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Dead Space
Posted on Thursday, November 06 @ 00:27:39 EST by Suislide
Action Game ReviewsHell yeah I just finished Dead space and it fucking kicks ass! Imagine System Shock 2 mixed with The Thing and throw in a shit ton of gore and you have Dead Space. Its an RPG/Action game mix and its pure awesome from the beginning to the end. Never a moment without a butthole puckering intensity!

Graphics: So one of the main things is with this game is that technologically it really doesn't have the greatest graphics. I mean they aren't bad at all but they are by no means top of the line. However, the art direction is just kick you in the fucking face great. So there are some low-res textures and somewhat small environments but its completely made up for by the fucking great well designed levels, the atmosphere within the game, and the awesomely designed enemies. So first thing fucking first! The game takes place for ninety percent of the time on the space station floating above a planet. All the environments and levels in this game are damn well designed. You travel all over the space station From MediSci, Engineering, Hydroponics, Crew Quarters, and all over the fucking place. Each area has its own design to it and just has a creepy feeling you never know when you are going to run into new enemies. Speaking of the enemies they are fucking GREAT. There is a fucking ton of different enemies, and everytime you think they won't introduce a new enemy another mutation or creepy thing that climbs or barrels at you. The design for all the ships, environments and characters all have this very sci-fi look to it and as a nice contrast, they suit your main character is in and all the weapons have a very retro look to them. They almost look like something out of Bioshock. One other thing that is awesome is the HUD in this game. Instead of being a normal piece of shit hud, there is nothing on the screen normally. You ammo is displayed on the weapon, and health is displayed on your spine. When you pull up the inventory the character actually looks at it like it is projected in front of them. It really helps the immersion factor when the main character actually responds to the environment in front of him.

The best fucking part of it all was the gore!. You don't kill them by shooting them in the body. You have to blow their fucking limbs off! HELL YEAH. The gore and the blood just fills the game as you blow a billion different chunks of the enemies off and they still come crawling at you. The animations for everything is so well done, its fucking great. If you leg gets pulled by a big tentacle, you blast the shit out of as the camera flails around until you blow a fucking hole in it and it shrivels up like my balls in cold water. So the art design in this game is just absolutey awesome.

Sound: The sound in this game is absolute awesome. The sound of people screaming as they get torn apart by enemies, or the sound of enemies getting blown apart still squishing towards you! All the guns have a full thick and heavy sound and really feel like you are blowing the fuck out of people with a gun. The music is absolutely awesome as well, staying quiet enough to just be ambient when you are idle and starts fucking pumping in full force when you get attacked. Plus the environment sounds all around when they are trying to scare the shit out of you all just sound absolutely great

Gameplay: This is the absolute best fucking part of the game! Its fucking intense all the way from the beginning to the end of the game and it never gets old. It has a slow walking pace but makes you want to crawl for fear of the shit that is going to being waiting in the next room for you. So the gameplay feels a lot like System Shock 2 which is awesome. You have an inventory system with ammo and weapons that take up slots. You get nodes that you can upgrade your suit and weapons with, such as the health or oxygen. Or increasing the capacity of the power of the weapons. There is a store where you can purchase new items and unlock new items to purchase. So you slowly creep around the ship helping to repair items, solving puzzles with your telekinesis and object slowing abilities. All the time while blowing off the limbs and body parts of all new enemies all the time. The mouse moves kind of slow but it really helps to make the game feel more intense. You always feel on edge when walking into new areas due to that fact that you are never sure what you are going to find there. There is a ton of different weapons from saws, rifles, and flamethrowers to dispatch the numerous types of enemies with and its all just a fucking blast. Hell it feels so much like a System Shock 2 clone that even the first couple of levels are Med/Sci, Engineering and Hydoponics just like system shock 2! There are tons of puzzles all in zero-gravity, using your telekensis abilites and all sorts of other shit. The gameplay constantly feels fresh as you creep your way along the ship. Seriously, its absolute fucking intensity all throughout the whole game from the combat, to all puzzles and the atmosphere in the game really helps to draw you in.

