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You are Anonymous user. You can register for free by clicking here :: View topic - General Trends in Gaming was a fresh story, told from the view of a scientist in a research facility. so it was not predictable. also one of the few games to have openGL rendering at that time with multi-texturing support, multiple lights. the gameplay was also perfect, not too many zombies and not too less just to keep the action going, along with the suspense where you where headng next. the levels where also varied and the transitions where slow and smooth instead of jumping from one level theme to another. unreal, deus ex, hl....just good memories that slowly fade away now
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Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:45 am
A Winner is me!
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It was a really awesome story. It kept getting more bad ass
you fight aliens, then the army, then black ops.
And for some reason the game felt so real. You start out in that tram, then push that shopping cart into the lazer, you have to activate rockets, use computers to call in satellite strikes, and when u think it's over you finally get to the lambda complex.
And the game still looks pretty decent by today's standards. And it definitely has one of the cleanest menus I've ever seen.
Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 1:46 am
A Winner is me!
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bah....fucking HL1 crazies.
HL2 pisses over's just that u were a kid at the time of HL1's release.
Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 1:04 pm
A Winner is me!
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Pogma9 wrote:
bah....fucking HL1 crazies.
HL2 pisses over HL1....
while HL1 shitfarts all over HL2
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Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 1:50 am
A Winner is me!
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puk wrote:
It was a really awesome story. It kept getting more bad ass
you fight aliens, then the army, then black ops.
I hated those black ops. The other opponents seems to make some sense, I mean aliens from another dimension can be anything so you could expect some odd creatures, marines are marines, but these black ops were humans with inhuman capabilities, I do not recall getting an explanation for that.
Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 5:58 am
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Pogma9 wrote:
it's just that u were a kid at the time of HL1's release.
I'm actually playing it right now. It's still fun. The AI behaves so realistically. You see marines zooming across the screen, rather than all charging at you guns blazing (Modern Warfare 2). The marines and aliens fight each other, I hate it when everyone magically attacks you in some games. Also the sound is so impressive. I think this is the only game ever to get the sound spot on. You can very easily tell whether sounds are coming from the left or right, and echos are very pronounced in the game. Most games these days lack both these very simple elements
Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 5:56 pm
A Winner is me!
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yes the sound was very professional. not overdone like the Grammy's. the reverb/echo trails where pretty good. that was when eax was being pushed into the industry. too bad it flopped.
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Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 2:42 am
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_Master_ wrote:
that was when eax was being pushed into the industry. too bad it flopped.
Is that why the echo effect was so good in HL 1 but so bad in every current gen game?
New thoughts on the game:
I have some problems with the guns. The glock is almost completely useless, unless used against face huggers/crabs. The revolver is the best gun. The assault rifle does almost zero damage to marines and has very bad spray. The shotgun is good up close if you use the alternate double shot, but useless from a few meters or more.
I am really enjoying the length though. I've played for probably 15 hours (on hard) and I haven't even made it to the lambda complex
Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 3:14 am
A Winner is me!
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puk wrote:
The revolver is the best gun.
Yeah, it is sort of a hand cannon, I found it pretty ridiculous how powerful it was compared to the other guns. But you only have a very limited supply of ammo for it, so you cannot use it often.
puk wrote:
I am really enjoying the length though. I've played for probably 15 hours (on hard) and I haven't even made it to the lambda complex
It was pretty long indeed and didn't get boring (I agree, this was not the case with HL2). The alien levels were pretty annoying though, and I didn't like the battles with these invincible big monsters you can kill only with air support or electrocuting them apparently. As to the difficulty level: I remember that on hard the health and power stations gave less health/power only, that's pretty uninspired.
Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 4:23 am
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berzerker wrote:
puk wrote:
The revolver is the best gun.
Yeah, it is sort of a hand cannon, I found it pretty ridiculous how powerful it was compared to the other guns. But you only have a very limited supply of ammo for it, so you cannot use it often.
It was insanely overpowered. I would compare it more to a sniper rifle, b/c you could take people out from a distance.
berzerker wrote:
puk wrote:
I am really enjoying the length though. I've played for probably 15 hours (on hard) and I haven't even made it to the lambda complex
It was pretty long indeed and didn't get boring (I agree, this was not the case with HL2).
They kept varying the gameplay (ie. shooting, puzzle solving, story telling, calling in air strikes, launching missiles, driving).
berzerker wrote:
The alien levels were pretty annoying though, and I didn't like the battles with these invincible big monsters you can kill only with air support or electrocuting them apparently.
I didn't mind the battles with the invincible animals, but a lot of people criticized the end of the game which put you on an alien planet
berzerker wrote:
As to the difficulty level: I remember that on hard the health and power stations gave less health/power only, that's pretty uninspired.
I'm not too sure about this one. I thought that they upped the hit damage on harder settings.
Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 9:05 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 1711
puk wrote:
Is that why the echo effect was so good in HL 1 but so bad in every current gen game?
one of the first games to use the EAX technology, so they did put in considerable effort in it so that other games could use it too. but down the lane creative developed EAX way too fast and held monopoly over it. The result was very few houses actually used EAX, because you needed a creative card and creative was pushing for EAX standard. even today you have these creative x-fi cards with some xram or something which is not used by too many titles because it is not an open standard + devs dont want to waste time programming for a particular card only. Most of the common hi end on board cards only have eax version2 vs creative eax version 5.
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Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:01 pm
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HL 1 was pretty much a epic.
Even if i don´t have much time to play it anymore i really enjoy to watch Freeman´s mind, Barney´s Mind and Shepard´s mind. That´s some really funny stuff.
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