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I am having some problems with the controls and was wondering what other people thought
My biggest gripe is with the 'block/counter' button. This is made context sensitive so when the guys head flashes blue that means that he is going to attack you, so you have to hit the button quick to counter his strike. But if I are in the process of hitting someone else when his head flashes blue, the counter block will not work. However, if you hit the jump button, you will jump away from the attack 100% of the time. So I have just given up with the counter and stuck with the jump button. Anyone else chose to go this route?
I have thought of imploying a preemtive counter strategy, where if I am encircled by dudes, I assume one of them is gonna strike, and I hit the counter button, but the drawback is if you do this Batman goes into this ridiculous trance stance whereby he's more vulnerable than if I hadn't pressed any buttons to begin with.
Also with the jump button you can maneuver around and keep all the enemies on one side, but if you counter you'll just end up with them encircling you (assuming the counter button does what it's supposed to that is)
Also, during a fight there are combo moments where holding two buttons will do a special combo, but again this works some times, other times, Batman just looks like a retard and stands there in a ready stance, which is usually when someone hits me over the head with a baton.
other problems with the combat are situations where you commit to an act, either intentionally or accidentally, such as going in for a takedown, or being an idiot and firing your grappling hook in the middle of a fight, and you can't block any incoming punches or that annoying explosive box thing that moves towards you
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