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'Critical thinking' does not mean 'accepting anything that might theoretically be possible but flies in the face of logic, defies overwhelming evidence to the contrary and is highly unlikely anyway', as your interpretation seems to be.
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:27 am
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berzerker wrote:
'Critical thinking' does not mean 'accepting anything that might theoretically be possible but flies in the face of logic, defies overwhelming evidence to the contrary and is highly unlikely anyway', as your interpretation seems to be.
What's unlikely/nonfactual/illogical about the TRUTH OF JEWISH CONTROL OF MSM?.....It's not my INTERPRETATION, it's just a PRESENTATION of the FACTS, FACTS YOU DON'T LIKE FOR SOME REASON, SO ARE YOU JEWISH?
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:46 am
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Pogma9 wrote:
What's unlikely/nonfactual/illogical about the TRUTH OF JEWISH CONTROL OF MSM?.....It's not my INTERPRETATION, it's just a PRESENTATION of the FACTS, FACTS YOU DON'T LIKE FOR SOME REASON, SO ARE YOU JEWISH?
It is not a matter of liking or not, just about not seeing any relevance in the religious or ethnical background of anyone basically. You seem obsessed with jews somehow, don't expect anyone to have the same obsession. And for who doesn't, all you are saying is completely inconsequential.
I for my part couldn't even tell how to recognize a jew. I can recognize blacks and asians, but not Irish, catholics or jews. If you tell me that Ted Turner or Berlusconi (completely random examples of mass media owners) are jewish, all I could say is "oh, are they I had no idea and couldn't care less really".
All this crap of yours could begin to get interesting only if the premise is accepted that jews conspire somehow, which conspiracy however I am not buying. Anyone who reads anything about jews knows that these people are factionalized to a great extent and fight each other even more vigorously than they fight their common enemies (like you: when have you ever been attacked by a jew? You are attacking them all the time).
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:19 pm
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Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:25 pm
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So of this tiny group (wikipedia tells me that there are 14 - 18 million jews worldwide, i.e. approximately 0.25% of the total population) a very small section (say, 0.0001% of the poulation) is pulling all the strings and is to blame for all the evils in the world, and they are managing to disguise this to the other 99.9999% of the world, because they dominate the US mass media (and apparently succeed in not getting any competition) except you and your fellow conspiracy theorists?
They did such a lousy job that they couldn't prevent the holocaust, so the only way to make this work is to make it even more ludicrous, namely by denying the holocaust ever happened. The US mass media did nothing to support the zionist cause before WWII: the US didn't allow unlimited immigration by jews, and didn't support the zionist movement (in the proper meaning of the word; not the meaning in which you use it). No doubt you will be denying this too. The US forced Israel to retreat from the Sinai in 1956, this probably was done merely to confuse the world or so?
I am beginning to believe tha Alez is right; no one can really be so stupid to believe this, so you must be trolling. If there is only such a small subsection of the population that sees the real truth, then the conclusion must be that either the rest of the world is stupid, or that this tiny subsection is.
Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 4:31 pm
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Do you accept they have major control of the US MSM?
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:14 am
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Do you accept that there is no monopoly in the US mass media?
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:19 am
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berzerker wrote:
Do you accept that there is no monopoly in the US mass media?
Yes, but that doesn't answer my, now that I've answered your question and also openly declare a willingness to answer further rational questions, will you answer whether or not Jews are major players in the US MSM?
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:41 am
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Sure. The answer is that I have no idea because I couldn't distinguish jews from non-jews.
You gave a list but
1. I have no idea how important these people are in the US mass media because I don't know much about the US mass media;
2. I have no way to tell whether anyone on this list is a jew and if so whether he is a practicing jew. If a site claims that jews own the mass media, you would expect them to label anyone a jew, but anyone who finds this relevant for anything (except maybe a possible pro-Israeli bias) is suspect in my book, so I am not inclined to believe it;
3. If the mass media industry is not a monopoly, then anyone could participate and start a business of his own, how could any domination be maintained in such a situation?
4. The US do not rule the world, and the fact that the pro-Israel stance in the rest of the western world has almost completely disappeared in the last few years, makes it clear that the influence of the US mass media on the mass media in other western countries is not all too strong.
5. Who is behind this site and what their motives are.
I am opposed to current Israeli policies but I do not ascribe Israeli policies to jews in general (only to the Israeli policy makers and the Israeli electorate, which by definition excludes anyone in the US without Israeli nationality) so this is irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:04 pm
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berzerker wrote:
Sure. The answer is that I have no idea because I couldn't distinguish jews from non-jews.
