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Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Posted on Thursday, July 22 @ 22:18:28 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsLIZARDMAN writes "Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is probably one of the greatest additions to the Battlefield series yet. It takes all of the shit from the first Bad Company and patches it up. Read to find about my review for this game.


Bad Company 2 follows a new storyline different from the first game. This follows up with the characters Preston Marlowe, Sarge, Sweetwater, and Merle Haggard on a mission to stop Russia from controlling major strongholds throughout the Americas. What I liked was the nice storyline flow and the cutscenes. Most of the game takes place in South America, from urban favelas to the Andes Mountains, and anywhere it is, the scenery is good.
However, the bad part is the fact it ends ín an obvious cliffhanger, but this could be the opening for a Bad Company 3.


The game excels in all graphic levels. The lifelike scenery in campaign looks very realistic and the guns look good too. Unlike in Bad Company 1, The blood is noticeable and also has good effects. Multiplayer graphics are even better, especially the player effects and the very little detail. It seems for such large maps the graphical quality would be low, but Bad Company 2 supports it well. Even the new Destruction 2.0 system looks amazing with the graphics of the game.


Probably the most realistic sound I've heard in any war game. The voices are good and actually sound human and gun sounds are almost as realistic as possible. Multiplayer is loaded with amazing sound effects, from the sound of bullet impacts to the sounds of birds flying around in the jungles, EA did a good job putting sounds into this game. The guns in this game sound like they would in real life battles and don't sound like you're ripping up cardboard (hmm... like CoD).


The Game controls in Battlefield Bad Company 1 were just broken, horrible excuses for shooter controls. But, this game fixes up all of the controls from the failure in Bad Company 1 and recreates them to be like all of the "normal" FPS games sold on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. You can easily snap between your Primary gun to your sidearm, thzen to your gadgets and back quickly. Vehicle controls are almost all great. Tanks, cars, and boats are all easy to handle. One of my few criticisms on this game is the stupid-as-hell helicopter controls. This messy shit is still confusing and I'm a high rank, and I know for a fact others feel the same.


Now, for the whole reason I wrote this review and the meat of the game series itself.

The Battlefield series is widely famous for its intense, squad-based multiplayer on huge ass maps with a wide variety of weapons, vehicles, and equipment. And that's what returns in Battlefield:Bad Company 2. First of all, the multiplayer is a tactical squad based with teams of up to 12 people. There can be squads of up to four people, and unlike in CoD, you can only talk to your squad, so you dont hear little babies whining or noob asses playing their Justin Bieber songs into their fucking headsets. There are four game modes: Conquest, where two teams fight to capture points on the map; Rush, where one team fights to destroy objective and another defends the attackers from destroying them; Squad Rush, where Rush rules apply but in a squad vs. squad manner; and Squad Deathmatch, where four squads kill each other to reach the highest amount of kills. They added more to them, which in Bad Company 1 and Battlefield 1943 there was only one game mode. If it wasn't tactical enough, EA also threw in a Hardcore Mode, where there is no HUD and your health is reduced by half. The maps are also good. They are truly gigantic and one might span of over a mile in length. When you go out of bounds, a timer counts down until you are killed by a mortar strike. The new Destruction 2.0 physics system allows you to completely obliterate small building and turn them into little piles of rubble. There are a wide variety of vehicles, from T-90 Main Battle Tanks to Patrol Boats, to Quadbikes and Mil-24 Hind Helicopters. Each vehicle is intersting in its own way and can be applied to a different tactic. The weapons are amazing, divided into four kits: Assault, armed with Assault Rifles and grenale launchers; Engineers use Rocket Launchers/Mines and an SMG; Medics, who wield Light MG's and supply health kits and can defibrillate dead teammates; and Recon, the Sniper kit that also comes with power C4 or Mortar strike goggles. There are also non specific weapons, like shotguns, certain rifles, and exclusive WWII weapons (Thompson, M1911, and M1 Garand). The M1 garand is available only to Battlefield Veterans. The realism is just so intense and gives you an all-out war feeling when playing a multiplayer match.


Pros: Amazing gameplay and good multiplayer
Con (not Cons): Helicopter Controls

Score: 9.75/10"
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Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Score: 1)
by Suislide (FUCK YOU@penis in my on Thursday, July 22 @ 22:19:07 EDT
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I would have given the game a 9/10 in the current state (because my opinion is worth more than yours).

Also, the helicopter controls are fine. You just suck.

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Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Score: 1)
by berzerker on Friday, July 23 @ 02:52:17 EDT
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Why is this review posted on VGS? I did not spot anything remotely funny in the review. It may not be a bad review, but it's not particularly suited to this site.

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Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Saturday, July 24 @ 16:48:13 EDT
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only casual pc-poser retarded faggots like BC2.

seriously, what stage of AIDS do you have to be in to enjoy this shit?

its a shitty multiplayer FPS game, and anyone who writes a positive review of it doesn't know SHIT about video games. suislide, you got to moderate this board please. moderate it from faggots like lizardman.

BC2 is the worst battlefield series multiplayer game ever. it is not an improvement over BF2 and it was designed strictly with consoles in mind. enjoy negative mouse acceleration and the most absolute dog ass of netcode ever. i blame blizzard and valve for this shit. (valve doesn't know shit about making a multiplayer game) they are the ones who bring in the idiot crowd into PC gaming which results in reviews like this.

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Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Score: 1)
by downwiththegov on Friday, July 30 @ 21:29:36 EDT
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I'll give it an 8. your right about it being better than BC1, but its not a classic like BF2. You praised this game too much. I'd give this review a 3/5.

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Re: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, March 10 @ 14:48:36 EST
This game is fucking trash.

I loved the first Bad Company because it was a story about a bunch of fuckups sticking it to the shitty US Army and stealing gold. And having actually served as a grunt in the real life shitty US Army and having been shot at by dildo hajis, I instantly loved that storyline.

But this game shits over all of that and becomes some fucking lame Call of Duty wannabe. Fucking garbage.

If you like this propaganda bullshit then go whack off to the History/Military Channel and dream of being some faggot Navy SEAL or something. You'll really just be some bitch cook or mechanic. And if you do have the guts to go into the infantry, you'll be horribly disappointed that real war involves assholes with cellphone detonated IEDs trying to blow your dick and legs off.

Anyhow, fuck you EA, and fuck you DICE.

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