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UT2007: Not as good as UT2004, which isn't as good as UT
Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 3:52 am
Joined: Sep 11, 2005
Posts: 172
Hooray. Having played the UT2007 (I refuse to use "UT3", because that would imply I can't fucking count) demo for a few hours, it seems more-or-less apparent that sequelitis has claimed another victim into its' fold of abysmal suckitude.
Gameplay-wise, there are some minor improvements over 2004 - well, there is AN improvement, I guess. Namely, the starting pistol/assault rifle type weapon actually can kill other people if you find them AFK or asleep. Besides that, everything pretty much feels like a rehash of 2004, except the maps suck more.
It also seems like the mouse tracking in the demo is fucking atrocious; while I'm able to easily bury people in shockrifle/lightning gun/instagib matches when I actually play UT2004, my mouse input is met with all the speed and smoothness of molasses mixed with chunks of bitumen.
Graphically, even at the highest settings in the demo, the game doesn't look all that impressive. Even though high-resolution textures are supposedly not included in the demo, you figure that the game would at least look impressive at maximum settings. However, it... doesn't, basically, especially in the animations of characters.
Maybe it's a sideeffect of the game being ported to consoles or something, but my graphics card didn't even break a sweat on the game and it doesn't even look all "next gen" and faggy like Crysis did.
As if it's neccesary to even say so, the new maps also suck. Proper suck. It's not like anyone plays anything but "Deck 16 24/7" or "Instagib Deck 16 24/7" to begin with, anyway.
The worst thing is that, naturally, the whole mainsteam gaming media (read: not actually fucking real gamers, get a new job plz) will go balls-lickingly apeshit over a game that is no improvement over its' prequels, simply because they have no damn taste and people are unable to make good FPS games anymore, meaning that the bar has been lowered to the point that any half-assed shit can get amazing ratings.
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:42 am
Joined: Apr 26, 2007
Posts: 670
Location: AfghanWarriorsClub (AWC)
i was excited to download the beta demo and play ut3..but for some reason it never felt the same way when back in the day when i first played UT99 demo. okay so tha gfx are slightly better. but i would expect more from epic.
for example when you see a door or a window i expect to go atleast into the door and collide by the sides, instead the hidden bounding box plasters off the door. i know that this is done for collision detection, but still thats not next gen detail!!
this new engine does not have relief mapping. the normal mapping used in ut3 is only mildly better from the previous one. however this may be due to the lack of detail textures as 'D' mentioned. but play the second deathmap map and see the shitty foliage textures. they look so bad, i am surprised this is the unreal engine!
the levels seems to be larger but boring. and it occurred to me that the dimensions for the player wrt to the world seems too tiny. i was expecting the players to look bigger and solid, instead of some irritating mosquitoes.
Also the number of maps is only 3!! do you remember when you got the ut 99 demo there where like 7-8 maps.
in terms of gameplay i still find ut99 fun to play compared to the shit pooped after that. in ut3 i noticed that the player takes a few seconds to reach full velocity rather than instant velocity. i didnt quite like that.
the only thing i liked was the music. some how the idiots realized that the orchestral shit was fucking gay and it was time to stuff it in a tuba and suck it up their asses. seriously orchestral music is so overrated, i just want to punch the buffoons with a heavy hammer who think orchestral music is the way to go. fucking orchestral shit-fucks should be time warped to 1700's and tied to a chair in the balconey in the opera and trumpets blown in their asses. if you listen to the music on the main site, then you will see with a relief, that they took the old nice ut99 music and remixed it. congrats on that.
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 7:55 pm
Flame Me
Joined: Aug 16, 2007
Posts: 18
The real game is fucking attrocious. God, for every great FPS released this year there is a horrid piece of nigger. This game sucks so much as I'd rather eat a florescent light than to have to play this piece of shit. I'm glad I downloaded this pile of shit.
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