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How to Make Gold in WoW Burning Crusade Classic 2021
PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:34 pm Reply with quote
Flame Me
Flame Me
Joined: Jul 25, 2021
Posts: 1

Burning Crusade Classic has now released, continuing on the nostalgia that WoW Classic offers. Aside from leveling up or finding the best addons, one of the main concerns for the thousands of players that have jumped into World of Warcraft Classic since its launch will be farming TBC Classic Gold . So, we list some useful tips to help you make money easily in World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade Classic.

WoW Classic TBC: How To Make Gold Early In The Burning Crusade

Playing the Auction House

Players who can effectively play the Auction House will often find the most success when it comes to making gold. Almost every player will need to use the Auction House in some capacity, so using it to your advantage to make money off of the game’s population as opposed to feeding gold into it will be a great way to achieve long standing wealth in WoW: TBC Classic.

The best way to make consistent money off the Auction House is to buy raiding materials such as potions and flasks at a low price during the weekend, and then sell them for a higher price after the raid reset on Tuesday. When raids reset during the week, raiders will inevitably be looking for potions and flasks, so sitting on the ones you bought at a low price until you’re able to list them for a high price will net you a ton of gold week in, week out.

In the meantime, if you notice that a specific item on the Auction House, like as a material like cloth or herbs, is listed abnormally low, you can use a similar strategy to hike the price up once you claim the materials for yourself.

Keep in mind that playing the Auction House like it’s the Stock Market could get tedious for some players, and is only a recommended strategy for players who are genuinely interested in turning gold-making into a core part of the WoW experience.


Cooks are the food suppliers to the Auction House, so those who manage to get the best recipes early on can quickly gain a short-term monopoly and make a ton of money.

Recipes are not generally very difficult to farm, and can provide you with some income, albeit much less than that obtained through most of the main professions.

Some of the major recipes include:

Crunchy Serpent

Golden Fish Sticks

Skullfish Soup

Spicy Hot Talbuk

Roasted Clefthoof

Warp Burger


Dungeons can be a good raw gold farm from passively looting gold, as well as selling any items you may get, or disenchanting them if you are an enchanter.

Some dungeon in Outland can also drop Fel Armaments and Arcane Tomes which are used to gain reputation with the Aldor and Scryers and later on used for shoulders enchants. Many players will want these and will hold their value for a while to come.

Dark Runes are a consumable that restores mana to the user and is only available from the Scholomance dungeon. These do not share cooldowns with mana potions so players will want to use these if they wish to min/max their mana in raids. These can be traded and sold on the Auction house.

Gold is essential in The Burning Crusade Classic - you always need more gold for consumables, gear, repairs, and e.t.c. Gold farm is very slow in The Burning Crusade Classic, that’s why this service is so popular! Buying WoW TBC Classic gold at is simple & safe!
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