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Battlefield: Vietnam
Posted on Tuesday, March 16 @ 17:27:45 EST by Suislide
FPS reviewsYay the sequel is finally here im sure your all happy. But then again your not going to be when i tell you it SUCKS because its the SAME DAMN GAME WITH NEW VEHICLES.

Graphics: The screenshots make this game look good, crisp and sharp. The truth fucking is it looks like hmm i dunno JUST LIKE BATTLEFIELD 1942 with trees. OO WOW! The weapon models arent to bad but the skins on them make them look blurry and unsharp. OOO BLACK AND GRAY! Way to get creative with the skins. The maps dont look too bad except for a few which look like bloody diarrhea on the floor with some gay trees. The character models are the only decent looking things in the whole game the only problem there isnt ENOUGH OF THEM. Oh look i can choose from 2 heads and 2 bodies. WOAH FUCKING CRAZY! I CAN GET INSANE NOW WITH THE MASSIVE AMOUNT OF COMBINATIONS I CAN MAKE WITH THIS! I mean there must be like FOUR different types there. Also there are graphical fucking apple turds everywhere (AF and AA problems too.) First of all the text is still blurry and almost unreadable. WOW THE PROBLEM IS 2 FUCKING YEARS OLD. FIX IT YOU LAZY CUNTS. Also the bump mapped surfaces can have problems and look PIXELATED like i put a strainer on my ass, then i stuck a bomb in my ass and blew SHIT all through the strainer.

Sound: Atleast the music isnt too bad at the menu and the loading screens. Although none of it plays during the damn game but who cares. The sounds are basically average and stuff but it seems bland as hell. During a large game though its good because bombs and explosions and shit are going off everywhere. AND PEOPLE ARE FUCKING ROASTING AND SHITS EXPLODING LEFT AND RIGHT. FUCK YEHA MOTHER FUCKER.

Gameplay: This is where the game wants me to inject aids into my brain. ITS THE SAME DAMN GAME I PLAYED 2 FUCKING YEARS AGO. The only difference is all new weapons vehicles and maps. It just feels the exact same. I DONT HAVE 50 DOLLARS TO BLOW OUT MY ASS FOR A 2 YEAR OLD GAME. So you can run around and shoot shit and then capture it. There is a good assortment of vehicles such as helicopters, jets, and tanks, boats. The helicopter is fucking retarded and impossible to fly. I dont know if it is just me, but how the fuck do you flip a helicopter upside flying it. So basically you run around shoot each other with a good selection of weapons and vehicles. ALTHOUGH ITS BORING AS SHIT BECAUSE I PLAYED THIS DAMN GAME ALREADY. YOU LAZY FUCKS, THIS IS MORE OF A FUCKING MOD THEN A FUCKING STANDALONE GAME. All these cunts do is make some bullshit for a game and sell it for MONEY. THIS GAME IS SHIT.

Story: IF you think there is a story to this game you are fucking stupid. Infact you are a retard just for reading this, thanks for sucking ass.

Its a shitty expansion over a new game 6/10

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Half-Life 2

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Re: Battlefield: Vietnam (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 16 @ 19:17:10 EST
please don't play this game. I'm glad you don't like it, the last thing we need is a mental midget like yourself wasting space tking and sucking bandwidth.

man there are some stupid fucking people out there, that was one of the most painful couple of nonsensicle paragraphs i've ever suffered through.

later beavis, I hear UT04 pwnZZ!!!!! go and play that one. and CS CZ will soon be here, you and your clanmates are gonna love that one..

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Re: Battlefield: Vietnam (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, April 24 @ 20:50:47 EDT
Wow, you are a n00b.
1. The graphics are great, if you set them on high.
2. The text is readable, if you have it on a GOOD resolution.
3. The music does player in the game, its called, the Zero button(you must be in ANY vehicle.
4. Maybe if you weren't sucking you MOM's COCK you would notice that its an extremely fun online expirence.
5. And your Grandfather, wants you to go "Faster!" respect your elder, and do as he says.
6. There is not supposed to be a story, it is an online game.
BTW FASTER!!!!111onetyone11111!1111

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