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Tron 2.0
Posted on Wednesday, August 27 @ 18:57:42 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsOmg this game is badass and stuff.

Graphics: Fucking beautiful all the models look nice are are well animated. OO but all the glowing shit really adds to the game. It Just looks good, look at the screenies then you will see. So yeah.

Sound: Sounds good, music is ok it could have been better. Infact its kind of fucking boring. But the sounds are good like when i throw my disc and it bounces off a wall and stuff.

Gameplay: Fucking great. I can throw my cluster disc and something fucking hit them in the neck and cut off their head in a massive explosion because i upgraded it to gold. Yeah so you can upgrade subroutines which are like the fucking weapons so they get better. Also you can upgrade yourself so you arent such a pussy. Yeah and you can walk around and kill shit with this disc. There is other weapons but they fucking blow. Then you also race on these these dumbass looking cycles, but its not bad! You have to make these dumbasses hit your wall. Then you win, complicated (you fucking morons). I was Jet 9.4.0 and i got my Cluster disc and i was kicking anyone's ass who stepped BOOYA BITCH.

Story: You are a dork named jet. He is a nerd and plays the game Tron which is like 200 years old. But then shit goes wrong (it seems to every game) and your father gets captured and you sucked into the comp. These people are trying to take the correction algorithims and do some shit so they can fuck shit up. But mighty jet is here to save the day!

Yeah i liked this game it only got boring in a few spots so ill give it an 8/10

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Half-Life 2

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CHEAT CODES (Score: 1)
by M0nKeY on Wednesday, August 27 @ 19:38:31 EDT
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While playing, press [T] to enable multiplayer chat, then type the cheat and hit [Enter].

mpkfa - All weapons, full health, full energy
mptears - Repeat effect of above cheat
mphealth - Restores full health
mpgod - God mode
mpmaphole - Level skip
mpammo - Full ammunition for weapon sub-routines

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