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Aquanox 2: Revelation
Posted on Saturday, August 23 @ 23:54:39 EDT by Suislide
FPS reviewsWow Jowood does it again with another shitacular game!

Graphics: The first person weapon models were nice, but everything else was utter cunt. They sucked it was all bland and undetailed. It was like someone didnt give a shit. I bet they knew this game would suck so they just gave up.

Sound: Sounds good actually and i liked the music. Wow this is fucking odd.

Gameplay: YAWWWWWWWWWWN. Its so boring, its the same fucking 2 objectives the whole game. Incredibly annoying. One objective escort, how fucking terrible. I hate escort missions because ur AI fellow is always a dumbass. This game is no exception, everyone you escort deicdes to go 2mph like they have to fucking peddle for the propeller to work. Its stupid and gay. Second is DEFNED THE HARVESTER. Wtf this piece of shit boat has no weapons and its up to "the crew" to defend it. And its always the same. BOOOOOOOOOORING. Also you go around and talk to people, gay. It always takes to long.

Story: You are a dumbass. Your name is Drake. The story starts with you being stupid and going to answer a distress call. Instead its aguy who wants to attack and kill you. WHO KNEW!? Then when you get back to your boat, it was hijacked by abunch of single digit IQ dumbasses. Wow dont you feel stupid. Not only that you dont even do a fucking thing about it. Then the adventure begins to find some stupid ass treasure. You do and shoot a missle at the door. THe door opens you find this fucking place thats underwate. BIG FUCKING DEAL its boring. I dont care.

This game also sucked fat nuts so i give it a 2/10

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Most read story in FPS reviews:
Half-Life 2

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Re: Aquanox 2: Revelation (Score: 1)
by FukinHateJOWOOD on Thursday, January 18 @ 07:05:40 EST
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Oh dear Christ in heaven, strike the creators of this steaming heap of shit DEAD! For the love of God, stop making games JOWOOD!

I suggest you Germans gather all of the villagers nearby, and storm Victor Von Fuckups castle with torch in hand.

JOWOOD should be known as the WORST game company on Earth!

Compare Ed Wood (worst director in history) to JoWood studios...get the picture? Wonder if the JoWood staff are cross dressers too? Hmmm.

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