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The man arrived at Capri Jewellers on Benson Street, Bury, wearing a full body burka and a hijab concealing his face.
Security staff thought the raider was a woman who had come to browse on her own and pressed a security button to allow him into the store.
But moments after the door was opened three other masked men, one of them carrying a shotgun, barged their way inside.
Robbers in burqas raid gem store Two robbers disguised in Afghan-style robes stole £200,000 worth of jewellery from an exclusive London store.
Suspect in terror hunt used veil to evade arrest
A MALE suspect in a major anti-terrorist investigation in Britain escaped capture by allegedly disguising himself as a Muslim woman dressed in a burka
Jail for robbers who disguised themselves in Muslim dress
Two men who disguised themselves in clothing traditionally worn by Muslim women and robbed security guards carrying cash to and from banks were jailed for a total of more than seven years yesterday.
Kingston crown court in south-west London heard how Anthony Roberts, 22, and Nicholas Bidar, 19, stole the Muslim clothes from Regent's Park mosque last June and used them to cover their heads and faces during a bank robbery in Kilburn, north London, later the same day.
Dressed from head to toe in a traditional Muslim woman's burkha, this is the moment a robber raided a travel agent.
Brandishing a knife, he threatens the two women staff before making off with an undisclosed amount of cash.
The robbery in Luton came six weeks after a similar incident in nearby Dunstable and, this week, a £150,000 raid on a jeweller's in Banbury, Oxfordshire.
The fact that she was pushing a pram, however, persuaded staff to release the lock and let her in. At that point, four men armed with hammers burst into the shop and smashed open the glass display cabinets.
Probe after second burka robbery Officers looking for a man who raided a jewellers while wearing a burka are investigating a similar incident.
Two burqa-clad robbers hold up post office near Paris Two burqa-wearing robbers stole 4,500 euros from a post office in the suburbs of Paris Saturday. The gun toting thieves hid their handguns beneath the Islamic-style full veils. The French government is currently trying to restrict use of the burqa.
Burqa bandit in armed cash grab A gunman wearing a full black burqa and sunglasses got away with a bag of cash following an armed robbery in a Sydney car park, police say.
The 35-year-old victim identified his assailant as male after he was threatened with a pistol and told to hand over cash.
Poll: Where do you stand on the wearing of the burqa in public in Australia?
For: 19%
Against: 81%
Total votes: 10140
Men disguised as Muslim women rob bank
(Reuters) - Two armed men disguised as Muslim women in burqas held up a bank in Sarajevo and got away with some $40,000, Bosnian police said on Tuesday.
Two assailants covered in burqas tossed a grenade into the middle of worshippers at a Christmas Day service onWednesday in the village of Chianwala, some 65 kilometers (40 miles) northwest of Lahore.
Burka-clad bomber kills 15 in Pakistan A burka-wearing suicide bomber today detonated explosives that killed at least 15 people at a crowded police checkpoint in north-west Pakistan.
The bomb, which injured 22 others, is believed to have been in a
Jewelry stores in the Indian city of Pune are considering a ban on burqas after a series of thefts of big-ticket items by customers wearing the head-to-toe Islamic garment.
Can This Man Help Capture bin Laden?
The figures huddled beside the graveyard on the road that leads into the Pakistani town of Mardan seemed an unremarkable group, their identities obscured behind the head-to-toe burqas that local women traditionally wear. But these were no ordinary women--in fact, they weren't women at all. Instead, the burqas concealed a group of Pakistani commandos who were waiting last week for a killer. U.S. and Pakistani intelligence had received a tip that a suspected al-Qaeda operative would be traveling to Mardan disguised as a burqa-clad woman.
Suicide bombers a growing threat in Afghanistan
Five Afghans died and four more were wounded when a suicide bomber disguised as a woman blew himself up at an army checkpoint in eastern Afghanistan.
Police said on Thursday that the blast was in Khost province the day before.
Afghan soldiers were checking a vehicle when the bomber, sitting in the backseat, set off a bomb hidden under a burqa shroud, said Mohammed Ayub, the regional police chief.
