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Posted on Sunday, September 07 @ 14:24:40 EDT by M0nKeY
RPG ReviewsOne of the best RPGs of all time... GFX Hardware is still catching up to the image quality of this beast.

Morrowind is a deeply immersive RPG from bathesda software released in 2002. The game play is 1st or third person (I prefer the 1st person mode). What makes this game so great is the depth of the storyline(s) and the quality of the 3D models.

The sound is above average. Most of the game dialogue is in text format because of the sheer amount of dialogue involved, but all of the NPCs make some sort of audio comment when you get close to them.

Some of the game play can get repetitive (like killing cliff racers over and over again) and when you start the game you walk PAINFULLY slow even when your speed reaches level 100 you will still want to keep the auto run on. (defult key is CAPS LOCK). The games good points far outweigh the bad and this is definitely a game I would recommend to any RPG fan who hasn't already played it.

There are a few optimizers for the game morrwoind to take advantage of today's graphics cards as well as modify the view distance in real time to keep the game running at your desired FPS. Heres a link to the optimizer I use.

There are also many wonderful modding communities out there for morrowind.

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Re: Morrowind (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Sunday, September 07 @ 18:50:02 EDT
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longest review u have ever written

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Re: Morrowind (Score: 1)
by Shn on Monday, September 08 @ 07:27:03 EDT
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I think i'll wait until i get a PC upgrade to play it...

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Re: Morrowind (Score: 1)
by Suislide on Wednesday, September 10 @ 19:33:56 EDT
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m0nkey stop giving ur own posts a 5 :P

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Re: Morrowind (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, December 23 @ 17:48:01 EST
1 of best games i played. everything written above here is true.
Stuff like killing cliff racers get anoying.
Godd outways the bad by far.
Music is VERY good. No crappy PC-made music, but full orchestral music. (jeremy soule composed it -also 4 neverwinter nights a.o.-)
VERY nice experience.

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