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Soul Calibur 3
Posted on Thursday, January 19 @ 16:30:47 EST by Suislide
[PS2] Action Game Reviewsfuckinghateyou writes "One of the Best Games with some horrible Voice Overs. I hated SC2, the fighting was just slow to me, and I didn't really like having to be a prick. Alas, that has changed.

Cutting to the Chase

Graphics: The Graphics are really Good. Simple, though there are a few things I found messed up with helmets and some clothes, such as one of the helmets looked like it was purely made of blending. Other then that, blades Shine when light hits them, Shadows actually are accurate, and the characters, (most) look pretty well.

Voice Overs: Okay, this is where it truely bombed. When making your character and chosing your voice, they'll say some retarded crap like,"I shall take you on," or ,"I do not wish to fight you," or if you've made your dude dark,"I'll Disect you slowly," yes not all of the taunts suck, just that the way they are said sucks, like the Man (normal) voice sounds sorta like a retarded English man... When you get into the game with your character they'll say something random at the beggining like,"I don't wish to fight you, but you leave me no choice," or ,"I will gladely kill you," All fine and dandy, yet it sounds retarded, the Normal Characters voice's, such as Mitsurugi are okay. Just that some of the taunts are to spaced out, like, "You chose the wrong person................................................(10 minutes later) fight."

Music: Okay, to tell the truth, I barely listened to the music because it got in the way of the sounds, so when you get into the game turn it down some to hear the actual beauty of something that is worthwhile... Like Weapons.

Weapons: The weapons have nice sounds to them, when you swing them they swoosh, when you hit them against the oponent they slice or smash, when you hit the ground they bam, when you stab someone it sounds like an actual blade. So all is well here...


Characters: You have Alot of choices to chose from, yet, you may want to just start playing the game under one of the two modes and unlock shop items before creating a character to use against your friends, as they have shit for cloths and hair from the start. Even so, when you get all of the items it gets better. When you start off you may start trying to change cloths to match, as I did (sadly).... and find out that if you click to the right you can change the color x.x, then you'll find all of the faces, which only a few are actually good. Voices, eye color, skin color, fucking underware color?! Wth is up with that, i'm not going to go into battle in my underware... Then again I know some of your freaks out there probably would...

Weapons: No you can't customize weapons, still, each class has a different Set of weapons, and after playing you'll find that there's more weapon types to add to your class. Such as if your Barbarian, you'll find that after playing a while you'll get a second weapon type to chose from. And the classes will even have The styles of your favorite characters. So when you unlock sword master don't just jump to it, try and get every Weapon type before hand.

Classes: You'll start off with shit for classes, Barbarian, Theif, Monk, Saint, Ninja, and Dancer. No Samurai... Shame, anyways, getting back on point, theres other classes waiting to be unlocked, Gladiator, Pirate, Samurai, Sword Master, Assassin, Knight, and so forth.

Game Play

I hated SC2, the fighting was just slow to me, and I didn't really like having to be a prick they make. Alas, that has changed, in Chronics of the Sword you can make and use your own custom character threw a long story, though, you'll have to read(or rapidly press X until the text stops flowing) before you can play. In that mode you can make other Created characters to fight with. Then theres story mode. Yes, the story mode is crappy, you can't use created characters... This makes the created character option rather pointless unless your going to just practice over and over again or kick the shit out of your friends. What sucks more is that you can't use your character from The Chronics of the Sword mode out of that mode... Ah well, get the fuck over it, the game is still okay.

Controls: The controls are at times ignorant. You can press in 20 directions, but if you were in the crouch position and still pressing triangle, he's going to keep attacking with the same attack until you let off the D pad. Still, we can work around it as once you get in the game and learn how to play you wont do it as often. The countering will probably make you mad over time as you have to time it perfectly.... Moving on!

Story: Wow, yes there is a story to this, though i'm not going to go threw every characters story, i'll just do Chronics of the Sword story instead... You start off as a 'Baby Bird' *gay* and have to do three *gay* tests inorder to become a captain of your team. It plays like a board game and you level up, but you can chose to battle or just let them fight it out while you come up with stratagies. Your General in time will become a traitor and so do you once you find out your leader is under the control of the soul edge *spoiler!* ops... I guess I ruined the Surprise...

Soul Calibur 3 7/10

An Okay Game, with some errors... "
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Re: Soul Calibur 3 (Score: 1)
by Suislide (FUCK YOU@penis in my on Monday, January 23 @ 15:00:12 EST
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why did i approve this?

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Re: Soul Calibur 3 (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Tuesday, January 24 @ 12:49:16 EST
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what the fuck? did sombody post the game manual as a review? what the fuck was that review like a homework assignment or somthing? are you a father of 3 children? a video game TV show host? wtf??!?!?!?

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Re: Soul Calibur 3 (Score: 1)
by Ball_Sack on Friday, February 17 @ 22:10:35 EST
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i blew my sackload over this review.

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Re: Soul Calibur 3 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, December 07 @ 03:25:57 EST
lol you must've totally sucked at this game

I can see it now

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Re: Soul Calibur 3 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, December 08 @ 10:48:16 EST
fucking poor kid who wrote this pile thinking it was actually funny LOL

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