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Will Rock
Posted on Sunday, August 24 @ 19:17:49 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsThe first Serious Sam rip off, and boy was it terrible.

Graphics: Yeah they look nice excpet kind of repetitive. I swear i saw the same fucking area 10 times. Made me want to yawn then pee my pants. So yeah, im pretty sure this is using the serious engine too. So it looks ok but the artists got fucking lazy and used the same scene like 500 times. The bosses were all fucking gay and their texutres look weird. The last boss Zeus was fucking gay. He sits in a chair and waves shit at you. WOW! Atleast in Serious Sam you got a 350 foot boss shooting fucking things and smashing and stepping on shit.

Sound: Sounds alright, except the minigun sounds fucking gay. Infact all the weapon sounds sucked dick. So nuff said.

Gameplay: Yeah its like Serious Sam except its fucking boring. The enemies are fucking stupid, they blow up out of the ground. How the hell does that happen. Oh and there is a fucked up problem with the mouse so it moves slow then really fast, annoying as hell. The people who did this part should be kicked in the teeth. Gameplay was fucking balls.

Story: You are some dork ass guy who went with this guy digging for some Greek shit. But then these habeeb mother fucks fuck it all up. Then you get the power of this God thing. So now you have to free your girl who got captured that i didnt mention earliar. So basically the story sucks ass. Instead of being Egyptian its now Greek. WOW CREATIVE GUYS. COULD THEY HAVE GOTTEN ANYMORE ORIGINAl. Story blows dick.

This game was boring and the mouse problems make you want to delete this game, take the cd and pee on it, Crack in then eat it, shit it out, and then burn it in a large fire. I give this game a 3/10

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