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Titan Quest
Posted on Saturday, July 08 @ 15:52:01 EDT by Suislide
RPG ReviewsAnother action rpg that is supposed to be similar to the likes of diablo 2. Well fist my anus this game is pretty damn good. Dont agree? Thats because you love the taste of semen in your mouth. This game kicks ass.

Graphics: The graphics are just fucking great. The use of high res-texutres on everything and bump mapping on the armor and rock walls make the game look extremely good. The enviornments all look damn good and and doesnt feel llike an empty piece of shit. There is camps for poor people to suffer and die at, cities, caves, ruins, and other shit all layed out so that the enviornment is compeltley filled with stuff. There is tons of brush everywhere that actually moves when you walk through it. There is also tons of different types of enemies to satyrs and other mythological greek shit. There is also medusa who tried to turn me into stone but little did she know my cock is made of steel and i stabbed it through her fat fucking head. I cummed twice. She was good but i was better. All the armor also have a different look on your stupid looking generic character guy and there isnt enough different models for the main character. Theres just male and female. Also the enviornment gets slightly repetitive but it still looks damn good. Not as good as me though, im too fucking sexy. So overall the graphics are extremely well done.

Sound: Ok some faggot needs to be punched in the face for the voice acting. Its a fucking joke. They used the same guy, who sounds like he belongs dubbing DBZ episodes, for many different characters. Then some of the vendors i want to beat their ass because they sound like trying to make a compelete sentence while getting fucked in the ass with a chainsaw. They need to just get rid of all the voice acting in this game as its complete shit. The weapon sounds, enemy sounds are all ok sounding. The music fits the game and mostly comes in at certain times of heavy action but it cuts out sometimes because some programmer fucked up. So the sound isnt bad except for the compelete shit voice acting which makes me want to kill myself.

Gameplay: This is where the game kicks the most ass. You can choose from 8 different classes and at level 8 multi-class. Theres abunch of different shit but choosing the warrior is a mans choice because only pussies fight with magic. Thats why all the bosses got their ass beat. Magic is for pussies. The fighting gameplay is similar to diablo 2 and when you level up you get 2 stat points and 3 skill points. Theres a mastery skill level thing that you must up in order to access new skills and stuff. The skill system seems more like it was taken from Dungeon Siege 2 and the fighting was taken from diablo 2. And its fun as hell as i walk around causing genocide to many different races of shitheads trying to kill me. Theres abunch of different skills for each class and you basically just walk around and beat ass. Theres nothing more to it. Its pretty damn good the only thing is you cant spam the skills like in diablo 2 and that was the best part. And you cant slaughter walking beef. Its pretty damn fun cutting through tons of guys but for some it can get repetitive. Well then you guys are fucking homos because its fun as hell.

Story: Some dumb shit where there is some gods and they escaped and Zeus is too much of a whiny bitch to go and help you. Fuck you zeus. Then some shit happens and you are the badass who comes to save the day because everyone else is too much of a pussy. Not to mention i have a huge dick so i can see why they would need my help. The story is nothing special and completley predictable.

The game is pretty damn fun but is full of bugs. More bugs than a dead hookers rotting twat 8.5/10

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Re: Titan Quest (Score: 1)
by Mean_MOFO on Wednesday, July 12 @ 06:12:56 EDT
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VTM: Redemption completely rapes this game and it's fucking 6 years older.

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Re: Titan Quest (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Wednesday, July 12 @ 14:14:01 EDT
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no, it doesent. VTM: TransexualOperation is suck.

im going to have to agree with suckmeslide on this one... TQ is the shit. the game world is HUGE, and some of the levels get so epic looking it just causes me to spontainously shit myself. have you been to the great wal of china yet?

the game still gets an 8.5/10 but theres alot of fucked up shit slitclitslide left out. like how the netcode and other shit in the game is complete garbage. I like the rarity level on the items, they have common rare which is found all over the place, like the blue shit in diablo2, they have regular rare which is a bit hard to find (like the gold shit in diablo2) they have this super rare which you have to make your mom go to ironlore and fuck all the game designers and if shes lucky you might get it... and finally theres this new ultra mega godly rare that has like a 0.00000000034% chance of showing up in magestic chests and godly bosses.

ok, what sucks is that your character data and shit like that is stored client side which means the items you find and shit have NO VALUE AT ALL. and also, theres probally ass loads of crazy diffrent kinds of hax for it. also, i think when you play multiplayer, and you host a game, i think you act as the fucking server which is gay. each player requires an ass load of your bandwidth making 4 player games laggy on the beefyest of connections (non t1/t3), which is why the player limit is 6 and not 8 like in diablo. they should fucking have a seperate server software you can run on another machine so people can get some dedicated non laggy 6 player servers up and shit... oh and also, they should hardcore encrypt the character data thats stored on your machine to give the items some fucking value. fourtunatly, i didnt take long for ironlore to make a patch for some gay shit the game would do and since the fanbase in high enough, you can expect future patches on their way.

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Re: Titan Quest (Score: 1)
by purplg on Wednesday, July 12 @ 20:31:07 EDT
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is this all you do all day? sit around making up shit to make all games sound bad. i bet all the games you have made an article of, you barely even played, you just looked at the graphics and assumed its a bad game. let me see you do a better job

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