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Freedom Fighters
Posted on Wednesday, October 01 @ 19:51:11 EDT by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsWell i sure like fighting for my freedom but not in this shitty game. I think its a console port which should be a good in indication already, its going to suck some dick.

Graphics: They are alright, extremley cartoony. I love best how its not possible to change the resolution or any details, yeah thats great.. So i had to turn on good ol 4xAA to make it look decent. The skins on the people all look shitty and low res and the guy you play looks like a fucking fruit with long hair. Also it might have just been because the game is shitty in the first place but i swear to god there is small holes in the models. Great fucking job modelling dick head!

Sound: It sucks and its too fucking quiet. I turn up the volume all the way in the game and my reciever i turn up to what is normally loud and still this game manages to be so shitty as to sound quiet. What a piece of shit. The sound is fucking gay, the music is shit and the speech is stupid. MOH is extremly loud but not this game! It decides it wants to suck.

Gameplay: Its alright, nothing to special. Wait no it sucks ass. Its repititive and boring. You run around and shoot abunch of guys in this level, which isnt too bad, but in this game it fucking makes sticking my finger in my poopy ass more fun. Then you go capture a building by raising the US Flag. How fucking stupid. The shotgun is fucking useless and all the weapons are so unaccurate. I could hit dick while ducking in some stupid super aim mode bullshit.

Story: Its so realistic, this story is going to blow the shit out of ur ass, into the toilet, and flush itself. Russia takes over the world and makes everything communist. HOLY SHIT THATS TOTALLY REAL AND AWESOME. The day Russia could beat America is the day i pee my pants. Russia sucks its cold, poor, and full of russians. Thats the story. You are a plumber turned rebel (badass) and fight to conquer shit back. Fear, ill plumb you to death.

Freedom fighters im pretty sure is some shit console port, its not worth playing 4/10

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Re: Freedom Fighters (Score: 1)
by PlasticLSD on Thursday, October 02 @ 13:58:05 EDT
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Its not a console port. The console versions arent even out yet.

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Re: Freedom Fighters (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, March 30 @ 22:01:50 EST
The speech was awesome, you nazi idiot. Whats wrong with you?

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Re: Freedom Fighters (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, February 25 @ 16:46:28 EST
Buddy if you are going to try and rip apart and game, or anything for that matter, and you want to be taken seriously, don't swear so much. If you're sitting around the trailer park and you're auntie momma is sucking your dick and making you mayonnaise sandwich this kind of language is permissible, but otherwise skip the swearing.

Now, about your long and inaccurate review of this game. The game is actually quite good and I do like it quite a bit. Granted it is fairly easy (12 hours to clear on normal) the idea behind it is pretty slick. Also remember it is a v-i-d-e-o g-a-m-e, hence, it is supposed to be an alternate reality. I.E Russia taking over the US. FYI Mario and Luigi don't exist, and the Master Chief is not currently battling the Covenant on Halo.

Thanks for coming out, glad you could make it,
and don't let the door hit you in the ass!!!

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Re: Freedom Fighters (Score: 1)
by Kalafan on Tuesday, May 30 @ 14:25:18 EDT
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Well, Suislide's review was certainly better than the fanboy melodrama you fags gave out in response. And I agree, this game's pretty much the super-low budget version of Red Faction 2, which was still only slightly better than it's shitheap ripoff.

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Re: Freedom Fighters (Score: 1)
by fhouse on Sunday, July 22 @ 05:27:20 EDT
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After 4 years it's still a damn fun game, I don't give a shit if it's repetitive or not. Great music, great cutscenes. OK, this was a little intermezzo for IO interactive in the Hitman franchise but still this game and IO interactive fukkin rock ass!

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Re: Freedom Fighters (Score: 1)
by fhouse on Sunday, July 22 @ 05:29:28 EDT
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Oh and IO's Kane and Lynch will have similar gameplay to this if I1m rigt so be ready. :)

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