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Hegemonia: Legion Of Iron
Posted on Thursday, August 14 @ 11:21:04 EDT by M0nKeY
Space Game ReviewsI'm the leader of the legion of iron and I awnser to a retarded russian prick. Slap my tits and call me willie! - 5/10

OK fine, the graphics are pretty damn cool and I think there was some kinda of entertainment value in there... but the game is just too damn linear. You have to follow EXACTLY what the commander tells you to do and I spent half the time flying around looking for butt pirates I was supposed to kill. If you fuck even one small thing up or do somthing in the wrong order you end up sitting around going "what the hell am i supposed to do?"

The tutorial is almost non existant. You have to jump right in and theres no good guid to help you learn how to controll everything besides reading the help information (F1)

The textures and planets look quite realistic and it seems this game would have been great if they could have just spent more time improving the gameplay. Itsl ike you have a game from 1992 trapped inthe body of a kick ass space sim graphics engine. The planet and production controls are just a pain in the ass.

I uploaded the PDF walkthough if you really insist on beating this piece of crap.

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Hegemonia: Legion Of Iron

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