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Big Mutha Truckers
Posted on Monday, September 15 @ 07:24:17 EDT by Shn
Racing Game ReviewsBig Mutha Truckers is a sort of racing/economic/action game thingy where you drive a truck. Hence the title :D

Now you might wonder why anyone would spend money on a trucker's game. Fortunately, i didn't buy it, as i got it with my vid card (along with Gunmetal).

So, in this game, you're a trucker. At the beginning you can choose between a few characters which each have their own truck. Then there are 2 game modes to choose from: "trial by trucking" and "missions" (not sure about the exact names).
The "missions" mode: you just have to do some missions while driving your truck. The other mode is what makes this game a little interesting, for a few days.

You have 60 days to earn more money than the other drivers.
To earn money you have to travel between cities (there are 5 if i remember well) and buy/sell goods in each of them.
If you're not too stupid, you know you have to buy stuff cheap and sell it in a city where it's expensive. This isn't a game for someone like Suislide.

When in a city to buy/sell stuff, you can upgrade, repair and refuel your truck. You can also go into a bar where the barman will give you tips about what's expensive where. There's also a possibility to take a loan there.

So you buy cheap stuff in a city, then you choose, on a map, where you want to go.
Sometimes an opponent will want to race you as you travel. That's another way to earn money.

During the first 10 days, the game is ok, but it becomes very repetitive and boring. Sure, sometimes you have to do some missions which are different from just driving, but it's always the same thing: when you get into a city, you sell, repair, refuel, upgrade (if rich enough), go to the bar for a tip, buy stuff, leave to another city... where you'll do the exact same thing.

At least, the gameplay, when you're driving, is a bit amusing. It's very arcade and you can crash into cars and create accidents to win money. Sometimes there'll be some bikers and police cars. If you run into them, you'll get into some kind of trouble and will have to get rid of them.

The graphics are ok, not ugly nor beautiful.
On an Athlon 1GHz + geforce fx 5600, the game runs perfectly well in any resolution.

The sound is average too. There are some radios you can listen to while driving, but it seemed like the music was mainly country. So i turned the music off.

Overall, this game is interesting at the beginning, but gets quickly boring.
I give it 6/10 as there aren't many truck driving games out there and this one is probably as interesting as a truck game can get.

More info: Official Site

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Re: Big Mutha Truckers (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Monday, September 15 @ 15:46:01 EDT
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damn urs are longer than mine, fear i shall beat you

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Big Mutha Truckers (Score: 1)
by Grooveygr (Party@Your.Moms) on Thursday, September 18 @ 13:15:42 EDT
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Very nice review Shn...
almost too nice! where are all the dirty words and stupid similes we all love and cherish so dearly? =)

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