Crime wave by men wearing the khimar
While women who wear the khimar and the niqab – the latter covering the face but leaving the eyes exposed – are highly respected in Jordan as devout Muslims, the recent robberies have subjected them to an unusual level of public and police scrutiny and even distrust.
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Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:39 pm
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Here a little on what Dr Dolittle and his mentally retarded assistant puk had to say about
berzerker wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
now @bezerker
do you consider the burka to be a security threat?
No, it is definitely no security threat (not more so at any rate than capes, helmets or crinolines).
puk wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
i have a question for you
do you consider the burka to be a security threat?
Of course not, only an irrational person would consider an item of clothing a security threat. A tunic, for example is not a security threat.
Obviously such individuals expose the flaws in the democratic system, that not every one is qualified to vote. Unfortunately idiots like these are aplenty in our society and it is up to qualified individuals to raise the awareness of such lesser mortal beings to fulfill their moral duties
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Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:49 am
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Robbers sometimes use burkas, so you must ban burkas?
In many more cases they use guns, let's ban them too.
And helmet, these are way more popular than burkas for robberies and assassinations, a ban is absolutely neccessary!
_Master_ wrote:
Obviously such individuals expose the flaws in the democratic system, that not every one is qualified to vote. Unfortunately idiots like these are aplenty in our society and it is up to qualified individuals to raise the awareness of such lesser mortal beings to fulfill their moral duties
You want to deny the right to vote to people with different opinions than yours?
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:44 am
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berzerker wrote:
Robbers sometimes use burkas, so you must ban burkas?
In many more cases they use guns, let's ban them too.
And helmet, these are way more popular than burkas for robberies and eliminations, a ban is absolutely neccessary!
lets take a look at your comments and see why they lack serious thought.
"Robbers sometimes use burkas, so you must ban burkas?"
its a security issue, if your concerned about security then one needs to do the needful. security comes first, fable living later
"In many more cases they use guns, let's ban them too."
this kind of comparision is very disturbing and shows a lack of how you process and compare information. Firstly you can equip yourself with a gun to counter another, but whats the solution for some robber or terrorist who conceals within a burka? wear one yourself? Second and the more important is the delivery mechanism which makes your comparison invalid. A gun is a weapon that can cause physical damage, yet at the same time it can also be used to defend yourself.
A burka on the other hand is a placeholder that hides the identity of person in it. A burka on its own is not a weapon and is not dangerous, but it is an excellent way to conceal weapons and identities of criminals in public.
"And helmet, these are way more popular than burkas for robberies and eliminations, a ban is absolutely necessary!"
First a helmet does not cover the whole body but a burka does
Second a helmet is used to prevent accidents so its role cannot be compared to that of a burka. banning helmets may lead to fatal deaths, are you ready to take the moral responsibility of those souls? however banning burka causes no such deaths, on the other hands it saves lifes, helps catch certain anti-social elements, prevents premeditated acts of crime.
Last edited by _Master_ on Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total _________________ follow me or get out of the way
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:46 am
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berzerker wrote:
You want to deny the right to vote to people with different opinions than yours?
Its not related to the topic, they can have their opinions, but if opinions casted by poor judgment are going to elect authorities who seem to do more harm than push for the development of society, certainly these people should have no right to vote at all. its a failure of democracy. all people are not created equal, if they where no one would ever win or loose
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Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 6:57 am
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_Master_ wrote:
First a helmet does not cover the whole body but a burka does
And obviously something can only be a security threat if it covers the whole body? You can hide quite a lot also in a backpack or a suitcase, no need for burkas at all for bank robbers. If I slip into comfortable clothing and put on a helmet to prevent recognition and put some weapons in a bag I would think robbing a bank is easier than if I hid them under a burka.
_Bastard_ wrote:
Second a helmet is used to prevent accidents so its role cannot be compared to that of a burka.
So is a burka used for religious purposes, I do not think most women in burkas are robbing banks or performing terrorist acts.
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:00 am
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I'm gonna take the role of the devil's advocate on this one
berzerker wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
First a helmet does not cover the whole body but a burka does
And obviously something can only be a security threat if it covers the whole body? You can hide quite a lot also in a backpack or a suitcase, no need for burkas at all for bank robbers. If I slip into comfortable clothing and put on a helmet to prevent recognition and put some weapons in a bag I would think robbing a bank is easier than if I hid them under a burka.
