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Nolf2: Contract Jack
Posted on Saturday, November 15 @ 18:53:58 EST by Suislide
FPS reviewsThis game is basically the complete opposite of Nolf2. Instead of sneaking in with out letting so much as a pussy fart out, you now just walk in and blow the shit out of whatever the fuck you can see.

Graphics:The graphics look absolutley the same as everyone other fucking came that uses the Lithtech engine. For chirst sake make a new engine its getting old. It doesnt look bad persay but its not the best lookign thing either. Also the model animations are shitty such as when someone is near a ledge, you kill them, and then they fall of the rail. That still looks like ass and for fuck sakes i dont even think their is rag doll physics. The guns all look exactly the fucking same as Nolf2 and alot all the textures are from that game too so wtf. The game is 2cds and they do that. The graphics arent bad but all the fucking weapon models from nolf2 and the same.

Sound: It varies. The gun shots suck complete ass because they sound like if you shoved a small microphone up my anus and i took a huge fucking hershy squirt diarrhea. Even if i turn down the sound effects volume they sound all fucking distorted. Not to mention the sound for the new desert eagle makes the gun sound like a fart i forced out my ass that just makes a small "pop." Some of the music is new and some of it is old. Lazy fucks. Atleast their is new speech to count on.

Gameplay: Exactly the opposite of Nolf2. You work for HARM (i think and isnt that bad?) and you go around and blow the shit out of abunch of guys without even trying to sneak. All the cool elements of leveling up and finding documents is completley gone. Now you just fucking blow the shit out of everything. Its still actually quite fun espically blowing the shit out of tons of people. So basically all the enviorments are incredibly less interactive and you cant search bodies either. So the gameplay is alright, still fun. Oh yeah one thing to add is they added a rocket launcher to the snowmobile, and added a brand new cool moped (how about a fucking car). Although you cant fire shit out of the moped or it fucking overheats with its POS guns.

Story: There is like barley a story in this game. You are Jack and for some reason you are tied up in a chair. You break free, kill people, and then get a job offered by HARM. You take their test and now you are off to kill abunch of shit and find out what the fuck this company or mafia piece of shit called Danger! Danger! is up to. What kind of shit ass name is that? The story isnt too great, its on par with about Serious Sam.

The game is quite fun but is missing all the cool shit that made nolf2 better 7.5/10

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Re: Nolf2: Contract Jack (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, November 28 @ 12:07:44 EST
worst... review... EVER...

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