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Age of Mythology
Posted on Monday, August 18 @ 11:56:58 EDT by Suislide
RTS ReviewsA game from m$. Hmm Age of Empires 2 wasnt bad so this better be fucking good.

Graphics: Looks hell of alot better than Age of Empires 2. Everything is actually 3d now but if it wasnt that would be fucking gay.

Sound: Sounds good, you can hear the metal clash and shit when they fight. The people talk in some fucking hindu habeeb language. Yeh so k.

Gameplay: Its fun you build shit then you go and kill shit that you dont like. Such as this one bitch hoe tried to mess me with me my fucking chariots shot fire arrows at his ass, ripped of his fucking nipples and stapled them to his eyes. Bitch will never mess with me again. Although there isnt as much to build and research as there was in AoE2.

Story: I dunno what the fucking story is you are some guy and you do stuff.

Replay Value: There is some as you can play over the internet or over the lan. Although it does get repetitive which is quite gay.

The game is fun, looks nice, and i can stab stuff but isnt as fun as aoe2 ill give it a 7.5/10

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