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And1 streetball
Posted on Tuesday, July 18 @ 17:59:20 EDT by Suislide
Sports Game ReviewsAnonymous writes "I hope stupid street players who play this game end up with a strong pain in their asshole...

Man I first saw this shit game displayed at my fav store and I was like "Lol wtf some other (un)kewl crap street game promoting the hoopa-hoopa (un)kewl gangsta attitud, man street basketball is so (un)funny!!" I luved the Nba street v3 for being such a masterpiece of shit that I had to buy this.

Graphics: First of all, the gfx look like they were taken out from a poor monkey's ass dying from aids who had been struggling all his life to draw sumething on MSpaint and finally did it: AND1 Streetball. The animations are soooo awful, like Peter Crouch the dickhead (who was thrown out of world cup poorly) having a robot dance (he never reproduced hahaha) with 1 frame/second. You're like trumbling and moving like a 20's B&W movie, and the players' faces are like so dumbs omg!! California Games on Amstrad looked more credible, even my mom blowing Reagan's penis can be more expresive.

Gameplay: You basicaly face an AI that acts and runs around like an old smashed tomatoe. Not defending, willing to lose the most shameful way possible, you will only have to run painfuly across the playground and wait for AI to pass the ball back while trying to make shit construction. 1on1 is like 5on5, forget the teamplay you do not need pass. And lol @ the tricks bar that grow to allow you to make some FUCKING AWESOME JEWISH LIKE TRICKS out of nothing, this is shit, useless. You have between 4 and 5 possible tricks, and wait, OH LISTEN LOL, MY 4 OLD BRO CAN DO BETTER ALREADY!

Sounds: You're a true pixel-gangsta who likes moving like a robot on a playground and enjoying true killer music? No? Toggle Sound off thx. This is pure crap, like the music you listen while raping your young sister on her bed to convince you you're a bad boyya.

Conclusion: Shit basketball game, no pleasure there. Only shit things to do, un realistic moves and boring AI. Oh listen you can play online to do the same shit against some dumb keyboard-faced morons like you and enjoy this piece of jamshit no one shall ever play."
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Most read story in Sports Game Reviews:
Tony Hawk Underground 2

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Re: And1 streetball (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Monday, July 24 @ 15:51:12 EDT
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i stook a firecracker up my cats ass and it wrote a better review then yours. did i mention my cat has no paws? ya, she lost them in vietnam.

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