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Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review)
Posted on Tuesday, January 25 @ 15:33:05 EST by Suislide
Action Game Reviewsdelta_john The Cum L writes "NOW! I definetly have something to say about the review made by Fuhrer....Which turned into an article of my own....which I must say isn't that bad for my first on this site.

NOW! I definetly hav something to say about the review made by Fuhrer....It is the most pathetic piece of garbage covered in Michael Jackson's cum that I have ever had the regret of reading. I mean, comon, listen to this fag...

"This game is a fucking piece of shit. Those bungie shitheads are fuckin retarded fagg0ts and look like mentally retarded jews. i havent even played halo2"

This guy made an article about all the specs of the game, and hasn't even played it?

What an idiot, This guy must really love Half Life 2, after all, it is a game chalk full of glitches, at times, I wont say it's graphics are crap, cuz there pretty good, but it does have a stupid multiplayer.
Im havn fun comparing Halo 2 to HL2, mabet ill go on...There are people that debate which games' graphics is better, Ultamitly, regardless of video card, It IS Halo 2's graphics that are better. as proof, it is a fact that HL2 has glitches and flaus in its graphics, not to diss it, but "IF" you have played the game then you would no that sometimes there are slight pauses and twinks that are results of design errors.
Now if you "HAVE" played the game, unlike most of the racist n00bs on this site, take a look at halo 2s graphics. What I am about to say isn't my opinion, its a fact, if you "HAVE" played the game then you would know, Halo 2s graphics are virtually flauless. Thats right you n00bs! Learn whats good and not for wonce. Im sick of these guys that play one game, worship it, and say anyother game is gay, or stuff like that. I happen to OWN a copy of Half Life 2 and Halo 2, and am a dedicated gamer. This post is starting to turn into an article, mabey ill post it as one latter, but for now...

Suislide: What are you a fucking idiot? Halo 2 has shit graphics compared to Half-Life 2 and it you can see the fucking models and textures appear on the screen and arent all there at once because the Xbox is a pure shit little weak machine. OH i guess you have to be a fucking dedicated gamer to have an opinion about a game you douche bag. Half-Life 2 doesnt have any glitches you fucking moron as they fixed almost all the bugs about 4 weeks ago you dumbass. Not to mention there was only problems for a small amount of people...Halo 2 has shit graphics when compared with half-life2 with its lame low-res textures and the bump mapping in Halo 2 looks like i wiped my ass on the keyboard.

As for sound, ehh, both games have their good and bads. HL2s radio's sound isn't that great. Halo 2s veacles could have had more detailed sound.

The story line for Halo2 is pretty good. The only thing bad that I can say about it is that it could have had something better than switching between master chief and the covenant elite.
Now I really have to say shit about HL2. This game's developers spent soo much time developing it, and making it better, right? As soon as I played it, I was amazed by the opening cinema. But then...No Crobar? wtf? no weapon to start with at all? This pissed me off, but I told myself that it could be a level where you dont fight at all, untill a guy hit me. MAN WAS I EVER PISSED WHEN I COULDNT FIGHT BACK! Aside from that, what was Valve thinking when they made half of the game a dam remake? I mean, I DID beat the game, but I thought there could be much more chapters than what there was. Im not complaining about the ending, it was fairly ok.

Suislide:Why are you so fucking stupid? OMG YOU DONT START OUT WITH A WEAPON! OH NOES THEY ARE TRYING TO MAKE IT CINEMATIC! What are you a 13 year old kid with ADD and doesn't have the attention span to let characters talk to build a story. No crowbar? What a fucking retard THATS THE FIRST FUCKING WEAPON YOU GET. Half the game a remake? GOD YOU ARE SO FUCKING STUPID. I should send Furher to your house so he beat your ass so you can realise how fucking retarded you are. Your parents should have aborted you. A remake of the first game? HOW? Its completley fucking different you asswipe... you are never in the same black mesa, the same shit never happens as in the first one, and its fucking YEARS upon YEARS later. Doom 3 is a remake not Half-Life 2 you fucking moron. The story in Halo2 is ass. OH LOOK THE COVENANT FOUND EARTH AND WANT TO DESTORY IT! Wow a fucking 5th graded in the special ed class could think of that while he is shitting his pants and smashing crayons in his face

