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Far Cry Instincts Predator
Posted on Wednesday, May 03 @ 15:01:27 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsApe_Shall_Never_Kill writes "This game fucking rocked on the Xcox and now it gets updated graphics and an expansion campaign.

Ok so basically if you missed out on Far Cry Instincts on Xbox last year you get to play it with updated graphics for the 360. It also includes Far Cry Instincts Evolution, which is a sequel to Instincts (which is also available on the Xbox but with inferior gfx obviously).

Graphics: Ok holy shit. This game looked absolutley fucking stunning on the Xbox last year considering its age and shittiness. Now it looks even better in higher resolution with updated textures and draw distances. But holy fuck the water. liek zOMG it looks so fucking incredible I could fucking masturbate to it for days on end. The waves look just so real. Other cool effects are when you activate your feral powers. When you activate your animal speed, you run at like fucking 50 mph and your view gets all blurry and shit. It looks cool. So basically the graphics are teh sex.

Sound: Ok so the voice acting is pretty much ok. It's way better than the original Far Cry for PC which had fucking pasty white inbreds talking in fucking nigger ebonics when they say "mofo". Ok here they don't. The gunshots and explosions are all sexily well done. The environment and ambience sound great as do the vehicles. The music is pretty well done.

Gameplay: Ok so it's a mix of decent shooting and occasional vehicle parts. Oh and you can dual wield now like "OMG IN UR FACE HALO 2!" The enemies are fucking DUMB. You thought Far Cry for PC had shit AI, you ain't seen nothing yet. And control oh forget about it. They seriously dicked the controls for some reason. They refucked the aiming by making it as sensitive as an 18 year old virgin's clit. Anyways, using your feral powers is kick ass. You can claw and swipe a guy in his ugly fucking face and send him flying way the fuck away off of cliffs and shit. Feral speed is even cooler cuz you can just activate it and all of a sudden be going as fast as a Honda Civic at its top speed, which is like 50 mph.

Story: Same story if u played the PC game. But this time they add in a part were they inject Jack with some sort of experimental serum that gives him animal abilities (OMG). Also for some reason Doyle is now a white man, wtf? Wasn't he a nigger in the PC version? Fuck them crackers. Evolution's story line is basically the same thing where Jack is hired to act as muscle for some cunt who gets involved in gun-running for some warlord pieces of shit and bad stuff happens and blah blah blah.

Conclusion: Overall, good package. Its 60 fucking dollars tho. Fuck that unless you've played it or have it for Xbox. Also if you just want to play Evolution you can just get if for Xbox for like 30 bucks.

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Re: Far Cry Instincts Predator (Score: 1)
by ColonOscopy on Monday, May 22 @ 03:35:04 EDT
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Console gaming is for those with exceedingly small penises, or their offspring, assuming they've been lucky enough to mate.

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Re: Far Cry Instincts Predator (Score: 1)
by SirNuX on Wednesday, August 23 @ 17:05:07 EDT
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Suislide again you suck a fucking arse, You are so fucking dumb that even a mindless zombie would laugh at you and would call you dumber than himself...

UbiSoft is so fucked up retarted that they cant even think up a fucking new story, I dont care the graphics get better or that some dog is waffing at the game and that you actually can hear it.
UbiSoft really has to come with something new or else I'm gonna nuke those fucked up retarted arses with they're FarCry.
They are the ones who sould Cry Far out cuz they can't think up something decent.

Whats this, The 4th version already? 5th?
I liked the first one, When I saw the 2nd one has no fucking change I burned them both.
I would'nt even re-play the game for gold!
The freggin' story sux arse and they cant even improve it.


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