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1 - SE Asia (China is getting more and more aggressive, military budgets in the region are increasing significantly, and even Vietnam turned to the US for help)
2 - South Asia (India and Pakistan are always close to a war, it is just waiting for the local equivalent of the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Serajevo in 1914)
3 - Middle East (Syria, Egypt, Israel, all unstable and unpredictable, Israels military supremacy and strong international backing make it unlikely that we will have a major war soon, but an arms race could change this anytime and Israel is rapidly losing credit internationally too)
I excluded
4 - Iran (seems to have no aggressive intentions, so escalation seems unwarranted)
5 - Ukrain (would likely be a civil war only, the risk of this spreading seems limited)
6 - Africa (limited risk of international escalation)
My prediction would be # 1.
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:02 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
Nuclear powers don't go to war against each other...........
Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:41 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2350
Pogma9 wrote:
Nuclear powers don't go to war against each other...........
It hasn't happened yet, but we came very close in 1962 with the Cuba crisis.
In 1969 there were also border clashes between the USSR and China, both nuclear powers at the time. Not too much is needed for border clashes to escalate to a full-blown war.
And the more nuclear powers we have now, the greater the likelihood that in such a state a madman seizes power somehow. Madmen will also be less inhibited from using nukes (even against another nuclear power) than more ordinary leaders. And for this proliferation I blame mostly the UK and France, these should have abolished their nukes ages ago.
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:25 am
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
My vote is for the one that is waged for wealth. War for religious differencies was ALWAYS a bullshit cover story since the beginning of time. They just wanted the land.
Now near South Asia, deeeep south and even more east, there is a region of sea that is sought by both America, China and a third party that I don't remember. The latter has the most valid claim for it since they have a fucking BEACH to that place and it was theirs before too. ...Before it was offical that there is oil there. Sadly they are a nation of poverty with little to no army at all.
The claim of China and America is so ridiculous, its like if Spain said that the waters from Florida to New Foundland belongs to them and if you're like dropping a fishing lure from the shores of Rhode Island, you're stealing spanish fish. But it's actually happening and each big nation have attack ships stationed over there.
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 4:06 am
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2522
berzerker wrote:
And the more nuclear powers we have now, the greater the likelihood that in such a state a madman seizes power somehow.
You think "one" dude can press one button and hey presto full strike against another nuclear powered country....?......that's the real madness.
Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:22 pm
A Winner is me!
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Posts: 2350
Pogma9 wrote:
You think "one" dude can press one button and hey presto full strike against another nuclear powered country....?......that's the real madness.
If this dude is in a position like, say, Stalin or Saddam Hussein were, then sure.
Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:21 am
Joined: Jun 26, 2009
Posts: 356
Actually the more power concentrated in one hand, the more likely will it be used. Think about it. People with power usually demand respect. If another shows opposing behavior, then they feel an urge to display some of it. Like when someone has a gun and it's like shut up, nobody move, give me your wallet or I shoot you etc... They like rodering others around, and get a lot more irritated when encountering resistance, there's a much higher chance of violence in this situation than in another when both sides are unarmed, The bigger the gap of power the more chance the powerful will force their will or attack the other.
Even an average CEO can go nuts, imagine a general. And war brings out the worst in people because of this, because it's just so easy to just drop a bomb, rape or shoot the innocent for fun since all these options are suddenly there and become available. Why not, it's war already, it's not like we are gunning on Time Square.
Also, falso information can be in game, What, North Korea just launched a missile towards our battleship, fuck them BOOOOOM... oh, they didn't shoot shit, it was just a false alarm? oh well.. too bad we just killed millions of people. shit happens i guess.
And there's the topic of like hudnreds of LOST warheads across the world, some "fell of a plane accidentally" (at least that's the offical story) in a desert, a mountain or the sea during the seventies and so on, who knows where they are. They just did not find anything. That's nice, I'm gonna sleep a lot better now
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