The gameplay wasnt that bad in HL2, however I think Valve could have added more mutants. I may have beat the game on hard, but it could have been harder. Want to know another thing that pisses me off about half the people(n00bs) on this site? Its that they probably played the game on "easy" dificulty and then said "YEAY!" to their friends and told them they beat it on "hard". The multiplayer for this game doesnt have enough options, which isnt very good.
Halo 2 was pretty good when it comes to new things. It included battle damage, dual wielding, and no jump damage. As soon as I played it, I was amazed. I have absolutly nothing bad to say about Halo 2 in Campaign, But, Its multiplayer, omg!

Suislide: Wow, the more i read on, the more your stupidity surpasses itself. NEW THINGS LIKE DUAL WEILDING? Thats not fucking new at all... Infact fucking dual weild is one of the oldest fucking things ever. Goldeneye had it, mods for Quake 2 had it.. hell a game Bungie themselves made a game with dual weild back in 1994. THERES NOTHING INNOVATIVE OR NEW ABOUT IT. Omg NO falling damage? WOW GREAT INNOVATIONS.. that deserve a fucking standing ovation for that design choice. Why dont you mention the gravity gun from Half-Life 2 you fucking cum sucker? OH BECAUSE ITS THE MOST INNOVATIVE WEAPON THAT HAS COME OUT IN A LONG TIME! Hell that might make halo2 look bad! Oh why dont you mention how much the physics suck ass in Halo 2? And how much superior they are in Half-Life 2?

All in all, both games multiplayer have serious problems, which bring both of their ratings down.

What that guy said about the cinema (videos) in Halo 2 is disgraceful to GOD himself!

Actually Good and Well Thought Out rattings....
Halo 2......................9/10
Half Life 2..............8.5/10

I would have rated HL2 the same as Halo 2 if it wasn't so much of a remake of the first Half Life.
Both games could have scored perfect 10/10 if not for what I have pointed out. Having Beat Half Life 2 on "Hard" dificulty and Halo 2 on "Heroic" dificulty I strongly believe what I have pointed out in the above is bery factual. And put worse than "Fuhrer" has in his article, which can be found at ...because he might actually have some intelligence

Suislide: This article is complete proof that some people have the intelligence of rotting dog shit. Anyone who says Half-Life 2 is a remake of the first game is a complete fucking idiot...considering its nearly 100% different. This is a perfect example of what crap i dont want you to submit. THE REVIEWS FO R THESE GAMES ARE ALREADY UP! Don't send in another fucking review of the same game espically if you are retarded."
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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Tuesday, January 25 @ 16:34:46 EST
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Its funny that he got you so mad.
Anyone ever hear of

"bery factual"

Is that a breakfast cereal or what?

"All in all, both games multiplayer have serious problems, which bring both of their ratings down."

What HL2 multi-player are you referring too? the real HL2 MP wich was essentially a surprise (CS:S was supposed to be the only MP) or Counter Strike source.

You also fail to mention for the price of Halo 2 alone you can purchase a version of HL2 online that will get you all of valves older MP games including Day Of Defeat Source (an upcoming world war 2 mod for the source engine) when its done.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 1)
by delta_john on Wednesday, January 26 @ 01:38:20 EST
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HL2 is VERY similar to the first one, U FUCKN IDIOT!!!
I dought you even played the first Half Life...And N0000, I dont like waiting 10 god-dam minuets to get a crobar!
Halo 2s physics engine is BETTER then HL2s....Its a FACT you Duma$$.....
And anyone thAt played both games would see how much better Halo 2s graphics are than HL2s.....
Mabey ill go and play HL2, and wait 5 FucKn minuets for a level to load every 10 minuets!
Halo 2 preloads the game to a hard drive, theres absolutly no waiting!