Story: So the story in the game is basically you are on a ship, sent to go help a space station that sent out a distress call. Well it turns out some mutant aliens fucked up their shit by the time you get there. Then there are abunch of twists and turns and its fucking fantastic. Also the story is help to presented by the few alive characters and the audio and text logs that are scattered throughout the ship telling of what happened before the people are mutilated. And as they should be, what kind of pack of fucking pussies couldn't take on some aliens when I can destroy them all. Thats what they get for being a pack of inferior pussies.

This game is intense, badass, and just fucking awesome 9.5/10

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Re: Dead Space (Score: 1)
by captnPugwash_halabalobale on Thursday, November 06 @ 09:48:38 EST
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sounds like another doom3. if its anything like it please let us know.

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Re: Dead Space (Score: 1)
by Pixelated on Friday, November 07 @ 13:00:22 EST
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This game is fun and coming from EA that's hard for me to admit. Although they basically just fucking bought it when they bought Dice, like they do all of their good games and IP. As if EA could design good games like Mass Effect and Dead Space. They're just like brain dead forty something spoiled rich yuppies who ask daddy to by it for them.

Anyways this game is awesome and I didn't realize until like the very end of the game that I'd basically been doing the same things over and over for eight hours. It just doesn't really get boring or stale when you're dismembering flesh and bone. I wish they didn't fuck the controls the way they did for the PC though. I can think of a few different ways that they could have compensated for the precision of a mouse. Also there are a lot of parts where this game just screams port but that's not surprising. Still it doesn't take away from it too much.

The only other complaint I could have would be all of the upgrade slots on weapons and gear that you'll just never be able to max out. Seems kind of pointless unless you play it on easy and just spend all of your credits on those power nodes. When playing on the max difficulty level you are always short on ammo and credits. I'm surprised EA didn't censor it for the countries that banned it. Actually shocked is more like it.

Just give me the plasma cutter and the line gun and I'm good. There's nothing like cutting 3 of those flesh piles in half at the same time with the line gun.

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Re: Dead Space (Score: 1)
by Kasrkin on Saturday, November 08 @ 13:00:42 EST
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I don't like:

-Console ports
-Console ports with SHIT CONTROLS you can't redefine
-Console ports with huge HUD and menus that make you feel they are intended to be played in a 24"-32" tv.
-Videogames that could have been much better if were pc developed
-Games with awful camera
-Games with confusing controls
-Games with awful camera and confusing controls to be more difficult to play them (like it would be more difficult to play with an arm tied to the back)

-Survival horror (although this is much more action focused, so I can put up with it)

So I think this is not for me and I have lost hope in playing a true pc only videogame rather than Crysis.

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Re: Dead Space (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, November 09 @ 02:16:04 EST
lmao this game sux so bad. but not as bad as rpg newb Suislide

do u get paid to praise these games? u didn't even play it, did u?

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Re: Dead Space (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Sunday, November 09 @ 08:29:08 EST
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i agree... this game sucks. speaking of sucking, i wonder what the fuck suislide was sucking on when he wrote this review.

if only i could take this review, throw it in a trash can and light it on fucking fire and watch it slowly burn to death while saluting hitler.

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  • Re: Dead Space by flaming_ass_packet on Sunday, November 09 @ 08:30:32 EST

Re: Dead Space (Score: 1)
by flaming_ass_packet on Sunday, November 09 @ 08:32:14 EST
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my dead space review:



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Re: Dead Space (Score: 1)
by Anisotonic on Sunday, November 09 @ 22:14:28 EST
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You're a fucking masochist for playing through this shit, the controls are fucking disgusting, I tried it on my mate's PC and I was unable to get farther than the beginning area with the gay popup menus right out of god damned minority report with homo tom cruise. Anyway, props, you're quite a man. You must have played with a gamepad. Or with a console.

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Re: Dead Space (Score: 1)
by captnPugwash_halabalobale on Thursday, January 08 @ 12:33:56 EST
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Suislide is 100% right, this game is actually good, amazing. its been a long long time in pc gaming since such a kick ass game has been made.

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Re: Dead Space (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, November 11 @ 14:34:49 EST
All who say Dead Space sucks are just gaylords trying to get attention because lost their lover with a 9 inch black cock filled with faeces slapping their tongs while theypiss on the lovers feet.

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