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Conflict Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad
Posted on Monday, September 15 @ 17:45:23 EDT by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsW00t w00t I'm going back to baghdad i can't wait! Yeah this game is kind of like Ghost Recon.

Graphics:: The graphics look my like my diarrhea this morning in all its glory. The corn shining barley hanging on the turd. Yes the are of the shitty kind. All the bad guys look the same short and stubby. And they fucking look like Osama what the fuck is that, this is baghdad not Afganastan (or however the fuck you spell it). The textures are like if you took my liquid shit and smeared it against a wall. Terrible. They are all grainy and low res. The models look like shit, their muscles are like fucking pointly lumps. The game is 3rd/1st person, you might want to leave it in first person to get rid of the shitty models.

Sound: The sound is also bad, who could have guessed? Not Shn. There is music at the menu trying to make the game look all badass, it fails. It fails because there is no fucking music the rest of the game. The sounds i think are all 22khz or maybe 11 so they sound like a muffled asshole. Speech is terrible, when doing the training the instructor fucking calls you soilder like 200 fucking times. How about you shut the fuck up and fucking call me a maggot you faggot. OK?!?

Gameplay: Once again we have another cateogorey this game fails in. In 3rd person its too fucking hard to aim because the mouse is not that sensitive in the the center of the screen but move it an inch out FUCKING BOOM you are turned around. The guys all run like they have a turd just barley hanging out of their ass. First person mode isnt as bad, but the aiming still sucks. Driving a vehicle is like trying to drive a fucking rock. It's like that hunk of crap doesnt have power steering. So i ran around shot people that seem to endlessly come out of my cunt. Sniping is actually realistic though, except theres these two fucking lines that help you aim, fucking pussy. You have four guys are your team who you can command and scroll through, like Ghost Recon. They are the stupidiest assholes you will ever meet.

Story: Get ready for this whopper. You are in Baghdad for bejesus knows why. The Iraqi's fuck up your shit. So you go and kill them. Wow yes, i was waiting for this game to get good, and it happened, right here with this amazing story that blew my ass away. Right....

Its bad! Really bad! 1/10!

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Re: Conflict Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Wednesday, September 17 @ 18:45:33 EDT
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why does no one ever comment dammit

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Conflict Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad (Score: 1)
by Grooveygr (Party@Your.Moms) on Friday, September 19 @ 01:14:29 EDT
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Due to popular demand this review shall be commented upon!
review itself is funny as hell (there you have it Suislide!). i've played the game myself and it is a true anus vortex. even at the menu you can tell your in for a world of shit, hell, even the title suggests that....

lots of new games hit the stores last couple of days, get reviewing!! =)

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Re: Conflict Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad (Score: 1)
by fuck_you_cristo on Tuesday, April 09 @ 00:55:53 EDT
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Ha! I played the first but this review made me lose my interest in playing this sequel(it's a sequel, right?). Thanks for enlightening us. Keep on reviewing man :)

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