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I'm amazed it isn't reviewed yet. While not the worst game ever, it's a degradation, a humiliation to the Diablo series. You have to be some sort of brainwashed retarded blizzombie to say otherwise.
It's funny how Blitztard drones go like "Diablo II sucks? No because I can click you to death with my dollar played weapons. If you don't like it, go play D2. Obvious troll"
What is going on with the Diablo hate? I don't think anyone likes the always-on connection requirement, but that's just how it is. Get over it or move on and stop complaining.
Ok so I haven't really played Diablo III yet and I never will. Just because it's Diablo III, doesn't mean it's great. So basically Blizzfart managed to fuck up a great series by turning it into some s ...
wrong. the thing that they don't obey doesn't makes them stupid. the big one understands a lot and he obeys without even telling him what to do it's like he's reading your mind. and i respect free wil ...
WTF cats are super clean animals they even lick themselfes and each other. did you even touched a cat? their fur is amazingly soft you start cuddling and you can't stop.
Me mom has two cats and one o ...