Jews have common sounding names, but beyond that, these lists have existed for yonks, being updated along the way, and they're can google a few for yourself to confirm.
You gave a list but
1. I have no idea how important these people are in the US mass media because I don't know much about the US mass media;
You understand that the boss has some degree of control, and it doesn't hurt if some of his top executives also happen to be Jewish.
2. I have no way to tell whether anyone on this list is a jew and if so whether he is a practicing jew. If a site claims that jews own the mass media, you would expect them to label anyone a jew, but anyone who finds this relevant for anything (except maybe a possible pro-Israeli bias) is suspect in my book, so I am not inclined to believe it;
Search their names, however, the distinction of practicing Jew is Jews can be both a race and religion.
3. If the mass media industry is not a monopoly, then anyone could participate and start a business of his own, how could any domination be maintained in such a situation?
The website also exposes Jewish power and influence, so just up and starting a major network would be one hell of a risk and unlikely to succeed.
4. The US do not rule the world, and the fact that the pro-Israel stance in the rest of the western world has almost completely disappeared in the last few years, makes it clear that the influence of the US mass media on the mass media in other western countries is not all too strong.
That might be true, but I'm mainly concerned with whether anyone agrees that Jews have major control of US MSM.
5. Who is behind this site and what their motives are
One would hope truth, but as I mentioned before, I'm an Atheist, the website owner is a former Jew who converted to Xtianity.
I am opposed to current Israeli policies but I do not ascribe Israeli policies to jews in general (only to the Israeli policy makers and the Israeli electorate, which by definition excludes anyone in the US without Israeli nationality) so this is irrelevant to the topic at hand.
Once again you ignore what I've said about the average Jew and also pretend that Jews have little power in the US MSM, when of course the truth is that they DOMINATE it and as such, promote selected politicians and will destroy opposition when appropriate.
Once again I ask you think that the mass murder, maiming, rape, and general destruction in Afghan and Iraq qualifies as politicians doing good 95% of the time??
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:09 pm
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.
Pogma9 wrote:
So, they killed two birds with one nuke - made us as free labor/energy source.
What's your view on Ron Paul?
You birds keep squabbling over bullshit. Ron Paul can't do jack shit, non of the people presented to us civillians are capable of doing anything other than following orders, aaaand the orders are - FUCK THE PEOPLE HARD. FEED OFF OF THEIR LIFE FORCE. TAKE ALL THEIR GOLD.
So I say fuck, everything, I'm just gonna take whatever I want. I mean thats what they do, right? Honest work is for chumps, stupid fucken chimpanzees, like m0nkey.
Berserker & Pogma, that fucking article I keep posting? IT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING that which you two are squabbling over. So.... FUCKING READ IT.
... like... my head's gonna fucking explode.
STOP. NITPICKING. Like a bunch of useless turds.
Just cut to the chase, like me! Everything presented to you from them is a facade of bullshit. So spit in their faces already! Fucking slowpokes! Whats taking you so long? 4 pages of your crap is way to much shit, I'm surprised master aint here eating it all up.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:19 pm
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I had a quick scan, and it seems likely, but I don't see how it contradicts my view on Zionism, it just reinforces it.
As for Ron Paul, better him than outright Zionist's, but until the sheeple wake up, remove zionist's, and overhaul the system to ensure transparency and integrity, token gov's is all we'll have.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:12 am
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Pogma9 wrote:
Once again I ask you think that the mass murder, maiming, rape, and general destruction in Afghan and Iraq qualifies as politicians doing good 95% of the time??
I'm talking about the policies behind the actual deeds, I don't think that even Bush Jr would order "mass murder, maining, rape". He would order "war against terrorism" and do so not merely for advancing his or his family's political career. So I do think that he did make the decision thinking this was the good thing to do (for his country and maybe for the world, although the latter would no doubt be of secondary concern), without any sinister plot behind that thinking. After that the policy maker can get carried away by his military advisors, which is clearly a mistake but hardly criminal or malicious.
I once had a discussion with someone who told me that all politicians were only after their own interest and were in there to make money. Apparently that politicians are pretty poorly paid generally hadn't occurred to him. Anyway during the discussion it turned out that his nephew was elected in the council of a local municipalty, so I asked him whether this nephew was also doing this only for the money. Not surprisingly, the answer was no.
The farther away someone is, the easier is to shift blame on him and ascribe his actions to sheer malice, but most people in the world are not conspiring, are decent. Politicians (at least in democracies) are just ordinary people, who got into politics in order to improve the world (people like Berlusconi and possibly Thaksim are the obvious exceptions). There are few careers witha higher burn ratio than politics, pay is relatively poor, you ar being scrutinized all the time, who in his right mind would think that this is a smart career move, unless for ideological reasons?
