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Madden 2004
Posted on Wednesday, September 10 @ 21:22:58 EDT by M0nKeY
Sports Game ReviewsJohn Madden teams up with Al Michaels and some ghetto ass rap jams to create.... um.... a football game.

The graphics are fairly well done and the crowds are starting to look a bit better in sports games... but there are still 10 people with the same color poncho sittin directly behind each other making the exact same motion. I had more fun watching how retarded the crowed looked than I did listening to fat-boy state the obvious over and over again. Alt Et Madden "NOW TO SCORE A TOUCHDOWN.... THEY ARE GONNA HAVE TO PUT THE BALL.... IN.... THE ENDZONE" *draws circle around endzone*

Some of the rap songs about football really piss me off, but the chick that does the injury reports sounds kinda hot. The grunting of the hot sweaty mans on the field colliding thier muscular bodies made my thighs quivver, So the sound is ok.

If your into football you will like the game as well as the manager type simulator that allows you to take controll of any NFL team. Another perk is the training camp that lets you hone your game abilities by doing stuff like passing the football through large floating metal hoops suspended in mid air JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE!!!!!

For being a halfway decent footbal sim with good physics. (Except when the ocational limb moves through another player) I give madden 2004

6/10 BOOMS!

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Re: Madden 2004 (Score: 1)
by Shn on Thursday, September 11 @ 16:44:19 EDT
(User Info | Send a Message)
american football sucks anyways.
I can't imagine why anyone would want to play a game based on this faggot "sport".

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