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Re: Megadeth or Metallica (Score: 1) by Dick_in_your_Arse on Wednesday, November 10 @ 01:33:48 EST (User Info | Send a Message)
This would B a good idea f4 the next poll: is the captain :
1. ignorant
2. stupid
3. both ignorant and stupid
4. an ugly chick
5. an ignorant, stupid ugly chick
Re: Megadeth or Metallica (Score: 1) by _Master_ on Wednesday, November 10 @ 02:51:24 EST (User Info | Send a Message)
do you know who Astral Projection is?
how abt Protoculture?
or perhaps Teque?
maybe Jaytech?
Static Blue?
No? yeah i thought so. someboday is brain dead stupid ignorant as well
And excuse me if i dont listen to all that teenage mainstream commercial crap shit caveman rock-cock music. Those pesudo-gay guys can go paint their nails act gothick and grow long hair to make up for their lack of beef