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Midnight Nowhere
Posted on Saturday, March 13 @ 10:26:58 EST by Suislide
Adventure Game ReviewsWtf a fucking adventure game that doesnt suck? Yes its true! HUZZAH!

Graphics: It's an adventure game and heaven forbid they make the fucking backgrounds in real time. I dont really care though. Ok so the pre-rendered backgrounds all look crisp sharp and high poly, the only problem is with the real time characters. You cant change the god damn resolution so they are blurry pieces of shit, and if they are the only thing be rendered why not give them huge ass textures and a high poly model. WTF? WHY THE FUCK NOT? It looks alright and the backgrounds look good SO K.

Sound: All the ambient sounds sound fine I DUNNO WHAT THE FUCK ELSE I SHOULD SAY. The music here actually gives some damn atmosphere to game while ur in the hospital full of dead people. The only problem is when ur in that jail the same fucking 30 seconds of track repeats 2 billon times and you cant hear the speech over it. The voice acting is all fine, and finally you have a character that isnt a pussy HE SWEARS OMFG CRAZEH!. Everyone else you meet in the game is a cunt.

Gameplay: Dur you click on the fucking screen you retard. There is 4 different icons you get in the upper right corner. They are look at something, talk to it, pick it up, or use. YOu select what you want to do and click on shit its not hard. Then you solve redudant puzzles finding keys and shit. Its actually quite fun. The main character isnt a pussy like everyone else in adventure games. Fuck no hes picks up microscopes and glass and axes and shit and smashes shit up. HE also gets a gun and blows off locks. OH yeah and this dickface's head was stuck in this window? So what does he. CUTS IT THE FUCK OFF IS WHAT HE DOES. So yes this game is quite fun.

Story:Some piece of shit is all the loose killing people all over. You wake up in a body bag and have no memory of how you got there, then you going around and trying to get out of the hosptial. And thats basically it.. you probably figure out who the guy is and its probably you, i have no fucking idea yet.

Yeah its fun 8/10

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