DAM! Is almost evryone on this site a FUCKN HL2 WORSHIPER? HL2 Is probably the only game these guys own. They diss Halo 2 and the XBOX because they obviously dont own one, all they have is a shitty old P4 computer thats full of their own bullshit.

Ive NEVER seen a worse Half Life 2 Fanatic site!

You just prooved how stupid YOU are.

I cant believe n00bs are admins.....FUCKN emberasing.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, January 27 @ 11:08:05 EST
I know this kid and yes he is a complete moron. Not to mention the fact that he can't spell anything. Even when I'm sitting beside him telling him how to spell the words correctly. Also yes he was serious about this review. IMO both these games were let downs. Halo 2 with it's crap multiplayer and cliffhanger ending left a bad taste in my mouth. Half Life 2 just like the original Half Life left me flat out bored. I gave up on Half Life 2 just because I wasn't having fun. Also with the exception of the gravity gun and rocket launcher Half Life 2's weapons blow. Half Life 2 has me excited just thinking about what modders can do with the engine. The one unexpected game I really enjoyed this season was Resident Evil 4.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, January 27 @ 13:26:46 EST
Hes Right, HL2 is a dumb game. How dare you say that shit about me you FUCKn I diot, you Ur a FUCKn Duma$$ Cock $ucker!

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, January 27 @ 14:11:08 EST
"FUCKn I diot, you Ur a FUCKn Duma$$ Cock $ucker!"

Kind of Ironic how you call them idiots yet you are the biggest idiot here.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 1)
by Genocide on Thursday, January 27 @ 15:36:48 EST
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Ok here we go... Halo 2 is an ok game...but there are some problems with it. Anyone knows that the first one was awesome, but the second one came out and changed all of the good things about it and made them ass. What dumb microsoft nigger dropped the creator on his fuckin head when they decided to change the main machine gun to a tri-burst pile of dog shit. Not only that, but the pistol, which was the best gun in the game before, now is a fuckin pee shooter and blows fat dick. Hey, there is a light at the end of the tunnel though which is you can zoom in with any weapon. But that is all you can do, you can't even fire. THAT IS SO AWESOME AND WORTHWHILE. As for the graphics, cough, ok the PC can't be beat when it comes to HL2. If you have good parts in the computer then it should look awesome. Halo 2 on the other hand is just semi ok. it can't be changed. I feel that the worst part of Halo2 are the cut scenes. The models start, but then the textures come up a few seconds later while you are watching it. AWESOME. And o man what can i say about the fabled "DUEL WIELD." cough cough GOLDENEYE cough cough. Wow, I just can't believe people still argue about it... so sad. Lastly i have to say that the kick on those stupid ass mini machine guns was about as cool as getting herpes of the eyes. Totally gay. All in all, i have nothing at all against Halo, but Halo 2 ruined it's reputation big time. If Jesus were here, he would nail Bungie to the cross then spit on them.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, January 28 @ 14:03:09 EST
"the main machine gun to a tri-burst pile of dog shit. Not only that, but the pistol, which was the best gun in the game before, now is a fuckin pee shooter and blows fat dick. Hey, there is a light at the end of the tunnel though which is you can zoom in with any weapon. But that is all you can do, you can't even fire. THAT IS SO AWESOME AND WORTHWHILE."

You're dumber than the kid who wrote the review. First of all the assult rifle was always weaker than the pistol. Bungie just reversed them in halo 2 by changing the models. Also the zoom function is just a helpful tool to help you scout out areas. Of course you're just a noob who likes to run in with guns blazing only to end up dead.Also the pistols are still damn good up close while dual wielded. Especially if you use them with the plasma pistol.

""DUEL WIELD." cough cough GOLDENEYE cough cough."

Goldeneye didn't invent dual wielding either. I'm sure some 80 arcade games had dual guns. Also goldeneye did a pretty shit job of it because you could only have 2 of the same gun.

"Lastly i have to say that the kick on those stupid ass mini machine guns was about as cool as getting herpes of the eyes."

So you had your eyes covered in stds while playing halo 2? That explains your stupidity.

"If Jesus were here, he would nail Bungie to the cross then spit on them."

