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Angels Vs Devils
Posted on Friday, June 04 @ 16:11:38 EDT by Suislide
Action Game Reviewsgrumpy_boy writes "[Angels VS Devils] VS [putting cock in blender] = putting cock in blender

When I saw the title of this game I thought hey man that sounds good.

I mean you can’t go wrong fucking great fiery Demons and Angels with flaming swords, I mean if you make a game called Angels VS Demons then its going to be dark evil and moody with sick graphics like Painkiller.

But no, not that this fucking shit excuse for a game, the designer decided to make the angels and demons look like fucking cute little babies like a game for nancy boys or little girls.

Why babies ? why would fucking demons and angels chosse to look like fucking babies ? and what kind of sad sick fucker makes a game where you going around killing babies anyway, the game didn’t even have sick person appeal anyway since since its soooo wank, I stopped playing and went and cleaned my cunting toilet and enjoyed doing it after playing a game that sucks more than a crack whore just got out of jail.

At the start you get to customise your baby angel and get to choose different nappies and wigs for it, no I am not fucking joking, how wank is that.

I went into options first and cranked up all the video options they must have put these there for show since the games graphics are lamer than a guy with a club foot.

It has been bought in out in the Easten Europe first and I hope it fucking stays there.

If you are an adult and like this game then you must be one of those sad retarded jerk offs who likes cute games, please, please, please for fuck sake grow the fuck up and stop buying fucking shit games like this, so game companies stop trying to milk you.

If you a kid then go out and play fucking tag, smoke crack or whatever shit you kids do these days.

Score 2/10
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Re: Angels Vs Devils (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Saturday, June 05 @ 23:19:27 EDT
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why does no one ever make comments

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Re: Angels Vs Devils (Score: 1)
by Grooveygr on Tuesday, June 08 @ 14:08:48 EDT
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I'd rather "put my cock in a blender" than comment in this site.
oh... this is a comment?
Forget what i just said.

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Re: Angels Vs Devils (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, June 11 @ 15:03:05 EDT
Fucking hell grumpy boys reviews are shit

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Re: Angels Vs Devils (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, June 14 @ 08:26:57 EDT
Thief II graphics were fine for me. Thief 1 was the scarest. Thief III is a sad sad game, with areas are so small it's pathetic. Terrible NPC dialogue especially the shop keepers. I just go around killing everyone because the areas are so small it's very hard to sneak around. I mean it's a nice attempt, and if your desperate for a new Thief game get it. I'm dissappointed with it and after seeing Ion storm destroy two of my personal favorite series, Thief and Deus Ex, I'd like to personally cut all the programmers hands off so they could never code a game again. How this game ever got a 80% plus score is beyond me. Accepting the first beta is pretty bad idea as well. I pretty much hate all Xbox/PC games except KOTOR. But then that was Bioware. Maybe Ion Storm and Gearbox could join forces to make a remake of extreme bullrider. As they seem to be on par with those sorry bastards

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Re: Angels Vs Devils (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, August 14 @ 21:39:45 EDT
Crack is fun at least

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Re: Angels Vs Devils (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 05 @ 17:55:14 EDT
thought your comment on this game was funny as fuck, and agree that i would nail my cock to the wall that play this fucking shite. any-way thanks for makeing me laugh

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