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Peggle: Eyecandy for the Retarded.
Posted on Monday, April 07 @ 14:46:05 EDT by Suislide
Adventure Game ReviewsLord_Jesus_Christ writes "A letter to god, RE: A review of the puzzle game Peggle

Dear God,

I was marveling at your glorious creations, mainly the Orange Box. I took my time with each game, loving and enjoying each one. Half-Life 2: Episode 2 was a masterpiece, bringing me one step closer to having a meaning. The gravity gun, the crowbar, the dead corpses at my feet - orgasmic. Out came Portal, and blew my precious, precious mind. The twists and comments gave me a sense of utmost and profound amusement. Team Fortress 2 helped me attain nirvana as I sniped, burned, raped, pillaged, healed, and built my way across wave after wave of devastated foe. All those games brought me a joy some people will never be able to attain in their natural-born life. For this, I thank you.


Then you dropped Peggle on me. I had no way of knowing how fucking awful and retarded this game would be till it was too late. Bjorn the faggoty Unicorn ruined any hope I would ever have for the advancement of mankind. Peggle is so pointless, stupid and retarded that the forum members at this site look to it as their equal. This abomination has stunted my expectations and fueled my overbearing rage and hatred for PopCap "games" as well as driven me to the brink of (but not exclusive to) a violent and malevolent desire to kill, if only to get my mind off what a hunk of shit you dropped on your faithful. The fans of such game are such a sloppy abortion of human excuses, and for that there is much a reason. This game is fucking awful and I hate you.

PS. If any of your followers or believers like this game, I'll personally send them straight to the fiery chasm, no questions asked. 2/10"
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Re: Peggle: Eyecandy for the Retarded. (Score: 1)
by captnPugwash_halabalobale on Friday, April 11 @ 02:39:35 EDT
(User Info | Send a Message)
"Half-Life 2: Episode 2 was a masterpiece..." wtf?? it was nothing of a masterpiece. the grpahics where good yeah, but nothing new to ep1 or hl2. just have to keep on moving from point to point linearly and keep shooting those outdated boring idiotic zombies, in the end you become a dumb idiotic one. so predictable. only the graphics save it.

"...bringing me one step closer to having a meaning"
dude plzzz get a life, that game has zero meaning, it is such a bore. ever played deus ex1?

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