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Bad Boys 2
Posted on Sunday, February 29 @ 20:57:27 EST by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsSo here we have a completley shitty game based off a completley shitty movie. Of course this game sucks ass its all cliche bullshit based of a movie all packed into a small ass game sold for 50 dollars.

Graphics:This game is obviously coming out on the consoles because it looks like completley shit. Everything thing is blocky and either has low res smear my shit on the wall textures, or decent "we tried" textures. Lets start with will smith and that other piece of shit guy. They almost look white because the texture is so shitty, and they decided to put like 10 polygons in them. The maps are different shaped rectangles and squares with ladders and shit. Also of course this fucking queer as game is packed with explosive barrels and boxes. You know because dumb ass people just decide "you know what im going to put this huge explosive barrel on my roof, yeah." The intermission cutscenes look like shitty. To sum it up they took the ingame engine, made some stupid shitty animations, then decided to put a Blur over it. YEAH THATS WHAT I WANT WHEN I WATCH SOMETHING A FUCKING GRAINY ASS BLUR. Enlight studios fucking sucks ass.

Sound: As this game started i began to smell the rancid pussy that this game is. The music at the main menu sounds like a fucking midi from doom. The voice acting sounds terrible and sounds like neither a black person or the actors. They all had perfect english. This game was full of one liners, and not serious sam one liners, oh no. These are one-liners that add swearing to sound cool. "Tatical, that means i can kick yo ass, assholes" OH WOW THATS TOTALLY COOL AND CREATIVE, SOMEBODY CUT MY BALLS OFF. That setence basically translates to "yo, im black." I dont remember any music during the game probably because it all suck shit but the audio for the guns and everything else are just shitty average gun sounds.

Gameplay: So you are these two characters and you play as both of them depending on the level. I dont know their names but it was something queer as hell like George and Tim (so ill refer to them as that). You use your crosshair and you shoot stuff. But then they go fucking insane, YOU CAN HIDE BEHIND BOXES AND POP OUT. Wow thats fucking incredible, i can hide behind a box. There is a decent choice of weapons but they all are the same. The grenades either throw too far or too close (which is like 2 feet in front of you because the character you are is obviously a pussy). You can find evidence and do damage to things and you get a rating system, OH YOU WERE A LOOSE CANNON. WELL I DONT FUCKING CARE IF THEY SURRENDER. The rating system is completly useless.

One thing i did notice though while playing this game.... You are two black cops, and everyone you kill is white. THIS GAME IS FUCKING RACIST. I DIDNT KILL A SINGLE BLACK PERSON IN THIS GAME. ENLIGHT STUDIOS. MORE LIKE RACIST STUDIOS YOU FUCKERS.

Story: You are two cops on team TNT. What the fuck is team TNT the black division of the police force? Someone enlighten me because i never seen the two heaps of shit dubbed movies. There is this guy named Mendoza (common mexican name). Hes doing some shit and you find him and kill him. The end. This is all packed into an amazing 4 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY. So if you are looking for a game to entertain you for a long this. THIS IS IT.

This game is fucking racist.... 3/10

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Re: Bad Boys 2 (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Wednesday, March 03 @ 07:17:23 EST
(User Info | Send a Message)
Oh man I was cracking up during the sound paragraph.

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