If Jesus were here, he would nail your mom to the cross then spit on her for giving birth to you.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, February 02 @ 18:19:27 EST the site for all of half life2 lovers reasons why half life 2 took a crap on master cheifs face and he ate it like a pussy little vagina ho. No falling on halo 2 damage wow so you proved a point for HL2. ok so your on earth in halo 2 and when you fall it doesnt do shit to your health. If you like that so much get on your house assuming you dont live in a shanty or trailer park and jump off see if it hurts you fudge packing rump raider!

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 1)
by Drk_cHilli on Thursday, February 10 @ 16:51:18 EST
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fucking morons ahaha

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, February 12 @ 10:28:29 EST
obviousley, you think grafix is what makes a good game... ITS NOT! half life 2 is a over rated pile of steamy shit, hence where they got the name "steam" from. mabey you should grow up and become a garbage man since you like playing with boxes and throwing trash around and shit, because thats all there is to do in hl2. your one of those niggers who likes doom3 aslo huh?

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, February 12 @ 12:11:37 EST
oh, and lets not forget, hl2 is only worth playing as a single player game. when it comes to plaer vs player combat, nothing beats halo and halo2, you fuckin children are those noobs who log onto xbox live just to get your asses owned and then write shit reviews on the game because the game designers removed some of the noob features of the weapons and replaced them with more "harder" shit. fucking ass farmers wake the fuck up, all you shitlins give into loads of hype and bullshit. gordon freeman is a fuckin fag and i would pound his ass if her was real and i saw him on the streets.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 1)
by OpinionsRule on Friday, February 18 @ 10:52:28 EST
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I'm going to toss my 2 cents on this whole debate. Just because it seems like fun. These are just my opinions on the two games and not stated fact. You don't have to agree, or even read it if you're too tired of this whole debate.

But, here's what I have to say...

First, for the graphics. I think that Half Life 2 has better human and character models, while I believe Halo 2 has the better environmental models. I say this because Valve obviously spent an obscene amount of time on the characters in their game (especially their amazing faces). But the environment did suffer from lack of attention. I was disappointed with the lack of complexity in buildings and in some areas, the environment just sucked me right out of the game. It bothered me that the newspaper, flat cardboard boxes and various other flat junk were just flat textures on the floor. It might not bother anyone else but, I think in a game where interactivity with the environment is a highly touted feature, garbage that looks like it was painted on the ground hurts the immersion. Even Grand Theft Auto: Vice City hand litter on the ground that reacted to the wind whipped up by cars. I also noticed problems when you got up close to buildings, it showed that they were flat textured and had very low geometry. This does not make the game bad by any stretch of the imagination. It has positives and negatives, just like Halo 2.

Now, the I'll give my opinion on the graphics of Halo 2. Where I believe Half Life 2 faltered I think Halo 2 excelled, and that would be in the environment. While the environment in Half Life 2 felt flat in many places, in Halo 2 it felt like you could go up to a wall and just feel the texture you could see the small touches in the buildings and it felt like you could reach out and touch them. In Half Life 2 the textures felt painted on and flat. I found the environment in Halo 2 more immersive. However Halo 2 just can't compete with Half Life 2 when it comes to the character models. Valve put a lot of love and attention into those and it shows. The character models in Halo 2 while still looking good seem to plastic. They don't convey the same emotion as they do in Half Life 2. Whereas the characters in Half Life 2 look like real people, the ones in Halo 2 look more like action figures.

Moving on to the story.

