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True Poker
Posted on Monday, August 18 @ 18:07:10 EDT by M0nKeY
Card/Board GamesNormally I wouldnt spam a stupid online gambling site... But this game can be played for free and its the best online holdem program around.

Its a pretty good way to hone your poker skills. There are a wide array of avatars (characters) to choose from including aliens and robots. The only shitty thing about it is you can't read peoples faces so its harder to tell when somone is bluffing, but this program will help you get your basic poker skills down.

I have never used the engine for real money but I know that they offer free tourny. entrys all the time if you want to try your hand at winning some real money.

Get it here.

EDIT: Ill give it a 8/10 (becasue suislide bitches when I don't give a number rating)

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Re: True Poker (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Monday, August 18 @ 18:18:13 EDT
(User Info | Send a Message)
You call this a review where is the rating :P :D:D:D:D

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