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Interview with Gabe Newell
Posted on Thursday, July 08 @ 22:11:35 EDT by Suislide
Site News/General BullshitYeah so i interviewed Gabe Newell

1. Rumors of HL2 going gold in August, are they true?

We're on track for the first release candidate July 30th, so hopefully, yes.

2. Doesn't my site own Gamespy and Gamespot?

You are the sun, they are the moon.

3. Will Gordon Freeman ever talk?


4. Would you sleep with Alyx in Hl2?

Yes, but unfortunately she has no interested in fat, middle-aged men who dress like they're homeless.

5. Whats your preffered breast size?

Heh heh, you said breast.

6. How many gigs of pr0n do you have?

None right now. Although, now that you mention it, I've got a good idea what to do with our 4 Gbps of bandwidth once the Half-Life 2 pre-load tapers off...

7. Whats your favorite movie and why?

I hate these questions. I always get them wrong.

So, uh, Pulp Fiction, because, uh, Tarantino is both a great director and a huge fan at the same time.

8. In Hl2, lets say i was in a vehicle and i blow into a wood fence going full speed, would the planks of wood on the fence break and blow apart?

Yes. Don't ask me about the bucket of water, ok?

9. Im sure you listen to death metal... Right? If not what music do you listen to?


10. Read my HL review on my site and tell me what you think of it! :P

You missed a spot on your chin. Here, borrow my hankie.

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· News by Suislide

Most read story in Site News/General Bullshit:
The Lightspeed Girls

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Re: Interview with Gabe Newell (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Thursday, July 08 @ 23:24:15 EDT
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Hahah, is that real?

I was reading the letter thread on the forums earlier today becasue I'm getting antsy for this game.

God help me when CS:Source is out. I will probably end up dying from lack of sleep like that guy in the internet cafe 2 years ago.

"Long periods of time spent in front of a computer may cause blood clots in the lungs which can result to death, a local researcher warned on Thursday.

Doctor Lee Ho of the National Institute of Scientific Investigation said that a 24-year-old man was found to have died from pulmonary thromboembolism after playing computer games for four consecutive days in an Internet cafe in October 2002."
-The Korea Times

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