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PAYDAY: The Heist
Posted on Monday, September 16 @ 19:51:29 EDT by suislide
FPS reviewsthetallguy writes "So, this is a COOP game from 2011, but since half of these reviews are slow as fuck, I decided to come back and reveal yet another game from the dephts of the past years. Click that Read More button now, faggot.

So, this is a COOP game from 2011, but since half of these reviews are slow as fuck, I decided to come back and reveal yet another game from the dephts of the past years. I present to you, PAYDAY: The Heist.

This game is shit ass fun with friends, and not that good when playing solo. PAYDAY: The Heist's synopsis involves 4 professional guys robbing picked out heists. When I first started this game, I was given the benefit of the doubt in thinking that this will be some crappy indie game, even more doubt when I found out the company, Overkill Software, was formed from the directors of GRIN, whom is responsible for one of the worst, most generic games ever made, EVER. I was wrong.


Now, the game doesn't have those top-notch graphics we see, it ponders more to the gameplay, but this section isn't left out. Everything, from the First World Bank, to the No Mercy hospital is enriched in detail, and complexity. Low-res textures are, as much as they can, removed and only when you are some detail-nut who likes to notice things. The game doesn't offer that much of a linear chance, but everything is complex and well-made. There are also some visual filter stuff in the menu I don't use. Bloom rape, while appearing at some points of a heist, is not excessive and appears only for added realism. All-in all, graphics are pretty good.


The sounds, while not perfectly executed, give some needed environments the buff they need. Civilians screaming in terror are probably the most thought out, but the guns don't sound great. For example, the cops shooting their pistol sounds pretty fucking weak. And when huge firefights occur, the gun sounds just take a huge shit and leave, because everything is just said gun sounds, no bullets whizzings or anything. Doesn't give that much of a scenery if you ask me. The music makes up for it though. It's a mix of rock and electronic, and gives you that adrenaline pump when you need it. Bass rapes the songs at times, but it's still executed to pump you even more.


Now here is the best part of the game. It really gives it it's substance. You and your buddies go on heists that are picked for you. Prediction is eliminated at this point, because every situation occurs RANDOMLY, and requires you and your team to pick out your loadouts carefully. At the start, you are bestowned with the option to scout out ahead and mark out the plan, which doesn't give the game that immediate action build like the mainstream concurence now-a-days. The only drawback I have on this heisting system is how unreal it is. Seriously, you get like 5000 SWAT officers shoved up your ass. WHERE the fuck do they find this kind of firepower? I am drilling the vault, and a great bunch of police officers appear at an Assault wave ready to buttrape you. Of course, this is all for an intended challenge, but really? You're gonna bring the whole America down on my ass? Once you start the heist, you can use the F key to shout at stupid ass civilians who don't listen to you. They also managed to sucessfully find some use out of the keyboard key. You can use that to make officers cuff themselves, mark out special units, and do a shitton of other things. It's amazing how much use one button can do here. Most of the gameplay involves drills and saws that are required, so it may get tedious for you, but the replayability and different scenarios excuse for it it, and gives it more interest the more you play. The A.I, unfortunatley, sucks balls when you play solo, but it can be perfectly understood because this is a CO-OP game and not designed only for you (if in that case you have no friends, faggot). The game also warrants defending your backs. If you go alone to find some object or shit, you can guarantee you'll be in custody, unless you're pretty sure you can handle the cops. It's all about thinking and planning everything out as a team. You get a HUGE arsenal for things to prep yourself up too. Silenced UZIs, pistols, 2 shotguns, assault rifles and so much more. If you're a gun-nut, you'll love it. I had some added problems with the difficulties, because it's just police spam all around, and basically redefines the whole meaning of difficult. You need to SERIOUSLY prep up and have some firepower to finish a mission on the highest difficulty. This difficulty is somewhat lowered when the music from earlier kicks in during an Assault wave for adrenaline, and also the added cash, to remind your faggot ass that you have a million bucks waiting for you to roll in.


There is no story for the game, but it has a synopsis. Basically, 4 guys (a nigger, a Sheffield guy, American and a Swedish) gather around and eventually meet some hacker/whatever called Bain. From then on, it's straight heisting. My favourite guy is Hoxton, the British cunt.

This game is what CO-OP should be. While it has some drawbacks, I had kickass time playing it, so I give it an:

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Re: PAYDAY: The Heist (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 17 @ 00:43:18 EDT
who plays co-op?? makes no sense. i have a single dick that i dont like to share and so i play single player only

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Re: PAYDAY: The Heist (Score: 1)
by zachofat ( on Tuesday, September 17 @ 08:02:17 EDT
(User Info | Send a Message)
You could've just reviewed the 2nd one you know..........

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Re: PAYDAY: The Heist (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 24 @ 16:13:04 EDT
"Basically, 4 guys (a nigger,..." I had to stop reading, so disrespectful...

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Re: PAYDAY: The Heist (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, November 30 @ 17:21:06 EST
You should review Payday 2.

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