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Simpsons: Hit and Run
Posted on Wednesday, November 19 @ 18:55:05 EST by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsWhat? A Simpsons game? That doesn't suck fat hairy wet elephant balls? Yes in fact its actually quite good for a game based off a tv show. The last games all sucked dirty ass.

Graphics: They look exaclty mother fucking just like the simpsons. The city and all the characters all look like they do in the TV show. The Graphics are all fine except for one thing, Fire. What the hell did they do their? The Fire looks like the biggest piece of shit i have ever seen in my life so what thell. On the cars when you hit them it gets damaged and the car falls apart like a pinto exploding. The only thing is though is it basically looks the same, like it looks like someone fucking rear ended you in a parking lot. What im looking for is flying over a fucking tire fire smashing into a bus and the front end of my car is behind me and blood all over! YEAH MOTHER FUCKER DIE. I GOT THAT FUCING SCHOOLBUS. Yes there is also no blood but thats no big deal. (Yes it is, just not for the Simpsons games)

Sound: The sound is fucking great and filled full of gay one-liners from the show. They make me laugh and i laugh because they are funny. All the voice to all the characters are there the only thing is they fucking repeat a gajillion times when im doing a mission or smashing into cars. The Music is also very good, its always there and it sounds crisp as hell, not like the sounds in Warhammer 40k that piece of shit game. So yes the sound is quite good.

Gameplay: It is just like Grand Theft Auto 3 with the lack of violence and guns. I can fucking mow tons of yellow people down as they fucking stick to my car then fly off my windshield. The people dont actually die though they get back up. So basically you do missions (no fucking shit) until you beat that level, then the level changes and you do some more fucking missions. Gets just a tad repetetive. You can be all the characters of the family which is good. Also theres a ton of fucking side things to do, so many its like WHAT THE FUCK I JUST FUCKING BEAT 7 MISSIONS ANDTHERES FUCKING 300 CAJILLION MORE.

Story: Who the fuck knows what the story is . I guess some survalliance bees and trucks are spying on people in Springfield for no apparent reason (maybe i havent gotten that far yet). So anyways the story fucking blows an elephants vagina so far, but who gives a shit when i can hit people with a car yay! So yeah.

The game is fun but gets repetitive 9/10

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