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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:35 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
prejudice or hostility > critisise.
jews is because they have a such history of being discriminated quite vigourously everywhere.

One typically criticizes those who violate certain ethical principles, and as such, it's natural that hostility would be a factor.
I'm also a holocost denier, so I have a huge problem with the notion of Jews{6 million} being mistreated.....there's no question that some Jews died during WW2.

The truth is, you're in favour of shielding Jews/Israel from scrutiny under the preposterous notion that they're always innocent, and everyone else is the bad guy......sounds quite far fetched to me, but of course, this is what the Jewish dominated US media indoctrinate us with on a regular basis.

I think it's illegal for anyone, {including qualified historians} to study and publicly express their findings regarding the holocost in approx 14 countries and I suppose you're also in favour of this gross and unusual form of censorship?

Btw, Israel is a US funded, nuclear armed Middle East despite their numbers, they're hardly a downtrodden and desperate country.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:13 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
One typically criticizes those who violate certain ethical principles, and as such, it's natural that hostility would be a factor.

Critisise unethical individuals for what they do all you want, but if you critisise individuals for what they are, then that's an entirely different matter.

I'm also a holocost denier, so I have a huge problem with the notion of Jews{6 million} being mistreated.....there's no question that some Jews died during WW2.

That some jews died is stating the obvious, everyone died back then. But jews were killed because of what they were, just like gypsies, retards, Armenians, etc.

The truth is, you're in favour of shielding Jews/Israel from scrutiny under the preposterous notion that they're always innocent, and everyone else is the bad guy......

Not at all, Israel is currently the world's No 1 bad guy IMHO, even more so than Iran, North Korea (and formerly the US). They have an apartheid regime and disregard international law all the time, I think they should be boycotted for that like South Africa was back in the apartheid days.

I think it's illegal for anyone, {including qualified historians} to study and publicly express their findings regarding the holocost in approx 14 countries and I suppose you're also in favour of this gross and unusual form of censorship?

No, I think that's absurd, I think holocaust deniers are stupid but they should be entitled to voice their opinion.

Btw, Israel is a US funded, nuclear armed Middle East despite their numbers, they're hardly a downtrodden and desperate country.

I never stated otherwise. But disliking Israel does not equal being anti-Jewish.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:33 pm Reply with quote
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I think holocost promoters are stupid and watch these vids and focus on the discussion of the 'physical evidence".
And don't forget, even Jews have admitted they own and control the US mass media, so they have the means to keep pumping out "The Horror of The Holocost".

And btw, who the fuck are you or anyone to tell me who I can't dislike/hate/reject?....if I want to reject ALL religion I will, and obviously that includes Judaism, however, my main concern are the Zionist's, and these people have used and sacrificed the average Jew.

The Jews have a history of being exited from countries, yet you expect us to believe that it's always the host nation who're the bad guys...yeah right, it's like a woman being married and divorced 10-12 times and ignoring the idea that she might be the problem.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:39 pm Reply with quote
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Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
just like us darkies but i've never heard of a term to describe hostility towards blacks.Only terms that degrade e.g kaffir/nigger e.t.c

The thing is, no-one's stopping us from studying and criticizing the history of slavery for ex, but in some countries it's illegal to publicly deny/discuss the holocost.

One of the problems I have with these censorship laws is that the revisionist's aren't just saying that it was 5.2million instead of 6 million, some are saying that were was no systematic attempt to exterminate the Jews......there's no question the Jews got a raw deal during WW2, but so did other groups.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:37 pm Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
And btw, who the fuck are you or anyone to tell me who I can't dislike/hate/reject?....if I want to reject ALL religion I will, and obviously that includes Judaism, however, my main concern are the Zionist's, and these people have used and sacrificed the average Jew.

Hating religion is fine, but hating individuals because they have a particular religion or another characteristic (like skin colour) makes you a racist. I you want to have the freedom to be a racist, you must allow others to be racists too, and this could turn against you tomorrow.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:48 pm Reply with quote
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This shows how far the Israeli's are willing to go!
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 5:59 pm Reply with quote
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one thing that really pisses me off is oddly the fact that here in SA/my school we are being taught (in the history class) mainly the holocaust/ww2 and cold war,while the apartheid sections are done loosely and in small doses and funnily enough it is a prerequisite(by the education department) that we focus on apartheid.whenever i ask why we have to do so much ww2 am shot down by the answer that its a requirement and large part of the later grades(lies i did my research)in this wake i tend to make assumptions that to their credit that MAYBE they avoid the apartheid in order not to offend the blacks(thanks to already strained relations btwn the mostly white teachers and us mostly black student)but even so it is just a pretty lousy thing to do and would be lousy excuse to justify.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:00 pm Reply with quote
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one thing that really pisses me off is oddly the fact that here in SA/my school we are being taught (in the history class) mainly the holocaust/ww2 and cold war,while the apartheid sections are done loosely and in small doses and funnily enough it is a prerequisite(by the education department) that we focus on apartheid.whenever i ask why we have to do so much ww2 am shot down by the answer that its a requirement and large part of the later grades(lies i did my research)in this wake i tend to make assumptions that to their credit that MAYBE they avoid the apartheid in order not to offend the blacks(thanks to already strained relations btwn the mostly white teachers and us mostly black student)but even so it is just a pretty lousy thing to do and would be lousy excuse to justify.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:02 pm Reply with quote
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double post wtf! monkey shud code this site better for cellphones
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:03 pm Reply with quote
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Most countries avoid the bad things from their past (and their present). This example from SA seems pretty harmless in comparison to, for example, the behaviour of, say, the Chinese and Turks though.

