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Posted on Tuesday, December 23 @ 18:36:54 EST by M0nKeY
FPS reviewsAnonymous writes "Devastation game; A waste of money.

Graphics; Fine, ok perhaps nice (Modified Unreal-engine.)

Sounds; As if recorded and modified by a ten year old.

Story: sad. Post-apocalyptic-kinda-setting.
Big company rules the world (yawn.....) and does engineering on soldiers (people! we have 139.484.235 movies and games with such stories!).

The wolds savior; EMINEM.

Yes, this is the main character (though named Flinn. "Flinn, find a lake to drown in.")

The streets are filled with garbage. What's with that. There are no civilians.

A.I. - Not existent


As boring as is gets. No impact, no feeling from it because the sound is so light and powerless. They look nice though.

Gameplay- you move and feel like an elaphant. you jump as if you weigh 80 tons. you cannot peak. You cannot crawl. YOU CAN GET STUCK BETWEEN CARDBOARD BOXES!!!!!!!!!!What the hell!!!
To destroy these boxes you need empty 6 clips of ammo on them.

Another funny thing; in one of the levels in the beginning of the game there is a time limit before your team
(who can heal from almost being dead to 100% healthy in seconds -hmm are there more people here who've had some engineering done?-).
So, team is about to blow up being tied on to a bomb (why not shoot them and drop the 'batman-gangster-act" villans?).

Wow, what a nasty crappy sentence-well I'm dutch okay?-

Now then, that bomb xplodes in 5 minutes or so.
And the bombs clock starts the second you start your save game.
Time needed for starting a save game; +/- 3 minutes.
hahahaha. do the math. No way there's finishing this level without a god-cheat (wich I dont like)

(to put it simple; the clock starts 3 minutes before the game does)

Now, I played the game on a clean, 1,4Gh processor, 256 ram. geforce2 64mb sythem. So that shouldn't be the problem right? Or should we al have 1024 ram memory so everything runs smoothly? hahahah!
No way man.

After "Firewarrior 40k", the most FUCKED UP game ever installed on my pc.

Waste of your time, no fun to play and even frustrating. Also has installing problems.


You WILL regret it!!!

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Most read story in FPS reviews:
Half-Life 2

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Re: Devastation Game Should be Devastated (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Tuesday, December 23 @ 23:58:33 EST
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Woah someone actually submitted a review? And shouldnt the title just say Devastation so people know what game it is :P

last a gf2 and 1.4ghz isnt really a good system, hell gf2 isnt even a dx8 card

anyways the review tickled my pussy, as in i laughed

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Re: Devastation (Score: 1)
by Grooveygr on Monday, December 29 @ 01:44:03 EST
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How would one go about submiting a review? I can contribute every now and then...

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