I see too many parallels to the stories of Half Life 2 and Halo 2 that it baffles me as to why people make digs at one games story when a lot of the time, the same flaws are in the story of the other game. I'll take the main concept of both stories that people seem to love berating. Most people love to attack Halo 2s story as "retarded" because it's about aliens invading earth. Well, so is Half Life 2s story. One happens to take place during the invasion and the other takes place after. In both you are fighting alien invaders for the fate of humanity. Of course it's unoriginal, it's been used since there has been writing.
Both stories have some strange ideas. Half Life 2 even pokes fun at it's own premise of a lone scientist with no combat training whatsoever laying waste to scores of highly trained and motivated military personnel (The classic "Little guy takes on big guy and wins" scenario) and the fact that Gordon is highly educated yet never uses his intellect for anything more than throwing switches. Halo 2 plays the main protagonist as the cliche "Tough Guy" with all the one liners you would expect. It can get downright cheesy at times. But it fits for the action movie type setting of the game.
Personality wise, I would have to go with the Master Chief, even though it is a pretty cliche personality
. My main reasoning for this is that Gordon Freeman doesn't seem to have any personality to speak of. Though, that can be attributed to Valve wanting the player to be feel that he is Gordon Freeman, so his personality is whatever you choose to make of it.
In the end, both games had great stories. It all depends on what you're looking for

Read the rest of this comment...

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, March 06 @ 14:57:06 EST
HALO @ is soo much beter than that gay peice of shit HL 2 God damn those idiots. They should go and screw them selves

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 1)
by Grumpy_Boy on Tuesday, March 08 @ 02:23:05 EST
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Small kid 1
"My dads bigger than your dad"
small kid 2
"no my dads bigger then your dad"
and so on

Whats the poin this this shit, there DIFFTENT fucking games grow up.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 08 @ 16:27:12 EST
Things I'm dissapointed about half-life 2 : Few weapons to choose from-- most of the weapons back in HL1 and Opposing Force is gone especially most of the explosives and energy weapons and the alien weapons/// You can't blow body to pieces like you did back in HL1 with grenades and other explosives and there is no more of that favorite SPLAT sound when a body is blown (This game is RATED MATURE BY THE WAY HELLO VALVE!!! I dropped 10 grenades hoping to blow a combine guards body to pieces but nothing happened sigh :/ ) Y not mature all the way and give the gamers what we want?///////////// Things I do like about Half-Life 2 : The Graphics! I'm running at 1600x1200 on 2xAnti-alaising and 16xAnistrophic Filtering and some scenes in Half-life 2 looks insanely realistic. People complain HL2 has bad graphics because they have shitty ass video cards well for graphic sakes get a job and get some better graphic cards, christ a 300dollar ATI X800XL (can be found at ebay or other online stores for $250-280) can run HL2 at very high resolution and good Anistrophic filtering settings. The sound in HL2 is pretty cool but the grenade explosions sound REALISTIC but not POWERFUL like in HL1. This is very dissapointing when I'm using explosives (RPG, AR grenades, norm grenades) in CS:Source and HL2. As for the comparing to HL2 and Halo2 part I have no comment because I don't own XBOX but I do have Halo for PC which is a pretty nice game. Pistoling noobs 3 times in their heads who are running at you firing their assault rifle non-stop and they spin and fall down is fun as hell it gets even more fun when they complain that your cheating.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 08 @ 16:39:49 EST
BTW: The same guy as the TOP who posted I'm gonna rate HL2 now Graphics: 9.5/10 Yes it could've been better but still it looks very nice but the papers on the floor looks flat and some of the building textures looks a bit low and the shadow effects are prerendered shadows not calculated shaodw like in DOOM 3, Sounds: 9/10 some weapons sounds weak while others sounds pretty cool. Gameplay: 8.5/10 using the gravity gun is fun but it has a some negatives example: when I'm holding a big barrel of explosive or just a plain big metal object of somesort I can't see what's in front of me to aim at and there is a big chance I can throw the explosive barrel at a near by enemy that i can't see and injuring myself as well. And there is little weapons to choose from. Multiplayer is good but Valve did a real bad job on anti-hack in CS:Source most so called SECURED or VAC servers has hackers who uses aimbot, wallhack, speedhack that can clean out the other team in just a matter of seconds after they spawn which is mainly valves fault cause they rushed the production and did a lame job on the multiplayer security. VALUE: 10/10 this game will last you so long, there is like so much cool mods coming out for HL2 and tones of new multiplayer maps/mods for CS:Source.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, March 11 @ 19:28:36 EST
you guys cant spell. . . .go back to school.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, March 23 @ 14:53:12 EST
'the bump mapping in Halo 2 looks like i wiped my ass on the keyboard'

Halo 2 uses normal mapping, not bump clearly have no idea what you are talking about....kthx

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, April 22 @ 10:58:14 EDT
eheh, even though HL2 is a great game and Halo 2 is Pong compared to it.

