a simple calendar program, or a user feedback program. Games are a different matter obviously. I think that is why businesses prefer Java for the their average programs.
no your mistaken, businesses prefer java because its easier to integrate across platforms. write once run-everwhere approach. For these IT-type business, integration is a big issue(enter SAP). Given a chance a they would opt for more efficiency because it undeniable sells in the market. Also java/j2ee enterprise tools/servers are free, so that is a big huge fucking plus compared to c/c++. Most of these business are boring commercial stuff like billing systems or account management. So you donot need to be particularly smart to code this shit and that is a big plus when it comes to managed languages like java. Often you will be coding some front end in some script or html and back end on java/j2ee writing code to get data from some boring database server and throw it on to the front end.
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Re: Garry's Mod
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 12:46 am
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_Master_ wrote:
i didnt say c++ is the ultimate programming language
Well, you did say, for example:
_Master_ wrote:
These arguments you present are issues often raised by first timers who are learning the language or come from other baby programing languages or scripts.
So other languages (i.e. other languages than C(++)) are "baby programming languages". The deduction that those are inferior (and hence C(++) is superior) seems fair and logical to me.
Obviously "other" must be interpreted here as "other languages than C(++)", not "other baby languages than C(++)", since the latter would imply that C(++) is a baby language and I presume that is not the message you wanted to convey.
Last edited by berzerker on Mon May 31, 2010 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total
Re: Garry's Mod
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 1:40 am
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_Master_ wrote:
berzerker wrote:
But obviously I agree with you that the time needed for running the program is not all decisive.
yeah tell that to google.
What is this supposed to mean? What does Google have to do with anything?
wow what a nice link !! nice nice! fuckin idiot. the google search engine the brains of it which does data mining and fetches all the data for you is written in c++. The MapReduce implementation is in c++. The usual IT stuff uses other technologies like j2ee, python..etc. But the heart of it is c++. Do you know why? cause
1. ideal for large projects
2. can still get great performance
3. mix and match c/c++
Fuck i dont know under which rock you guys live in, surely not under my huge 0-rocks-0
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Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:23 am
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So "tell that to google" means "look what google uses for its search engine"? Pretty sloppy use of language I'd say. You may not be aware of this, but Google does more than coding a search engine.
Your reply makes no sens anyway because obviously the expected use of the program determines the necessity for speed, as I have asserted before. The mere fact that speed is important for a search engine does not mean it is also important for all other Google software.
Last edited by berzerker on Mon May 31, 2010 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total
Re: Garry's Mod
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:23 am
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berzerker wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
i didnt say c++ is the ultimate programming language
Well, you did say, for example:
_Master_ wrote:
These arguments you present are issues often raised by first timers who are learning the language or come from other baby programing languages or scripts.
So other languages (i.e. other languages than C(++)) are "baby programming languages". The deduction that those are inferior (and hence C(++) is superior) seems fair and logical to me.
yes that is correct c++ is superior to the stuff you know but again i did not say it is the "ultimate". those where the imaginative renderings of your mind.
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Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:25 am
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berzerker wrote:
So "tell that to google" means "look what google uses for its search engine"? Pretty sloppy use of language I'd say. You may not be aware of this, but Google does more than coding a search engine.
Your reply makes no sens anyway because obviously the expected use of the program determines the necessity for speed, as I have asserted before.
my reply makes perfect sense, you have some problem in understanding and that's your problem not mine.
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Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:50 am
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_Master_ wrote:
my reply makes perfect sense, you have some problem in understanding and that's your problem not mine.
Not understanding you is hardly a problem, more a feature acutally!
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:18 am
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berzerker wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
my reply makes perfect sense, you have some problem in understanding and that's your problem not mine.
Not understanding you is hardly a problem, more a feature acutally!
yep ignorance is bliss for the ignorant. sun goes around the earth as they say.
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Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 2:17 pm
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_Master_ wrote:
yep ignorance is bliss for the ignorant. sun goes around the earth as they say.
That's not entirely correct, the feature is 'being able to avoid incoherent ramblings' as to avoid wasting time on those. It did not work flawlessly in this thread, but the detection rate is improving.
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 2:45 pm
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berzerker wrote:
...the feature is 'being able to avoid incoherent ramblings' as to avoid wasting time on those...
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 11:07 pm
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puk wrote:
berzerker wrote:
...the feature is 'being able to avoid incoherent ramblings' as to avoid wasting time on those...
you want incoherent? Try reading my posts as 1337 Granm0mz (back on over at ps3za)or read FYA's old posts.funnily i did enjoy those more than the recent.
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:27 am
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berzerker wrote:
That's not entirely correct, the feature is 'being able to avoid incoherent ramblings' as to avoid wasting time on those. It did not work flawlessly in this thread, but the detection rate is improving.
i see so 'incoherent ramblings' is when you and puk dont understand something and/or exposed of your shallow ignorant knowledge. actually seems more like a turtle hide in the shell technique.
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Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:05 pm
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_Master_ wrote:
i see so 'incoherent ramblings' is when you and puk dont understand something and/or exposed of your shallow ignorant knowledge. actually seems more like a turtle hide in the shell technique.
The recurring 'you do it yourself' reply by the captn, man this is really getting predictable.
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 4:27 pm
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berzerker wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
i see so 'incoherent ramblings' is when you and puk dont understand something and/or exposed of your shallow ignorant knowledge. actually seems more like a turtle hide in the shell technique.
The recurring 'you do it yourself' reply by the captn, man this is really getting predictable.
Read his replies to the Gaza Flotilla incident. He takes the 'you do it yourself' tactic and applies it to international law. According to him, if anyone, anywhere, anytime has committed a war crime, then that absolves all other parties from any or all crimes b/c it would be deemed hypocritical to prosecute said parties.
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 1:21 am
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berzerker wrote:
The recurring 'you do it yourself' reply by the captn, man this is really getting predictable.
i have been very patient with a bunch of pretentious individuals whom seem to be under the impression that they are very aware and intelligently informed about almost every topic they talk of here. Sadly all they do is spread misinformation and show how stupid the people of the world are. And if you expose these individuals of their glue like unshakable ignorance who live comfortably under the facade of their fake intellectual arrogance, you get typical reactions exhibited by emotional non rational beings. clearly from the responses of bezerker and puk, not all individuals can be given rights the say what they want. what they need is bursts of caneing and hard physical exercises to bring some light into the dark cobwebs of their purified brains, to realize their immense ignorance.
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Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 2:10 am
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So now you are denying basic freedoms to people who do not accept your fallacies and/or have a different opinion?
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:58 am
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We give you facts, you give us far fetched theories, and we are the ones who "spread misinformation"
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