Not true. You're insane. Have you ever heard of someone robbing a bank with a cape? or a backpack? A burka poses a major security threat.
berzerker wrote:
_Bastard_ wrote:
Second a helmet is used to prevent accidents so its role cannot be compared to that of a burka.
So is a burka used for religious purposes, I do not think most women in burkas are robbing banks or performing terrorist acts.
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:17 am
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Historical facts plx.
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:31 am
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don't tempt me, I'll bust out the Chomsky quotes
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:17 am
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puk wrote:
don't tempt me, I'll bust out the Chomsky quotes
i dont mind.
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:19 am
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puk wrote:
I'm gonna take the role of the devil's advocate on this one
berzerker wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
First a helmet does not cover the whole body but a burka does
And obviously something can only be a security threat if it covers the whole body? You can hide quite a lot also in a backpack or a suitcase, no need for burkas at all for bank robbers. If I slip into comfortable clothing and put on a helmet to prevent recognition and put some weapons in a bag I would think robbing a bank is easier than if I hid them under a burka.
Not true. You're insane. Have you ever heard of someone robbing a bank with a cape? or a backpack? A burka poses a major security threat.
I forgot to add the hood, sun glasses and handkerchiefs as major security threats, and make-up and cosmetic surgery of course.
And I am not insane, I am Napoleon.
puk wrote:
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:28 am
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berzerker wrote:
puk wrote:
I'm gonna take the role of the devil's advocate on this one
berzerker wrote:
_Master_ wrote:
First a helmet does not cover the whole body but a burka does
And obviously something can only be a security threat if it covers the whole body? You can hide quite a lot also in a backpack or a suitcase, no need for burkas at all for bank robbers. If I slip into comfortable clothing and put on a helmet to prevent recognition and put some weapons in a bag I would think robbing a bank is easier than if I hid them under a burka.
Not true. You're insane. Have you ever heard of someone robbing a bank with a cape? or a backpack? A burka poses a major security threat.
I forgot to add the hood, sun glasses and handkerchiefs as major security threats, and make-up and cosmetic surgery of course.
Back to your usual mud slinging.
berzerker wrote:
And I am not insane, I am Napoleon.
puk wrote:
That's anecdotal too.
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:14 am
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_Master_ wrote:
First a helmet does not cover the whole body but a burka does
It just occurred to me that this is the usual captn debating technique again. The question is which clothes could be considered a security threat and the captn says the burka is one, apparently because it allows you to hide your identity and conceal weapons carried. So I mentioned other means of hiding your identity and concealing weapons, and asked (rhetorically) why these should not be banned too (meaning of course banning those is idiotic, disqualifying it as a reason for banning the burka also). The captn then turns my rhetoric question into a litteral one (implying that I propose a ban of those other ways to hide identity / conceal weapons, which he knows I do not mean because he knows I oppose a burka ban). In addition, he disqualifies my other ways to hide identity / conceal weapons by stating they do not cover the whole body, which implies only items that cover the whole body are security threats. This of course begs the question: the question is precisely if this is the case, he now makes it a premise. If this is accepted, he will always be right, because he has now defined "threat to security" as "burka", since the burka is the only cloth that covers the whole body.
One more remark: "threats to security" now seems to be limited to "robberies", I would think foremost of terrorism when talking about "threat to security" and would think that robberies do not classify as threats to security at all.
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:32 am
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You gotta understand you're dealing with a guy with a lot of anger. Maybe his father left his mother for a middle eastern woman.
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:37 pm
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berzerker wrote:
And obviously something can only be a security threat if it covers the whole body?
are you having difficulty on comprehending on what a security threat means? if that is the case you are not eligible for this advanced topic, it may be too much for your too little do-little brain
berzerker wrote:
_Bastard_ wrote:
Second a helmet is used to prevent accidents so its role cannot be compared to that of a burka.
