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Usa Bass Championship
Posted on Monday, September 01 @ 16:59:39 EDT by Suislide
Sports Game ReviewsOmg this was fucking terrible. This game must have had a budget of 20 dollars.

Graphics: Wow this looks like when my grandma died and shit her self. This game looks like fucking evlis presly dia fucking rrhea. Its so bad. Rocks are clipping through the ground. The water was perfectly clear and you cant change the resolution at all so it was stuck at fucking like 640x480. I wish i never played this.

Sound: There is music for a fucking redneck at the menu. Also the boat engine has one sound. Nuff said

Gameplay: You drive a boat, then stop and fish. Except you cant catch anything because there is no fish. Trying to model a fish was out of the budget. So instead i drove up a fucking ramp and got a lure. Wtf is a fucking ramp doing in the middle of a pond where im trying to fish. Also there was this bridge being built, so i thought i crash into it. NO I FUCKING DRIVE THROUGH IT. ITS LIKE IT WASNT EVEN A FUCING REAL OBJECT.

This game sucked dick, its like it was low-budget or something. 0/10

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Re: Usa Bass Championship (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, July 03 @ 09:53:49 EDT
Actually the game could have been made for as little as $50.00, it was made with 3d game studio and the cheapest version of 3d game studio only cost $50.00. So I would say it was very low-budget!

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