1. Halo 2 is as linear and boring as the first one. Same checkpoint shit.
2. Dual wielding is superemposed on you. If you don' dual wield, you are dead.
3. Single player campaign blows.
4. Multiplayer is the only reason for having Xbox for all other xbox games are shit in a green dvd box.
5. Microsoft sux.
6. Half Life 2 is technologically and physically superior to Halo 2. Story is deep, and if u don't like Gordon Freeman because he is a nerd, well, u probably stopped lookin' in mirror for u are the wost kind of nerd, the one who can't admit he is a nerd.

delta_john you will die alone.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 03 @ 23:55:41 EDT
Lol, both games suck ass... they bored the fuck out of me when it took 10000 bullets to bring down one guy. Half life 2 is a waste of money, it just looks pretty but its dull as fuck. Halo2 is only fun when you link your XBoxs' up and play with your friends.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 07 @ 22:36:45 EDT
haha go suislide i agree that halo2 was pretty good for the first hour.....then i got half life 2....counter strike source and half life 2 deathmatch are the best online games ever.... i liked dual weilding but you get weak ass weapons. Half life 2 is a more sophisticated game overall. halo 2 is for when freinds are over and you wanna have a party when you drunk as hell. go H A L F - L I F E 2.....

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, July 09 @ 09:48:26 EDT
the kid who cant stop swearing is a dick head (and both games are good) oh and the physics oooh big deal look at mercineries on ps2 that had physics. ffs a load of games do, so u stfu ur the noob accusing everyone else of being one.

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Re: Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2 (An example of how not to review) (Score: 1)
by JamesR on Wednesday, July 20 @ 03:43:37 EDT
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Ok, that is a terribly written review and I don't particularly agree with what either the author, nor Suislide, says.

The fact is, none of you really know what you're doing.

You pick on the poor guys spelling, in mocking it, Suislide makes spelling mistakes to?

"espically" " WEILDING"

Just to pick two that jumped out at me.

How about punctuation and grammer? Two things which you don't seem to understand in any way...

Lets not even go into your rather poor understanding of gaming, suprising as a chief (apparently) reviewer of a Games website.

The use of the Dual-Wielding (thats how its spelt by the way) is by no means an entirely new idea and I won't pretend to know much about Quake, but it is totally different to the way anybody has really ever used it before, it's usually just a pre-set series of dual-similar guns. Meh, i'm not too fussed.

Half-Life 2 is clearly a superior game, but Halo2 has its place on the Xbox. You point out the rendering problems? Keep your Xbox and it's Laser in tip-top shape and you wont have that problem, simple, 95% of the Xbox's rendering problems can be sourced back to a damaged laser from poor care.

The Visuals were pretty damned crisp on Xbox for Halo2, I don't quite know where you get the nerve from saying otherwise, but then again I don't expect you to see past your pre-arranged opinions.

Oh and Physics in HALO 2? What Physics, its got the base standard requirements, I fail to see the need for any more? It was more fun than serious in comparison to Half-Life 2.

However, "The multiplayer for this game doesnt have enough options" in reference to Half Life 2.

Simply for that, that fool needs to be removed for the Genepool. I say having come fresh from a bout of CS:S + HL:DM. What a fool....

Although bless the poor kids heart for trying, it is a pretty awful review, what's even less impressive is the fact that in trying to 'Review' his Review you ended up veering off course with your absurd and over the top imagery.

Whos impressed? *Notes the lack of Hands*

Me neither.

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Dual Wielding (Score: 1)
by puk on Tuesday, November 04 @ 08:34:06 EST
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Regarding the dual wielding shit, the earliest game I can remember that had this was Rise of the Triad (1995). Can anyone think of an earlier game with dual wielding?

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