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"During sex do you" | Login/Create an Account | 28 comments
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Re: During sex do you (Score: 1)
by _Master_ on Saturday, July 10 @ 14:19:12 EDT
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....i think you had big difficulty doing homework as a kid and that why took to smoking weed

the answer to your question is fairly obvious and thats why i asked you to put some thought into it. Very dissappointing btw, anyways...

1. puk had earlier put that Vuvuzela topic on the forums, so one can understand a natural tendency towards the Vuvuzela appeal. ( For all i know he can go to Venezuela and stuff a Vuvuzela up his ass and blow into it )

2. you didnt seem interested in Vuvuzela and neither does anyone else except puk.

3. having seen how the polls where skewed by an unknown mysterious entity, in the earlier history of VGS, puk quickly learns how he can take advantage of the situation in order to bring some control in his spiraling VGS life.

4. the number of people visiting vgs is very small..hell its like a shitty suburban town. This makes the outlier set to a limited suspects

5. After the constant humiliation and absence of cock-dadaey to come to his rescue (not that it would have helped), this was a way to get back at VGS because monkey was not around( as if he would have banned anyone). So this is again a fury against monkey.

So due to all these reasons, the evidence built up certainly points at puk.

Who knows what could be next? Like a bomb in your mailbox or something.

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