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Script kiddie defaces VGS
Posted on Friday, September 16 @ 13:37:41 EDT by M0nKeY
Site News/General BullshitAn ultimate cool *cough* script kiddie defaced the website today. If he has the balls to come back here and read this with his ultimate cool Finnish proxy I'd like to explain why he is not and will not ever be a hacker.

Hackers do not silence speech they disagree with. This guy maliciously attempted to remove content from this site. I stopped him halfway through so I have no clue how far he would have gone. Yes, there are security flaws I overlooked on this site because quite frankly its very hard to keep open source software secure. Especially because I have made extensive modifications to some of the code. That might be considered hacking. Creating something is hacking. Plugging in code someone else wrote to destroy a sites content is nothing more than being an asshole. Any moron can do it.

To anyone who has a problem with the content of this site and feels that they would best be served by attempting to illegally remove it needs to realize the content is backed up in multiple locations. I strongly disagree with your methodology and don't understand what you feel you have to gain. The only recognition you will achieve is allowing the readers of this site to realize how much some people hate things they disagree with and how venerable many websites really are. If the site has to come back as txt files the content will always be here.

Unlike some sites I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen. I know that posting this statement is giving the script kiddie some of the attention he wants, but that's the difference between him and I. I believe he has the right to say what he wants and not have his words disappear. He doesn't give a crap if what you guys wrote disappears, simply because he disagrees with it.

I feel sorry for people like that.

To whoever wrote the kal online review please resubmit it, if you did not save the text of the article somewhere please message me and I can get a copy of the article to you for re-submission.

Please note all user information is secure and uncompromised. I was following the actions of this guy while he was doing it in the httpd logs. The site was rolled back and only the username from one review and 2 comments were lost

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The Lightspeed Girls

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Re: Script kiddie defaces VGS (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Friday, September 16 @ 14:58:14 EDT
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wooo we were hacked!

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Re: Script kiddie defaces VGS (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Friday, September 16 @ 17:17:24 EDT
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but... but... that review was sooo funny. who cares if its freeware and that totally slaps free gaming in the face. THAT SHIT WAS TEH FUNNAY. i doubt the website got hacked, this is all a ploy to remove that last HILARIOUS post.

fuck you all, you all fucking suck on pussy. some being such cute little ladies and post that review on that stupid shitty MMO.

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Re: Script kiddie defaces VGS (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Friday, September 16 @ 17:24:11 EDT
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ok im retarded, we all know this...

but hey, heres another idea, why dont youguys post up that stupid post they made and let us comment to it!! im curious to see what the shit heads wrote, you should giv the people who visit VGS a chance to respond to the korean love babies who just boosted this sites popularity by doing that kunt stunt!

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Re: Script kiddie defaces VGS (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Friday, September 16 @ 18:37:44 EDT
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lol, i thought there would be more...

anyways, he says "game devolopers spend their prized time" i can think of a million and one things to respond to what he thinks "prized time" for game devolopers is....

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Re: Script kiddie defaces VGS (Score: 1)
by AdolfHitler on Monday, December 05 @ 16:05:37 EST
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lol 0wn3d

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