Germany is the main exception I guess.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:04 pm Reply with quote
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Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
double post wtf! monkey shud code this site better for cellphones

expect to be banned for this! icon_cheers.gif
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:24 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

Hating religion is fine, but hating individuals because they have a particular religion or another characteristic (like skin colour) makes you a racist. I you want to have the freedom to be a racist, you must allow others to be racists too, and this could turn against you tomorrow.

I don't think you're aware of what you're saying.......your mindset has control freak written all over it, you think I have to conform to your standards or else face a stream of stigmatizing labels{granted your standards are what the Jewish controlled media largely feed you}.

Are you still in denial regarding the control the Jews have over the US media?

Also, I hate criminals of any shape or colour, but I might feel inclined to reject someone based on any criteria I feel like, for example, I might reject the approaches of a black female, or I might reject a 6foot 6 inch white female for no other reasons that I prefer white woman no taller than 6foot.

Now remember, I'm not trying to force myself onto anyone, ie, if a woman doesn't like any of my physical attributes, she should have the right to reject my advances, but that hardly means she has the right to kick me in the nuts, and obviously I have no right to beat up homo's or women I don't find attractive.

Racism is largely about political control and pitting various groups against each other, of course, if it was common practice that we could all discriminate against whoever we want for whatever reason we want, then I doubt there'd be as much tension, and the power plays would most likely vanish.

I don't want your type trying to control my freedom to chose and discriminate, and in return, you're free to chose whoever you want to associate with and you'll get no trouble from me.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:29 pm Reply with quote
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Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
i ask why we have to do so much ww2

So you can learn all about the Jewish Holocost.
Injustices in your own country are irrelevant to current Jewish power.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 7:01 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Most countries avoid the bad things from their past (and their present). This example from SA seems pretty harmless in comparison to, for example, the behaviour of, say, the Chinese and Turks though.

Germany is the main exception I guess.
yeah but why would(former education minister) pandor and (current higher ed minister-ndzimane and co. make it a prerequisite but a lot of (model c and private) schools esp. mine seem to di sregard that rule.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:07 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
I don't want your type trying to control my freedom to chose and discriminate, and in return, you're free to chose whoever you want to associate with and you'll get no trouble from me.

I'm sorry, I took it for granted that we have more or less the same moral and legal standards. You seem to think you are entitled to disregard the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for example:
Article 7 wrote:
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Apparently you feel that you can pick and choose human rights to your liking: you want to have freedom of expression for yourselves but deny others the right not to be discriminated.

Then what gives you the right to expect from others that they honour your human rights? But if you feel it is perfectly fine to discriminate, applying the same standards to yourself as you do to others is probably a completely alien notion to you anyway.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:45 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

Then what gives you the right to expect from others that they honour your human rights?.

Exactly which human rights are you talking about?
Do you like the idea that historians can be jailed for studying the Holocost in about 14 countries and counting?....have you actually ever read anything regarding the physical evidence relating to the holocost?
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 5:57 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
Do you like the idea that historians can be jailed for studying the Holocost in about 14 countries and counting?

No I don't but what does that have to do with anything? No right is unlimited, all human rights have limitations. If some countries choose to impose this particular limitation on the freedom of speech, if these laws are made democratically there is nothing wrong with that. The mere fact that such laws exist is no reason to throw all other human rights out of the window (as you seem to do).

If you think freedom of speech is the sole and foremost human right which cannot be restricted and/or overrules all other human rights: it isn't and doesn't.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 6:23 am Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:

If you think freedom of speech is the sole and foremost human right.

I'm still trying to figure out which human rights violation/s I've committed based on anything I've written?
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 7:47 am Reply with quote
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gamespot board rules...
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 8:54 am Reply with quote
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Pogma9 wrote:
I'm still trying to figure out which human rights violation/s I've committed based on anything I've written?

I quoted one a few posts above, what more do you need?
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