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:45 am
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berzerker wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
Once again I ask you think that the mass murder, maiming, rape, and general destruction in Afghan and Iraq qualifies as politicians doing good 95% of the time??
I'm talking about the policies behind the actual deeds, I don't think that even Bush Jr would order "mass murder, maining, rape". He would order "war against terrorism"
Well of course he would Mr Brainwashed....if he just said, you know what, I want war for Zionist reasons xyz, you'd be opposed, so instead, he/the media pitch you something far more palatable/necessary, like war on terror and the removal of NON EXISTENT WMD's.
Your problem is your absurd levels of brainwashing, as such it's obvious that the study of history without the study of philosophy/ethics is almost pointless, certainly in your case.
Soldiers follow orders, they're not expected to be politicians, ie, politicians have scores if not HUNDREDS of academically trained advisers, so the blame must always rest with those who KNOW and act with evil intent.....Iraq has been blown to bits with INXS of 1.5million deaths, not to mention the rape, maiming and general destruction of property and infrastructure.
I'm an atheist, but I've more compassion in my left toe than you do for the helpless people of Palestine/Iraq and Afghanistan, up against the MILITARY supapowers of the USA and USA/GERMANY funded Zionist state of Israel.
Israel isn't just a ME supapower, it's a world supapower despite a population of 5million thanks to the bogus HOLOCOST and Zionist MEDIA=Zionist friendly politicians.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:16 pm
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Pogma9 wrote:
if he just said, you know what, I want war for Zionist reasons xyz, you'd be opposed, so instead, he/the media pitch you something far more palatable/necessary, like war on terror and the removal of NON EXISTENT WMD's.
Now this relates to Iraq only, I can follow you there, but not wrt Afghanistan.
Pogma9 wrote:
Your problem is your absurd levels of brainwashing, as such it's obvious that the study of history without the study of philosophy/ethics is almost pointless, certainly in your case.
Well, I am glad I don't have your ethics.
Pogma9 wrote:
I'm an atheist, but I've more compassion in my left toe than you do for the helpless people of Palestine/Iraq and Afghanistan, up against the MILITARY supapowers of the USA and USA/GERMANY funded Zionist state of Israel.
Question is would you have had equal compassion for the jews in Poland or Russia around 1900 or the jews in Germany in the 1930s? Or the blacks in South Africa in the 1970s?
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:23 pm
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berzerker wrote:
Now this relates to Iraq only, I can follow you there, but not wrt Afghanistan
Which WMD did Afgah have?
Well, I am glad I don't have your ethics
Yours sound like "might is right"
Pogma9 wrote:
Question is would you have had equal compassion for the jews in Poland or Russia around 1900 or the jews in Germany in the 1930s? Or the blacks in South Africa in the 1970s?
Yes, for any oppressed people's, including the Jewish pawns of Nazi Germany, as it was the ZIONIST's who created "some" of the problems, but the Hitler regime removed{no credible evidence for mass extermination exists} the whole lot.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:03 pm
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Pogma9 wrote:
Which WMD did Afgah have?
None, and no one ever claimed they had any.
Pogma9 wrote:
Yours sound like "might is right"
No I sound like someone who says that a racist shouldn't lecture anyone about ethics.
Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 11:22 pm
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berzerker wrote:
Pogma9 wrote:
Which WMD did Afgah have?
None, and no one ever claimed they had any.
Pogma9 wrote:
Yours sound like "might is right"
No I sound like someone who says that a racist shouldn't lecture anyone about ethics.
So if I slam my own Australian Gov, what label do you apply to me?
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:34 am
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No label, unless you resort to non-democratic means, then you could be labelled "terrorist" maybe. Or if the Aus government would consist of Aboriginals and you would fight them precisely for being Aboriginals, then you could be labelled "racist".
Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:19 am
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berzerker wrote:
No label, unless you resort to non-democratic means, then you could be labelled "terrorist" maybe. Or if the Aus government would consist of Aboriginals and you would fight them precisely for being Aboriginals, then you could be labelled "racist".
So when I single out ZIONIST's{typically Jewish but not exclusively}, I'm still a racist even though I don't condemn the average Jew?....are you really going to suggest that anyone who criticizes any Jew is a racist?
Surely you can't be so blind as to see that your tactic PROTECTS and SHIELDS Jewish politicians/Zionist's by virtue of them being a Jew.....when in reality, a good man should criticize immoral/illegal behaviour, bear in mind that morality is the proper basis of law, and that philosophy is the proper basis of morality.
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