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where's puk
PostPosted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:12 pm Reply with quote
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Back in Canada I suppose, so he has no reason any more not to buy / build a proper gaming PC (and no reason any more not to ditch the crappy xbox immediately).

I had expected a flood of posts and reviews, maybe that's still in the pipeline.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:04 am Reply with quote
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hez around...just pretending to be away...he will probably see this post of yours and feel happy atleast one person cares from him in the world other than the League Of Extraordinary slims

follow me or get out of the way
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 8:14 am Reply with quote
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I honestly thought that he was dead,till I saw a post of his the other day.
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Re: where's puk
PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:54 pm Reply with quote
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berzerker wrote:
Back in Canada I suppose, so he has no reason any more not to buy / build a proper gaming PC (and no reason any more not to ditch the crappy xbox immediately).

I had expected a flood of posts and reviews, maybe that's still in the pipeline.

Yo Berzerker, the reason I haven't been posting is b/c of the changes in my life (submitted thesis, moved back to vancouver...) and I abruptly stopped posting here and using facebook,, ED...

I glance at this site from time to time, but to be honest with you, I have no desire to read a Tomb Raider review, or a post about some car simulation game.

As for the rig, I am currently using my old one. I play FEAR on it, well, all day every day, and I finally understand what Suislide is talking about when he constantly says "shit ton of low res textures" cuz FEAR has better graphics than most of the games out now. As for the new rig, only time will tell.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:13 pm Reply with quote
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When people get around to trying to make sense of where humans came from, they've really only got one choice if they're rational, and that's the scientific account.

The various religious nuts around the world aren't interested in whether or not evo-theory is plausible, they've already ruled out reason as the only source of knowledge and substituted it with magic, wishful thinking, faith and the like.

What a rational person must consider is whether or not the evidence is in evo's favour or some other alternative, and I'm not going to suggest evo-theory has ALL the answers, but it is a scientific account backed by as much evidence as man can gather.
The usual alternative is Creationism or some modified account, ie, the baloney of JOSEPH SARANDOS....the major problem with these accounts is that they originate from the minds of magical thinkers, thinkers{if you can call them that}, who've rejected science and reason as the only means of securing knowledge.

No-one said scientific knowledge is immutable, but on the proviso it's legitimate science, ie, allows for experimentation/duplication and logically considers all of it's explanations and predictions, then it qualifies as knowledge, IOW, we build on scientific knowledge, therefore we can legitimately say TRUTH is contextual and relative to mankinds knowledge.

What pseudo philosophers like JOSEPH SARANDOS try and do is DEMAND that science tell us absolutely everything and that scientific theories should never be wrong or limited in their scope, of course their own alternative is always illogical, vague and downright ludicrious.
So one can reject rationality and the faculty of reason and inject all manner of nonsense into their knowledge banks, or one can study the scientific method, the philosophy of science and ideally Objectivism's epistemology, ie, how we know what we know.

It's comes as no surprise to me at least that most religious folk find the idea of a link to the animal kingdom as abhorrent since most religious dogma's place man as the pinnacle and the animal kingdom there for his exploitation, so due to religious indoctrination, most religious folk feel superior to animals and don't feel the natural connection to nature that genuine free thinkers experience.

The only reason people fall for religion is that they're spirtually weak, uneducated and LITERALLY hate the truth, especially as truth can only be arrived at by using one's reason and applying the dictates of rationality.

So please ignore farcical{and comical} analogies invented by magical thinkers, these people have a very active imagination and are desperate to have others believe in their fairy tales, probably because deep down they know they're bullshitting to themselves and want to rope in as many as they can on the basis that if everyone believes it, then it must be true, and certainly WON'T be critically examined.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:24 pm Reply with quote
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You are about as stupid as they come, aren't ya?

I read Mister S' email to the admin of that board, and I saw that he changed
your username, making you the fool of that board as well as the USC.

Also, I've been following with silent interest your hook-up with Strelly at
Pravda, making you his replacement for Pinhead VA as "straight man" for his
otherwise-ignored comments about Mister S., and making the pair of you look
like the burned-ass idiots that you are.

I see that Strelly has substituted crazy Bobby the beast for you in USC,
holding serious conversations with that most fanatic of all Christian
Fundies on the www instead of with yourself as his atheistic "favorite
shithead in that shithole which was too far below his intelligence-level and
class for him to waste any of his busy time with".

I also noticed you sticking your slimy tongue up into the asshole of that
other "FUCKING AMERICAN" machowhatever, but even he shines you on. So there
you are in USC now, without either Johnson or Strelly partnered with you,
all alone making your separate and totally ignored rants and raves.

Mister S. was spot on when he predicted that Strelly and you couldn't and
wouldn't, as you said, "give the ass" to either Pravda or USC because you're
both as "hooked" on getting your asses handed to you by Mister S., so you
keep coming back for, as JS said, more shit and shoved in it, in your stupid
hopes of getting your balls back from him.

The reason I'm not posting in USC is that all I could do is add hysterical
laughter to the masterful ass-kicking posts of Mister S., and people might
think I was as maniacal as you if I did that.

Man, don't you even know the meanings of "pathetic" and "needful"? You're
now the poster-boy for both.

Shalom, shmuck,
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:32 pm Reply with quote
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Now that I've had time to really comb through your posts under the
"AmericanEagle" and "Cacklebery" monikers in partners with Strellie, I've
come to the conclusion that you're even more of dirty cocksucker than I had
you pegged as. You rooted for that cowardly and criminal POS even while he
was boasting about complaining to the network to have Mister Sarandos banned
from it, even while Sarandos was simultaneously dealing with the actual
cocksuckers, Oceania and the one from Palestine Chronicle, in USC.

