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Forever Worlds
Posted on Friday, April 16 @ 20:13:20 EDT by M0nKeY
Adventure Game Reviewsgrumpyboy writes "Takes you through a special magic adventure though the sphincter of a dead goat.

This game is so fucking shit that I wouldn’t even use the cd to scrape shit out of my arsehole.

During the install it forced me to install divx5 which gave me a feeling of false optimism for some reason.

Well…It had the longest most dull and tedious intro ever, all about this stupid old doddering cunt looking for a fucking magic tree. Then they had this stupid brainless valley girl type (oh that’s like so not cool) with the most irritating voice doing a voice over along with this American squeaky clean college boy.

It started in the Jungle (and my game finished there about three screens later).

Its supposed to be a Mist type game, yes I know that already sounds shit which means I must be a fuckwit but I’ve played every other type of game to death and I was fucking board so, fuck off, well anyway I moved the mouse to the edge of the screen expecting to see an direction arrow to click but no, no, not in this shit game in this crap game the right mouse click brings up the fucking save menu now, how cunting stupid is that!

What stupid retarded moronic monkey fucker decided that, as for the graphics I’ve seen paintings by those poor bloody cunts with no arms that paint with their fucking feet do fucking better pictures.

When I moved finally figured out how to move, I expected a nice smooth dissolve to the next screen, like games that been out since the Noah’s Ark do. but no, flip! clang! next picture, like some shity old slide show on an old clapped out slide projector, it even paused the pc for a few seconds like it was calculating PI to the 3 billionth decimal point instead of just changing a poorly rendered shoddy picture.

As for the sound well fine (well not really) expect for the fact it cuts out for a few seconds every time you change screen, this is very disurbing when you’ve got fucking loud jungle sounds, monkeys yelling, birds twitting, bears shiting, and all that jungle shit, in a crappy high piched tinny low bit rate mp3 sound , and then silence and then, bang! it starts again. I played better games on a broken Sega master system

I bet at this moment [the developers] are being buggered senseless up the arse till they bleed though their arse, nose and ears, by their bankers as payment in kind for the 50 dollars 25 cents they lent them to make it.


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The Sims 4

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Re: Forever Worlds (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Friday, April 16 @ 23:48:46 EDT
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haha nice review

except where is the damn score

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Re: Forever Worlds (Score: 1)
by Grumpyboy on Saturday, April 17 @ 11:43:43 EDT
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It choped the end of my review off.

By the way I just checked and there is a new Hard Core Porn Film out Called..

"Forever World Developers get Violent Rape Anal Fist Fest by their Bankers" not really my cup of Tea but I might get it beacause I hate the game so fucking much.

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