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Posted on Sunday, August 31 @ 14:32:09 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsAnother shitty game but this time in vietnam!

Graphics: They blow fucking dick. Everything looks like paper and really shiity. Also the main character looks SO GAY. He looks like a guy from some vietnam movie i was watching either way hes gay. The water looks like shit everything is just shit. Shit on a fucking stick. Their mouths move so fucking retarded, its like he has a pussy for a mouth and someone is stretching it open each time he says a word.

Sound: The guns sound ok, but the speech is fucking terrible. Everyone sounds like a whiny ass whore.

Gameplay: OMG IT SO BAD. This gameplay was stupidly bad. Its hard to explain just how bad this gameplay was. First all the missions are you just running around in the jungle killing vietcong. I like how there is no innocent people just vietcong. The AI is so fucking bad it hurts. My boobies are hurting right now, infact my nipples are swelling are about to explode its so bad. My team is fucking stupid. When im trying to get somewhere my team decides to be fucking little shits and stand around sometimes doing nothing. This happened many times, im running they decide they want to duck. FUCKING WHAT THE FUCK MOVE THE GAME IS SO FUCKING UP. THIS AI IS COMPLETE SHIT AND ITS ANNOYING.

Story: You shoot abunch of yatty dot dotheads and thats the end of it. Sometimes you save a village or sometimes you go to free one of ur members. BUT HE IS SO FUCKING DUMB HES RUNS INTO A GRENADE AND DECIDES TO DIE.

This game sucked asshole. Hurray for a 1/10

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Re: Vietcong (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Sunday, August 31 @ 14:54:09 EDT
(User Info | Send a Message)
Your a dumbass... Vietcong rocked planet earth. IT was way better then most of the ass FPS games out there. And IMO much more entertaining then Tron 2.0.ass.hat.

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  • Re: Vietcong by Suislide on Sunday, August 31 @ 17:05:34 EDT
  • Re: Vietcong by Anonymous on Friday, October 14 @ 09:55:10 EDT
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