You've shown your true color - bright yellow - as just another foolish and
cowardly bastard who can't deal with Mister Sarandos on an intellectual
level, and so resorts to cooperating in efforts to get him banned from
responding while you continue to "flame" his real name.

You really belong in Pravda, with what's left of the cocksuckers who are
still crowing years after Sarandos had kicked all of their asses before
getting banned, and long after he had doomed that shithole to the slow and
agonizing death that it's suffering instead of "mercy killing it" while he
had the legitimate means to do it.

Like RRBum and Strellie, you're so fucking jealous of Mister Sarandos, in
his exclusive ability to single-handedly, and without hiding his name and
address, maintain a large following of silent disciples by agreement, while
stomping turds out of as many of you handful of Morality-hating fools, in as
many monikers as you use, who might clump together at any particular time in
any particular board, that you can't think or see straight, and that you
spend the bulk of your time both online and off obsessed with and
psychologically imprisoned by him.

What makes you lower than the lowest of them is that you're a fucking
intellectual whore, who attempts to climb into bed with any and all of the
shitheads who you actually hate and disagree with, just to gain their
temporary quasi-alliance in your years-long campaign to unseat and replace
Mister Sarandos as both a respected leader and an un-beatable warrior, but
most-importantly an actual philosopher with original ideas that he can prove
by the sciences. It is literally killing you to see "the best and brightest"
of your ilk, like Strellie, go down in flames when they attempt to
out-debate this actual genius.

What makes you the most foolish of them all is that only you had been given
more than a few opportunities to not only learn from Sarandos, but to join
him and share his position of awe, respect and fear among the community of
internet posters, and that you blew each and every one of those
opportunities because of your uncontrollable jealousy of and competition
with him.

Oh yes, as you've guessed by now, I've read each and every one of the
hundreds of e-mails that passed between Mister Sarandos and you since 2001.

How much more fucking foolish and stupid could you have been, or can you
get? Well, your below-shown attempt to solicit my trust and confidence, of
all people, is a good example of your continuing growth in foolishness and

Since you're not at all busy with your very short list of "friends and
enemies" on the internet, you should have time to deeply think about and
formulate a substantive reply to this e-mail, and I'm pretty sure that
Mister Sarandos would be as interested in and attentive to your reply as I

Let's hear it!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:57 pm Reply with quote
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for a while,I'd thought that you're talking aboot VGS.OTOH I'm neither convinced by the evo-theory nor creationism theory.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:12 am Reply with quote
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Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
I'm neither convinced by the evo-theory nor creationism theory.

So where do you stand FFS?
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Re: where's puk
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:22 am Reply with quote
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puk wrote:

and I abruptly stopped posting here and using facebook
no problem! jus give us your facebook id and lets all chill out there icon_cheers.gif i am sure suislide is already on your friend list

follow me or get out of the way
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:07 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

Pogma9 wrote:
Dick_In_Your_Ass wrote:
I'm neither convinced by the evo-theory nor creationism theory.

So where do you stand FFS?

It's obviously all evo... with a hint, just a tiny hint, (which all religions blow out of proportion 100 fold) of creationism.

What kind of hint? Free will & perception. WE create that. Animals and trees are limited, but we can conceive all day and even change our reality.

Therefore, humans are gods, in our own way. My way? Lethal Prowess, domination, hilarity... whats you way of life? Because it aint some fucking sky wizard, saying we're born sinful. FUCK NO. It's some idiot wearing a dress who can only get off on little boys saying all that shit, and you BELIEVED him, douche bag.

- - -

So man evolved from Ape. We used to be the white apes way long ago. The black apes are slowly but surely evolving like we did. I wonder what other animal will evolve to our extent, to develop self consciousness? LIZARDS?

Self consciousness = God.

So we evolved AND created our own world, but we only created the world to an extent. Not too many people can actually shift tectonic plates as they please. We mostly just evolved and reacted.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:14 am Reply with quote
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Posts: 37

It's obviously all evo

Evo 6? happy8.gif
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:19 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

It's obviously all evo

Evo 6? happy8.gif

What in Tufford Road is Evo 6? Upside down man, WTF are you talking about?
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:57 am Reply with quote
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:27 am Reply with quote
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What in Tufford Road is Evo 6? Upside down man, WTF are you talking about?
hey crackhead get outta the taxi trunk

follow me or get out of the way
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:28 am Reply with quote
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It's obviously all evo

Evo 6? happy8.gif

What in Tufford Road is Evo 6? Upside down man, WTF are you talking about?
a damn fine (albeit gayer )jap car.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:54 pm Reply with quote
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It is too hard for this, Fuck-fellow to use google.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:23 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.

That has got to be the gayest car I have ever seen in my life. Get your dick out of masters ass, and stop using google so god damn much for every little fucking nit pick, you faggot.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:07 pm Reply with quote
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That has got to be the gayest car I have ever seen in my life. Get your dick out of masters ass
dude, it isn't in _Masters'_ ass
stop using google so god damn much for every little fucking nit pick, you faggot.
you should refer to berzerker,not me.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:05 pm Reply with quote
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Location: Why so serious? Seriously, why? It doesn't make sense.


You see how problematic they are? WASTE 'EM I SAY!
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