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assassins creed
PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:52 pm Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
Joined: Jun 18, 2009
Posts: 1711

i am catching up with gaming after a 3 months break, kinda felt weird...anyways i am yet to finish it and i think this game is a mixed bag experience. it could be so much more, but it fails in a lot of aspects, let me see where to start.

-Controls: Totally fucked up. it is pretty evident that there was basically no Q&A or Testing whatsoever involved for the PC version. Jumping in the opposite direction, or not jumping at all are common thru out the game. In fact there is no fluid motion, it feels like you are trying to run in water. Have you ever tried to run in water? You should try it can be pretty hard. The controls are extremely frustrating. I only wished i could round up the responsible ppl at ubisoft and lash them with a barbed wire each time one of them missed a jump or a latch or fell off the roof. i mean how the fuck did it pass testing? Typical of ubisoft! pathetic. The combat keys are also mindless, they just dont make any sense.

The worst part is when the camera fov focuses on you, then the movement becomes extremely restricted, to the point where you cant move! The guy who passed this test must be put in a room with two giant steel plates that move slowly squashes via a wheel mechanism. "creek help no no please!! SQUISH-PISH!!" ha ha Only that would ease my frustration ubi-basta

-Audio: Well let me tell you its a copy from the other game whos name i forgot...that sam fisher game. Except for one or two tracks which are good the rest feels like sam fisher game. The sound/voc are extremely repetitive, signs that no much importance was given or the directors have very poor taste and dont believe in allocating resources for audio/sfx

-Gameplay: Extremely extremly boring and soul stripping! The person who designed the gameplay has absolutely no vision. The fucker should be made to play this game first. he should do each and every mission and sub tasks, until he breaks down and cries. Or perhaps it was a computer who designed this game? It could be banned like waterboarding. Gameplay = (dog + cow + mule + rat)shit blended with a topping of fresh cream. The game could have been so much more! The game is totally and completely destroyed by this retarded gameplay.

In each city you do the same fucking shit, just like the same way your shit pops out of your anus every day (perhaps not everyday if your a constipated person). You have ridiculous sub tasks like saving a citizen. wtf ubisoft?? fucking idiots!! The dialogue is something like this "help help pls i have done no wrong" and it goes on again and again, same stuff in all the cities. And how many flags can you collect? Counting hex digits in a file could be more interesting. Instead they could have something like steal jewel/gold..etc. Please some1 assassinate me instead!

Also throwing knifes you often miss if your not at the correct angle. Many times you cant do it in a crowded street because you miss the target. Great assassination skills!

-Gfx: This is where the game shines. The team responsible for gfx should be applauded. For it is they who have put in good effort into the game. The texture art details and the scale of the cities is very realistic. Its amazing. The level design is pretty good, except that some variations in the cities could have made it better. You feel the city with the hustle and bustle around you. You can walk on the streets or on the roofs, so a lot of design went into it. Only if the movements where more fluid like mirrors edge it would have been awesome. Its anything but mirrors edge.

-Menu: The menu in the game is a PITA. i have never in my gaming life seen a more stupid menu in existence. totally non functional and irritating. only ubisoft can do this. i expect more crap in the future! If you ever tried to escape the game you get lost. Alt+F4 was the way out for me. How can you release a game where there is no EXIT option? What sort of testing goes on at ubisoft is all revealed from the menu.

i paid only $5 for this game, but i cannot imagine the injustice done to people who purchased it at full price. Alias I have written too much, i donot think anyone here would read so much, except perhaps for puk ofcourse. i have decided to stop.gif

follow me or get out of the way
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Re: assassins creed
PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:00 am Reply with quote
A Winner is me!
A Winner is me!
Joined: Nov 01, 2006
Posts: 2350

_Master_ wrote:
i donot think anyone here would read so much, except perhaps for puk of course. i have decided to stop.gif

Don't forget me! Nice review. 4/5
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 12:02 am Reply with quote
Joined: Feb 20, 2009
Posts: 113

_Master_ wrote:
The guy who passed this test must be put in a room with two giant steel plates that move slowly squashes via a wheel mechanism. "creek help no no please!! SQUISH-PISH!!" ha ha Only that would ease my frustration ubi-basta

You wanted to do the same thing with me some time ago (berzerker may be able to provide a link, I couldn't find it), it seems you have a morbid fascination with this 'being squeezed by steel plates'. Have you been subjected to such treatment back in Afghanistan and do you have nightmares about it? Or maybe you just played Half-Life a few times too often (or couldn't get past the point where this occurred in the game)?
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Re: assassins creed
PostPosted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 8:51 am Reply with quote
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356

_Master_ wrote:

I only wished i could round up the responsible ppl at ubisoft and lash them with a barbed wire each time one of them missed a jump or a latch or fell off the roof.

i also made wishes like this while playing. it just so irritating when you fail at something because someone did a shitty job.
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