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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Posted on Saturday, November 29 @ 12:01:48 EST by Suislide
RPG ReviewsOMG SAVE MEE!!! I cant fucking stop playing this game!! It sucking my life away. Yes this game is very good although not as good as Call Of Duty. k.

Graphics: The game looks pretty damn good so theres no complaints here. All the models look nice and there is actually different models for the characters instead of just skins. I have those fucks that do that, what the hell you lazy assholes, it isnt that hard to make more than one model that looks different. The textures are all nice looking except for a few and I think there is higher res textures than from the xbox version. I have no idea but honestly who gives a shit as long as they dont look like a sore penis. The only textures that i thought looked bad were on the ebon hawk. Its all blurry and shit, didnt anyone even notice that the back of the Ebon Hawk looks like someone took a dump in photoshop and then finished. The only other complaint I have is the movies in between chaning planets are fucking boring and pointless and dont look that great. They have like a what i would call a shitty look to them. Other than that everything looks like the sex.

Sound: The sound is basically good.... Nothing much else to say. The voice acting is all done pretty well and well have it isnt even a fucking person. It is just stupid gay aliens making their stupid gay noises which makes it so i have to read. They didnt put sound in a game so i would have to read god dammit. The music is all done well except i hardly fucking notice it so doesn't really matter. Last all the swords and lightsabers are all good and stuff. WOOOOSH WANG WOWOWO BLWOWLWOLWOLLDLAFLLGLADL. Yeah fuck you thats how they sound.

Gameplay: Basically its just an rpg, but a god damn good one. You can run around free where ever you want, talk to people, kill things, go do stupid quests, level up. You can get force powers after you become a Jedi but they fucking suck dick except for lighting and lightsaber throw. Stun? Why the hell would i want to stun someone? Im trying to fucking cut off a guys tits and slap him in the face with them. Im trying to butt fuck someone with my lightsaber not knock them out. Anyways the fighting is all turn based but there is something to it that it doesnt seem like it is turned based. You wont see them attack and then you attack, its seems more continuous (omg big fucking words!) and fluent that a game like NWN. In NWN the fighting gets fucking boring and fast so good thing bioware made it better.

This game is fucking sucking my life away. It makes me want to play more more ITS LIKE FUCKING CRACK. I tell myself im going to quit after i do this and THEN FUCKING BLAM im playing for fucking 3 more hours. This game is very dangerous.

Story: You make a character and give him some stupid name. I wish i could have been a fat bald guy but you cant change his weight... How gay is that? So yeah there is the Sith and shit and then there is the Republic and they are fighting and stuff. So here you are getting drunk when these Sith bitiches start attacking your which explodes. Then Bastalia some important bitch you have to find here, fuck her, and then find these star maps until you get them all. Then shit happens. Thats my paraphrase of the story of the game.

This game is TEH SEX. 10/10

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Star Wars: The Old Republic

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