So is a burka used for religious purposes, I do not think most women in burkas are robbing banks or performing terrorist acts.
so i guess you did accept that fact that helmets and burka example was a very poor one....thats good, a small step in the right are making progress. however we are not really interested if most women wearing burkas are antisocial or not. the undeniable and irrefutable fact remains that the burka is indeed cheap way to exploit security and been done so...take some time to re read the pleasant facts on the first post (only after you understand what security and security threats mean)
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Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:43 pm
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berzerker wrote:
I forgot to add the hood, sun glasses and handkerchiefs as major security threats, and make-up
they dont cover the whole body like burka, did you forget that also?
berzerker wrote:
and cosmetic surgery of course.
it requires lots of money, but a burka can be obtained for free.
btw i have known small kids to ask more meaningful questions
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Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:06 pm
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berzerker wrote:
It just occurred to me that this is the usual captn debating technique again.
i did not see the captn post this...are these posts invisible? i am sure the captn is very rational and right on, i guess cracks are developing in your defense, you are breaking down fast.
berzerker wrote:
The question is which clothes could be considered a security threat and the captn says the burka is one, apparently because it allows you to hide your identity and conceal weapons carried.
yes thats obviously understandable
berzerker wrote:
So I mentioned other means of hiding your identity and concealing weapons, and asked (rhetorically) why these should not be banned too
please list other items which FULLY conceal your identity like a burka. you mentioned cosmetic surgery and i replied on that...however burka is a security threat, thats my point, are you denying that? even with all the facts provided? yes can i have an answer on that?
berzerker wrote:
then turns my rhetoric question into a litteral one (implying that I propose a ban of those other ways to hide identity / conceal weapons, which he knows I do not mean because he knows I oppose a burka ban).
really it not relevant why you oppose a burka ban with that silly logic of yours. the fact remains that burka is security issue, provided by overwhelming links. Reading that must have rudely awakened you from the stupor of the daily rocking chair oscillatiory motions
berzerker wrote:
In addition, he disqualifies my other ways to hide identity / conceal weapons by stating they do not cover the whole body, which implies only items that cover the whole body are security threats.
no this was your own inclusive logic, simply anecdotal.
berzerker wrote:
This of course begs the question: the question is precisely if this is the case, he now makes it a premise. If this is accepted, he will always be right, because he has now defined "threat to security" as "burka", since the burka is the only cloth that covers the whole body.
bezrker the more you reply your stupidity increases exponentially. seriously i mean i said burka is a security threat and provided ample proof. but nowhere in that did i mention is the only security threat. if you cant read what is written and interpret it, i suggest you refrain from making meaningless comments. it only amounts to trolling
berzerker wrote:
One more remark: "threats to security" now seems to be limited to "robberies", I would think foremost of terrorism when talking about "threat to security" and would think that robberies do not classify as threats to security at all.
you are simply spamming here, there are several links mentioned related to terrorism where the burka has been used to get away. READ THE FACTS FIRST BEFORE TROLLING.
second your remark "threats to security" now seems to be limited to "robberies", neverthless still makes it a security threat. so in fact you have in a way accepted burka is a security theat.
to me its seems you know very well that this is again another loosing situation for you, you are cornered, run out of your ratty moves. furthermore your questions and off topic slitherings aren't helping you either. it looks like another checkmate
Last edited by _Master_ on Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:19 pm, edited 2 times in total _________________ follow me or get out of the way
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:11 pm
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puk wrote:
You gotta understand you're dealing with a guy with a lot of anger.
i think any normal person dealing with a bunch of complete fuckwits with their flimsy banana brain reasoning would react the same way.
puk wrote:
Maybe his father left his mother for a middle eastern woman.
yeah and maybe your dad left a pig for a giant camel
Last edited by _Master_ on Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total _________________ follow me or get out of the way
Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:12 pm
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Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
Historical facts plx.
note young padawan how easily the dark ( burka) side has been defeated again
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Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:53 pm
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Maybe we should make a list of Captn tactics. I'll start
1)The "I'm too smart to be debating you" tactic:
Captn wrote:
are you having difficulty on comprehending on what a security threat means? if that is the case you are not eligible for this advanced topic, it may be too much for your too little do-little brain
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