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One Must Fall: Battlegrounds
Posted on Sunday, December 21 @ 19:40:17 EST by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsI played the first one a lot when i was of the younger age. So this sequel comes out, were all supposed to be happy. Nope. They took this game and made everything stupid and boring shit.

Graphics: Yes the graphics do look nice but who gives a shit when the game is so boring i fell asleep with drool falling down my face. Ooo the bots are shiny and undetailed. How shitty is that, think you can slap some shiny shit on a model and call it a day. Lets also not forget that on my 9800pro the game runs almost decent, wait what am i saying it runs like ass. Im pretty sure that a big empty fucking arena with 2 models in it shouldnt run shitty. Oh theres some glowy shit on the wall, and look a grate in the floor, slow down, my fucking graphics card cant handle that! All the stupid robots now look the same now, instead of having weird looking shit all on them like in the first game. Wow this one looks like a tiger! OH CRAZY THIS ONE HAS A FUCKING BLADE ON HIS ARM. THEY MUST HAVE WENT ALL OUT! The robots suck now.

Sound: The sound of all the metal clashing togher is anus. Theres like one sound and they decided just to change the tone of it because they are lazy assholes. The music is just like the first game, which sucks ass because its dirty cunt techno. During the fights there was either no music or just the same god damn shit repeating and i just stopped listening. You know what would kick ass? If they had some metal for the music while im beating the shit out of a stupid look robot. So the audio is quite boring.

Gameplay: The main part of the game, you can have shitty graphics and microphone up the ass audio, and the gameplay can make up for it. Not in this case. The gameplay here went from fast paced robot smashing action to ill walk up to you slowly and maybe ill slap you if the face, but i dont want to break a nail because im a pussy ass bitch. Its just plain boring. Oh wow i can punch with my left, punch with my right, kick left, kick right, wow! Thats like totally awesome and unique! Way to go ubisoft you made a run of the mill game (if ubisoft made it, i cant fucking remember). Even when the robots run, its not even double the speed they walk. Theres no more robot shit kicking action, they decided to replace it with boringness. Thanks!

Story: You are a robot guy and you want to be the best, so you go and hit the shit out of robots. Well punch me in the vagina thats as original as the movie Honey. If you are wondering why i know of this movie, its because shit fucking movies like this are advertised all the time on TV.

The game looks nice, boring sounds, boring music, boring game play by doing this you can get a great score of 4/10

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