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Tony Hawk Underground 2
Posted on Tuesday, October 12 @ 20:36:03 EDT by Suislide
Sports Game ReviewsMore like Tony Hawks More of the same game that we already resold to you 500 times but you are a dumb cunt so we keep rehashing the same damn game over and over while you keep buying it.

Graphics: Remember the last 2 Tony Hawk games? Well guess what this one looks exactly the same ! The graphics look like crap on a stick, the fucking water isnt even pixel shaded. What game doesn't have pixel shaded water now? It looks just like general ass...... boring lame outdated graphics. Also i noticed when i was skating the fucking camera always liked zoom in my characters ass. This leads me to believe that the develops of this game are clearly gay, as when they get fucked in the ass they turn and kiss the guy. The character creation tool is complete ass now, it doesn't even work that well at all. Atleast you can import a face, so i imported Stephen Hawking but there isnt a fucking wheel chair model.. stupid game. So Goatse has to suffice for now. Atleast the enviornments are more detailed than the last games but it still looks like an average dog feces.

Sound: YES, thank god for more shitty music. It has lots of PUNK ROCK because cool people listen to punk. I WAS PLAYING THE GAME TOO MUCH AND MY MOM WAS LIKE GET OFF AND I SAID NO BITCH IM 11 I CAN DO WHAT I LIKE, SO I THREW MY LINKIN PARK CD AT HERE BECAUSE IM THE FAG. Such stupidly lame ass music, whoever chooses the tracks for this game should have their jaw knocked off and someone pisses in their shoes. Also the voice acting is stupid and BAM sounds like a little whiny pussy the whole game, just like Tony PussyLips. For the rest of the characters the voice acting is lame too, just hire some black people off the street and you too can create your own TONY HAWK SOUNDTRACK! Fucking lame.

Gameplay: Hey this game is totally origianl because I PLAYED THE SAME FUCING THING 5 TIMES BEFORE. God damn this series wont fucking die, it should become one of EA SPORTS games. Ok so now what exactly is different in this one from the other games. Well nothing except its DUMB AS HELL. They made a fucking story mode and Bam (what kind of stupid fucking name is Bam) acts like a twat the whole game. Oh yeah he is really going to kidnap abunch of skaters then once he tells them they are going to skate its all fucking roses now! Why did they even add a stupid ass story to this dog fecal game. Guess what you do in this one! You go around and you do the same stupid fucking skating tricks that you did before in the last 5 games. Then you get some missions and do more stupid fucking tricks to finish objectives. Oh look blow something up with stupid cannons! Or go eat some old ladys ass out! BORING OLD THE SAME DAMN TURD GAME IVE PLAYED BEFORE. You suck Tony Hawk.

Story: Bam is a homo and likes to sex up skaters so he kidnapped abunch of skaters to do some stupid Skate bullshit and you do abunch of queer ass crap for him.

Ive played this many times before 3.1/10

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Tony Hawk Underground 2

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Re: Tony Hawk Underground 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 12 @ 22:40:33 EDT
Can Bam get any gayer? I submit that he cannot. What kind of a name is Bam anyways? I'll tell you, he kidnaps people then goes "BAM" and blows in their asses. What a dildo.

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Re: Tony Hawk Underground 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, October 18 @ 18:01:22 EDT
u guys are total jackasses (no pun intended), this is an awesome game, a few bugs sure but better than you lame ass dildo's give it credit for.

You probably call bam a fag because you all want to be him but dont have the balls to do anything except what mommy and daddy tell you. I tell you what, you make a better game, grow some balls and stop talking out of your ass and maybe someone will take your opinons seriously.

Set of fags

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