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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Posted on Thursday, January 24 @ 19:51:01 EST by Suislide
FPS reviewsthetallguy writes "Nobody reviewed this game, so I think I should.....

CS:GO. I was pretty excited for this game at start (never got in the beta), but now that I played it, it's a fine game.

Graphics: Well first of all, the major improvement in CS:GO is the graphics. They kick ass. Valve has outdone themselfs with the graphics. The weapon models look sexy and the new character models look fucking awesome too. The arms however are pretty bland, especially the CT arms, but nothing a little modding can't fix.

Now, while I agree that CS wasn't really a game about graphics it was more about gameplay, this is a welcomed improvement. The enviorments are beautifully detailed and when you turn it up on Ultra, shit goes real. I haven't spent much time on the graphics, but they sure are great. Also, the new gun animations are decent. I didn't like SOME though.

Gameplay: Lol, this is CS, what do you expect? Now, the pretty disappointing thing here is the LACK of new modes made by Valve AND custom game modes! They are still the same! While for Valve modes, they are just offering us a re-named gun-game, a stupid edit of Bomb Defusal and classic being separted in two, which is seriously disappointing.

Anyway, the gameplay is still retained at best fresh. While the movement is a little sluggish and NOT the fast-paced CS we used to know, it's still retained the way it used to be in a good way. Now, the new "blurry" scope feature is FUCKING annoying! Now nobody can make a good CS:GO clip without having extra difficulty sniping everyone! Valve tried to add more realism to the scope, but they failed.

The last thing that wasn't very good considering is the INSANE amount of recoil when you shoot a gun. When you crouch, it still has high recoil! It's like I am shooting a fucking cannon from my arms! Another way to try being realistic, but ultimatley failed and ruins your kill sometimes.

Sounds: Now I agree, the game DOES have some kick-ass new sounds, but a major part of the reload sounds are re-used from other Valve games, which is cheap as fuck. Also, they changed the radio voices to match your currenct faction AND the bot voices, which THANK GOD, the voices were SO annoying in 1.6 and Source (the bot voices).

The new gun sounds are also very well. The AK-47 sounds really kick-ass. The M4A1 however sounds pretty bland, almost like an airsoft gun.

Story: What story? This is an online game! If you think this game needs a story, you should blow your brains out right now.

My persoanl overall closure for this review is that Valve made a great re-made. While it still has some minor flaws and disappointments that might not re-joice the original CS fans, I recommend this game for starters more than veterans. The graphics are awesome, the gameplay is very well retained and the sounds are also kick-ass, excluding some weapon sounds like the M4A1.

Overall, my score is:

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, January 27 @ 03:11:03 EST
the same shit, with different graphics and a few new maps. i agree with the review, nevertheless, i got bored with the game after a week, and never looked at it again since.

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Score: 1)
by zachofat ( on Monday, January 28 @ 14:30:21 EST
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For some reason the recoil didn't affect me as much, but i agree with the score

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, January 30 @ 23:15:45 EST
If there's one thing that pisses me off more than fighting game tourneyfags, it's motherfucking CS fags. When CS first came out eons ago, I seriously did not know what all the fuss was about. It was just another one of the fucking countless boring, faggoty team deathmatch mods polluting the modding scene. It was a little more refined than the others, sure, but it was by no means original in any way at all. There were so many other mods that were actually doing new and innovative things with multiplayer, but they were all being ignored because everyone was so fucking gay for CS, and it baffles me that people have still managed to maintain their boners for this mediocre (at best) game after all this time. Seriously, fuck CS.

Oh, and fuck your new comment system constantly asking me to prove I'm not a bot. Not even mainstream gaming sites fuck up anti-spam systems this badly.

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, February 01 @ 18:03:37 EST
yeah-yeah... so can anyone review X-COM soon?

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Just wait until... (Score: 1)
by BLOME (BLOME@UNIVERSALTesticleCruncherGamingIndustry.loot) on Monday, March 11 @ 13:09:58 EDT
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the Hackers take over this new rejuvenated TURD.
It's just a matter of time. If you've played CS 1.6 or whatever mutation its in right now, there are people in there that make me want to go to their house, punish them by having their fat family members sit on them for a year, decompress them into a Gasoline can, throw that in a Barrel of shit, and light it on fire, then make soup of what's left and feed it to a Mass Defect Reapers to rid the gaming industry from this entire planet.

I sound like I hate video games. Yeah. But I'll tell you what, those 80s video games were and still are the creampie of gaming. Now I must scramble to find "Pole Position".

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, December 12 @ 02:12:25 EST
youre a moron. this game is trash.

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, May 28 @ 19:22:43 EDT
Omg this is such a boring game. It's nowhere near as good as CS source or even 1.6. They needlessly fiddled with the weapon mechanics so now they are extremely inaccurate and also do less damage. And in fact they did this on purpose, so it can be easier to get headshots (basically codified it). They shouldn't even bother including the full player model, they should make it just the head because anything else is crappy. Also I think it's ridiculous that they changed the gameplay so greatly yet still use the old maps, obviously they're not suited for the new gameplay and it just feels bad. I feel bad every time I play it. It makes me feel like vomiting from the boredom. This is NOT counterstrike. It's retarted af and I do not enjoy thinking about it. The graphics are also complete ass it looks comparable to Killzone on the PS2..

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Re: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, May 28 @ 19:40:12 EDT
Omg this is such a boring game. It's nowhere near as good as CS source or even 1.6. They needlessly fiddled with the weapon mechanics so now they are extremely inaccurate and also do less damage. And in fact they did this on purpose, so it can be easier to get headshots (basically codified it). They shouldn't even bother including the full player model, they should make it just the head because anything else is crappy. Also I think it's ridiculous that they changed the gameplay so greatly yet still use the old maps, obviously they're not suited for the new gameplay and it just feels bad. I feel bad every time I play it. It makes me feel like vomiting from the boredom. This is NOT counterstrike. It's retarted af and I do not enjoy thinking about it. The graphics are also complete ass it looks comparable to Killzone on the PS2..

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